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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Semina, Galina I; Mikaelyan, A S; Belyaeva, Galina A (1997): Abundance and biomass of phytoplankton in the water column in the northern subtropical Pacific [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Semina, GI et al. (1997): Phytoplankton of different size groups of the northern subtropical zone of the Pacific Ocean. Translated from Okeanologiya, 1997, 37(5), 730-738, Oceanology, 37(5), 657-665

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Species composition, cell number and biomass of pico-, nanno- and microalgae were estimated for open waters of the northern subtropical zone of the Pacific Ocean and coastal waters off the North America. Total phytoplankton abundance was also evaluated. Productivity of these waters was newly estimated. Distribution of phytoplankton, its size, and taxonomic groups were compared with chlorophyll distribution estimated during the same cruise. Dissimilarities between distribution of small and large forms result from their adaptation to various peculiarities of the environment.
Median Latitude: 27.986800 * Median Longitude: -138.839000 * South-bound Latitude: 20.240000 * West-bound Longitude: -168.600000 * North-bound Latitude: 36.360000 * East-bound Longitude: -111.150000
AMK22-2332 * Latitude: 32.380000 * Longitude: -167.690000 * Location: Pacific Ocean * Method/Device: Transparent bottle 150L (TRANS150)
AMK22-2333 * Latitude: 27.840000 * Longitude: -168.600000 * Location: Pacific Ocean * Method/Device: Transparent bottle 150L (TRANS150)
AMK22-2339 * Latitude: 20.240000 * Longitude: -153.180000 * Location: Pacific Ocean * Method/Device: Transparent bottle 150L (TRANS150)
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