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Vostokov, Sergey V; Ushivtsev, V B; Lisitsyn, B E; Soloviev, D M (2004): Abundance and size composition of ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi population in the Caspian Sea on 2001-06-24 to 2001-07-01 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Vostokov, SV et al. (2004): Summer state of the population of ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Caspian Sea in relation to environmental conditions. Translated from Okeanologiya, 2004, 44(1), 101-109, Oceanology, 44(1), 90-98

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Abundance and size distribution of ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in different parts of the Caspian Sea were studied in summer 2001 in relation to environmental conditions. In general, principal differences were found in M. leidyi abundance and population reproduction activity in northern-, middle- and southern Caspian waters. Ctenophore was practically absent in the northern Caspian. In the west of the middle Caspian Sea it penetrated far to the north demonstrating low reproduction activity. In the east the first single comb jellies were pointed out only in the most south of the region. In the warmest and most productive southern part of the Caspian Sea several zones of M. leidyi active breeding were found with total abundance exceeding 6000 #/m**2. Breeding activity and abundance of ctenophores increased here from the east to the west exceeding maximum values along the western coast of the southern Caspian Sea in regions of intensive sprat catching. Dependence of M. leidyi population development on temperature conditions was mentioned. On the base of remote sensed surface temperature, chlorophyll, and suspended mater distribution analysis possible ctenophore settling mechanisms by mesoscale dynamic structures were examined. Practical applications of obtained results are discussed for using effective biological methods to prevent catastrophic consequences of M. leidyi invasion to the Caspian Sea.
Median Latitude: 40.042500 * Median Longitude: 51.077037 * South-bound Latitude: 38.131667 * West-bound Longitude: 48.920000 * North-bound Latitude: 43.125000 * East-bound Longitude: 52.716667
Minimum DEPTH, water: 7.25 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 480.00 m
CS2001-6 * Latitude: 40.506667 * Longitude: 52.536667 * Elevation: -34.0 m * Location: Caspian Sea * Method/Device: Plankton net (PLA)
CS2001-7 * Latitude: 39.990000 * Longitude: 52.225000 * Elevation: -50.0 m * Location: Caspian Sea * Method/Device: Plankton net (PLA)
CS2001-8 * Latitude: 39.716667 * Longitude: 51.898333 * Elevation: -100.0 m * Location: Caspian Sea * Method/Device: Plankton net (PLA)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Latitude of eventLatitude
3Longitude of eventLongitude
4Elevation of eventElevationm
5DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
6Depth, top/minDepth topmVostokov, Sergey V
7Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmVostokov, Sergey V
8Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi#/m2Vostokov, Sergey VCalculatedtotal
9Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi#/m2Vostokov, Sergey VCalculated from abundance/volume1-5 mm
10Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi%Vostokov, Sergey VCalculated1-5 mm
11Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi#/m2Vostokov, Sergey VCalculated from abundance/volume5-10 mm
12Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi%Vostokov, Sergey VCalculated5-10 mm
13Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi#/m2Vostokov, Sergey VCalculated from abundance/volume10-15 mm
14Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi%Vostokov, Sergey VCalculated10-15 mm
15Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi#/m2Vostokov, Sergey VCalculated from abundance/volume15-20 mm
16Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi%Vostokov, Sergey VCalculated15-20 mm
17Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi#/m2Vostokov, Sergey VCalculated from abundance/volume20-30 mm
18Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi%Vostokov, Sergey VCalculated20-30 mm
19Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi#/m2Vostokov, Sergey VCalculated from abundance/volume30-40 mm
20Mnemiopsis leidyiM. leidyi%Vostokov, Sergey VCalculated30-40 mm
270 data points

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