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Sieger, Rainer; Grobe, Hannes; Diepenbroek, Michael; Schindler, Uwe; Schlitzer, Reiner (2005): International Collection of JGOFS (Joint Global Ocean Flux Study), Volume 2: Integrated Data Sets (1989-2003) [dataset]. World Data Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, PANGAEA,

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The JGOFS International Collection Volume 2: Integrated Data Sets CD is a coherent, organised compilation of existing data sets produced by member countries which participated in JGOFS. In most cases, the data were gathered from the JGOFS International Collection, Volume 1: Discrete Datasets DVD. To produce Vol. 1 data were taken from the original sources and copied “as is” on the DVD. For Vol. 2 data and metadata have been harmonized using the conversion software PanTool and the import routine of PANGAEA checking for completeness of metadata and defining the relations between data and metadata. Prior to the import, data had performed a technical quality control, i.e. format and readability of the file, availability and combination of parameters and units, range of values.
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Sieger, Rainer; Grobe, Hannes; Diepenbroek, Michael; Schindler, Uwe; Schlitzer, Reiner (2005): International Collection of JGOFS (Joint Global Ocean Flux Study), Volume 2: Integrated Data Sets (1989-2003). WDC-MARE Reports, 3, CD+booklet, 15 pp,
Other version:
JGOFS International - CD-ROMs [dataset].
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