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Peresypkin, Valery I; Romankevich, Evgeny A; Belyaev, Nikolay A (2003): (Table 3) Concentration of different phenol groups in brown algae Sargassum sp. and Ascophyllum nodosum (Phaeophyta, Fucales) at Station AMK46-4162, Blake-Bahama Abyssal Plain [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Peresypkin, VI et al. (2003): Paraffine hydrocarbons and lignin in the bottom sediments of Blake-Bahama Abyssal Plain. Translated from Okeanologiya, 2003, 43(4), 535-542, Oceanology, 43(4), 503-511

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Published: 2003 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2011-07-21

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Latitude: 27.510167 * Longitude: -75.752833
Minimum DEPTH, water: m * Maximum DEPTH, water: m
AMK46-4162 * Latitude: 27.510167 * Longitude: -75.752833 * Elevation: -4749.0 m * Location: Blake-Bahama Abyssal Plain * Campaign: AMK46 * Basis: Akademik Mstislav Keldysh * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
2Sample typeSamp typePeresypkin, Valery I
3Carbon, organic, totalTOC%Peresypkin, Valery ICarbon analyser AN-7529, 7560
4PhenolsPhenolsmg/kgPeresypkin, Valery IGas chromatographyP = p-hydroxybenzaldehyde + p-oxyacetophenon + p-hydroxybenzoic acid
5PhenolsPhenolsmg/kgPeresypkin, Valery IGas chromatographyV = vanillin + acetovanillone + vanillic acid
6PhenolsPhenolsmg/kgPeresypkin, Valery IGas chromatographyS = syringaldehyde + acetosiringon + purple acid
7PhenolsPhenolsmg/kgPeresypkin, Valery IGas chromatographyC = coumaric acid + ferulic acid
8Phenols, per unit mass total organic carbonPhenols/TOC%Peresypkin, Valery IX-ray fluorescence, Loss on Ignition corrected values (Reimann et al., 1998)P = p-hydroxybenzaldehyde + p-oxyacetophenon + p-hydroxybenzoic acid
9Phenols, per unit mass total organic carbonPhenols/TOC%Peresypkin, Valery ICalculatedV = vanillin + acetovanillone + vanillic acid
10Phenols, per unit mass total organic carbonPhenols/TOC%Peresypkin, Valery ICalculatedS = syringaldehyde + acetosiringon + purple acid
11Phenols, per unit mass total organic carbonPhenols/TOC%Peresypkin, Valery ICalculatedC = coumaric acid + ferulic acid
12PhenolsPhenolsmg/kgPeresypkin, Valery ICalculatedP + V + S + C
13Phenols, per unit mass total organic carbonPhenols/TOC%Peresypkin, Valery ICalculatedP + V + S + C
24 data points

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