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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Jing-jing, Zhu; Rui-zhong, Hu; Xian-wu, Bi; Hong, Zhong; Heng, Chen (2011): Appendix A: SIMS zircon U-Pb isotopic analysis of the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong intrusions [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Jing-jing, Z et al. (2011): Zircon U-Pb ages, Hf-O isotopes and whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic geochemistry of granitoids in the Jinshajiang suture zone, SW China: constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. Lithos,

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Published: 2011-07-19DOI registered: 2011-08-16

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Median Latitude: 28.919792 * Median Longitude: 99.092060 * South-bound Latitude: 28.889667 * West-bound Longitude: 99.084111 * North-bound Latitude: 28.960139 * East-bound Longitude: 99.102806
BW-1 * Latitude: 28.960139 * Longitude: 99.093583 * Location: Beiwu intrusion, Hajiang suture zone, southwest China * Method/Device: Rock sample (ROCK)
BW-6 * Latitude: 28.959861 * Longitude: 99.093028 * Location: Beiwu intrusion, Hajiang suture zone, southwest China * Method/Device: Rock sample (ROCK)
LiN-1 * Latitude: 28.918583 * Longitude: 99.102806 * Location: Limong intrusion, Hajiang suture zone, southwest China * Method/Device: Rock sample (ROCK)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Sample code/labelSample labelJing-jing, ZhuSpot No.
3UraniumUmg/kgJing-jing, Zhu
4ThoriumThmg/kgJing-jing, Zhu
5Thorium/Uranium ratioTh/UJing-jing, Zhu
6Common 206Pb in total 206Pbf206%Jing-jing, Zhu
7Lead-207/Lead-206 ratio207Pb/206PbJing-jing, Zhu
8Lead-207/Lead-206 ratio, standard error207Pb/206Pb std e±Jing-jing, Zhu±1 sigma
9Lead-207/Uranium-235 ratio207Pb/235UJing-jing, Zhu
10Lead-207/Uranium-235 ratio, error207Pb/235U e±Jing-jing, Zhu±1 sigma
11Lead-206/Uranium-238 ratio206Pb/238UJing-jing, Zhu
12Lead-206/Uranium-238 ratio, error206Pb/238U e±Jing-jing, Zhu±1 sigma
13Age, datedAge datedkaJing-jing, ZhuAge, 235U/207Pb Uranium-Lead
14Age, dated standard deviationAge dated std dev±Jing-jing, Zhu±1 sigma
15Age, datedAge datedkaJing-jing, ZhuAge, 238U/206Pb Uranium-Lead
16Age, dated standard deviationAge dated std dev±Jing-jing, Zhu±1 sigma
1275 data points

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