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Khusid, Tatyana A; Basov, Ivan A; Korsun, S A; Korneeva, Galina A (2003): Living benthic foraminifers in bottom sediments of the southeastern Kandalaksha Bay (White Sea) [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Khusid, TA et al. (2003): Living benthic foraminifers in bottom assemblages of the southeastern Kandalaksha Bay (White Sea) and their environment. Transated from Okeanologiya, 2003, 43(4), 566-572, Oceanology, 43(4), 535-541

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Analysis of composition and distribution of benthic foraminifers in six samples of bottom sediments obtained in the southeast Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea at water depths of 20 to 155 m revealed their dependence on lithology and different hydrological characteristics. It is shown that living foraminifers populating relatively shallow areas of the bay (20-60 m), which are bathed by seasonally warmed intermediate water with temperature 0.7-1.5°C and salinity 26 per mil, are characterized by high abundance (250-750 specimens/10 ccm of wet sediment) and prevalence of agglutinated species (Eggerella advena, Recurvoides turbinatus, and others). Deeper (155 m) where cold and relatively saline deep water occurs (-1.4°C, 29.5 per mil), abundance is an order lower (30 specimens/10 ccm) and is dominated by calcareous taxa Cassidulina reniforme, an Arctic cold resistant species.
Median Latitude: 66.263888 * Median Longitude: 33.802655 * South-bound Latitude: 66.233333 * West-bound Longitude: 33.650167 * North-bound Latitude: 66.300667 * East-bound Longitude: 33.917833
Ecolog-2000-5 * Latitude: 66.284000 * Longitude: 33.734333 * Elevation: -40.0 m * Location: Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
Ecolog-2000-6 * Latitude: 66.283667 * Longitude: 33.734167 * Elevation: -51.0 m * Location: Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
Ecolog-2000-9 * Latitude: 66.300667 * Longitude: 33.650167 * Elevation: -20.0 m * Location: Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
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