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Tropin, L V (1997): (Table 1) Metal contents in marine green algae (Chlorophyta) with background and enhanced element concentrations in the environment [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Tropin, LV (1996): Taxonomic and ecological features of metal distribution in thalli of marine algae (Chlorophyta). Translated from Okeanologiya, 1996, 36(3), 424-430, Oceanology, 36(3), 391-397

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Character of metal accumulation in fractions of thalli of four species of marine green benthos algae under background and enhanced (0.3 mg/l) element concentrations in the environment was studied in short-term 24-hour experiments. Algae were shown to hold polysaccharide and protein mechanisms of metal accumulation. Variance analysis was applied to evaluate taxonomic and ecological features of metal distribution in fractions of thalli.
Latitude: 44.618000 * Longitude: 33.530000
Sev-Trop_Met * Latitude: 44.618000 * Longitude: 33.530000 * Location: Sevastopol Bay, Black Sea * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Contents are given for raw weight of thallus.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1OrderOrderTropin, L V
2SpeciesSpeciesTropin, L V
3SalinitySalTropin, L V
4Number of observationsNOBS#Tropin, L V
5CadmiumCdmg/kgTropin, L Vinitial
6Cadmium, standard deviationCd std dev±Tropin, L Vinitial
7CadmiumCdmg/kgTropin, L Vpostexperimental
8Cadmium, standard deviationCd std dev±Tropin, L Vpostexperimental
9CadmiumCdmg/kgTropin, L Vincrease
10CopperCumg/kgTropin, L Vinitial
11Copper, standard deviationCu std dev±Tropin, L Vinitial
12CopperCumg/kgTropin, L Vpostexperimental
13Copper, standard deviationCu std dev±Tropin, L Vpostexperimental
14CopperCumg/kgTropin, L Vincrease
15ManganeseMnmg/kgTropin, L Vinitial
16Manganese, standard deviationMn std dev±Tropin, L Vinitial
17ManganeseMnmg/kgTropin, L Vpostexperimental
18Manganese, standard deviationMn std dev±Tropin, L Vpostexperimental
19ManganeseMnmg/kgTropin, L Vincrease
20NickelNimg/kgTropin, L Vinitial
21Nickel, standard deviationNi std dev±Tropin, L Vinitial
22NickelNimg/kgTropin, L Vpostexperimental
23Nickel, standard deviationNi std dev±Tropin, L Vpostexperimental
24NickelNimg/kgTropin, L Vincrease
25LeadPbmg/kgTropin, L Vinitial
26Lead, standard deviationPb std dev±Tropin, L Vinitial
27LeadPbmg/kgTropin, L Vpostexperimental
28Lead, standard deviationPb std dev±Tropin, L Vpostexperimental
29LeadPbmg/kgTropin, L Vincrease
30ZincZnmg/kgTropin, L Vinitial
31Zinc, standard deviationZn std dev±Tropin, L Vinitial
32ZincZnmg/kgTropin, L Vpostexperimental
33Zinc, standard deviationZn std dev±Tropin, L Vpostexperimental
34ZincZnmg/kgTropin, L Vincrease
136 data points

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