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Styro, D; Lukinskiene, M; Morkuniene, R (2004): 137Cs concentrations in the southeastern Baltic Sea in 1997-2000 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Styro, D et al. (2004): Peculiarities of the self-cleaning process of the Baltic Sea of radionuclide 137Cs. Translated from Oceanology, 2004, 44(2), 199-207, Oceanology, 44(2), 183-191

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Published: 2004 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2011-07-21

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Variations of 137Cs concentration in the southeastern Baltic Sea were investigated over the period 1997-2000, i.e. in 11-14 years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident. Rate of "self-cleaning" proved to be very slow. Some results obtained in 1999 were almost the same as those measured after the accident, in 1986. Calculated results showed that "Chernobyl" caesium-137 would be "cleaned" in the Baltic Sea by 2020-2022. In 2000 average concentration had to be about 50-60 Bq/m**3. Sometimes mentioned concentrations were observed. In some cases higher concentrations averaging from 67 to 80 Bq/m**3 were registered in the southeastern Baltic Sea in 1999; and in some samples 137Cs concentrations were very high. They varied from 110 to 212 Bq/m**3. No steady correlation was observed between 137Cs concentration, salinity and temperature in surface water of the area. Distribution of radionuclide concentration sometimes depends on direction of water mass transport. Abnormally high concentrations of 137Cs in the southeastern Baltic Sea may result from additional radioactive waste discharge.
Median Latitude: 55.763726 * Median Longitude: 20.258924 * South-bound Latitude: 54.833333 * West-bound Longitude: 18.400000 * North-bound Latitude: 57.316667 * East-bound Longitude: 21.083333
SLM-SEBS-1 * Latitude: 56.066667 * Longitude: 19.400000 * Location: Southeast Baltic Sea
SLM-SEBS-2 * Latitude: 55.566667 * Longitude: 21.083333 * Location: Southeast Baltic Sea
SLM-SEBS-3 * Latitude: 55.700000 * Longitude: 20.600000 * Location: Southeast Baltic Sea
9 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Styro, D; Lukinskiene, M; Morkuniene, R (2004): (Table 1) Concentrations of 137Cs, water and wind parametes in the southeast Baltic Sea in May 1997.
  2. Styro, D; Lukinskiene, M; Morkuniene, R (2004): (Table 2) Concentrations of 137Cs, water and wind parametes in the southeast Baltic Sea in October 1997.
  3. Styro, D; Lukinskiene, M (2004): (Table 3) Concentrations of 137Cs, water and wind parametes in the southeast Baltic Sea in February 1998.
  4. Styro, D; Lukinskiene, M; Morkuniene, R (2004): (Table 4) Concentrations of 137Cs, water and wind parametes in the southeast Baltic Sea in May 1998.
  5. Styro, D; Lukinskiene, M; Morkuniene, R (2004): (Table 5) Concentrations of 137Cs, water and wind parametes in the southeast Baltic Sea in November 1998.
  6. Styro, D; Lukinskiene, M; Morkuniene, R (2004): (Table 6) Concentrations of 137Cs in surface waters of the southeast Baltic Sea in May 1999, water and wind parametes.
  7. Styro, D; Lukinskiene, M; Morkuniene, R (2004): (Table 7) Concentrations of 137Cs in surface waters of the southeast Baltic Sea in July 1999, water and wind parametes.
  8. Styro, D; Lukinskiene, M; Morkuniene, R (2004): (Table 8) Concentrations of 137Cs in surface waters of the southeast Baltic Sea in February and May 2000, water and wind parametes.
  9. Styro, D; Lukinskiene, M; Morkuniene, R (2004): (Table 10) Concentrations of 137Cs in near-shore waters of the Baltic Sea near Juodkrante in 1997-2000.