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Agatova, Alina I; Lapina, N M (1996): (Table 2) Phosphatase activity in the photic layer of the Kuril region [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Agatova, AI; Lapina, NM (1996): An estimation of the rates of destruction processes in the Sea of Okhotsk. Translated from Okeanologiya, 1996, 36(4), 543-549, Oceanology, 36(4), 509-515

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Median Latitude: 45.806182 * Median Longitude: 149.875491 * South-bound Latitude: 43.935000 * West-bound Longitude: 145.883333 * North-bound Latitude: 48.265000 * East-bound Longitude: 154.950000
Date/Time Start: 1993-07-07T22:28:00 * Date/Time End: 1993-07-17T23:31:00
Minimum Elevation: -6100.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -39.0 m
Nesmeyanov-93_2279  * Latitude: 43.935000 * Longitude: 145.883333 * Date/Time: 1993-07-07T22:28:00 * Elevation: -39.0 m * Location: Okhotsk Sea * Campaign: AN_1993 * Basis: Akademik A Nesmeyanov * Method/Device: Go-Flo bottles (GOFLO)
Nesmeyanov-93_2280  * Latitude: 44.176000 * Longitude: 146.139000 * Location: Northwest Pacific * Campaign: AN_1993 * Basis: Akademik A Nesmeyanov * Method/Device: Go-Flo bottles (GOFLO)
Nesmeyanov-93_2292  * Latitude: 45.028333 * Longitude: 146.251667 * Date/Time: 1993-07-10T22:51:00 * Elevation: -2880.0 m * Location: Okhotsk Sea * Campaign: AN_1993 * Basis: Akademik A Nesmeyanov * Method/Device: Go-Flo bottles (GOFLO)
Specific activity - for 1 mg of protein.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEvent
Latitude of eventLatitude
Longitude of eventLongitude
Elevation of eventElevationm
Water bodiesWater bodiesAgatova, Alina I
Phosphorus, inorganicP inorgµmol/lAgatova, Alina I
Phosphorus, organicP orgµmol/lAgatova, Alina I
Phosphatase activity, totalPhATµmol P/l/hAgatova, Alina I
Phosphatase activity, specificPhASµmol P/h/mgAgatova, Alina I
10 Time in hoursTimehAgatova, Alina Irecycling oforganic phosphorus
66 data points


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Elevation [m]

Water bodies

P inorg [µmol/l]

P org [µmol/l]

PhAT [µmol P/l/h]

PhAS [µmol P/h/mg]
Time [h]
Nesmeyanov-93_2312 46.645151.569waters of the northern subarctic frontal zone0.890.500.0070.060105
Nesmeyanov-93_2309 45.702151.822-1820waters of the northern subarctic frontal zone0.880.770.0050.037108
Nesmeyanov-93_2317 48.265153.567-1900waters of the northern subarctic frontal zone1.100.390.0060.04695
Nesmeyanov-93_2279 43.935145.883-39waters of the southern Kuril shelf0.180.350.0120.06930
Nesmeyanov-93_2280 44.176146.139waters of the southern Kuril shelf0.040.740.0100.07174
Nesmeyanov-93_2292 45.028146.252-2880waters of the Sea of Okhotsk0.280.320.0060.04453
Nesmeyanov-93_2296 45.533147.933waters of the Sea of Okhotsk0.340.610.0080.03676
Nesmeyanov-93_2301 45.534149.049waters of the Sea of Okhotsk0.230.610.0100.03758
Nesmeyanov-93_2313 47.207151.233-3380waters of the Sea of Okhotsk0.700.490.0070.03070
Nesmeyanov-93_2305 44.552150.233-6000waters of the western subarctic transformed water body0.240.980.0210.10046
Nesmeyanov-93_2321 47.292154.950-6100waters of the western subarctic water body0.620.320.0070.07043