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Emelyanov, Emelyan M (1992): Composition of bottom sediments from Mediterranean anoxis basins [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Emelyanov, EM (1992): The sediments of the anoxic basins of the Mediterranean Sea. Oceanology, 32(3), 382-388

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Biomass and size structure of planktic infusoria communities were investigated in March 1987 at nine stations on a 370 mile transect across the coastal upwelling zone, the California current, and subtropical waters. Infusoria compose up to 71-92% of total biomass of heterotrophic micro- and nannoplankton; their biomass was 0.6-2.0 g/m**2 in the 0-200 m layer. Distinctive characteristics of taxonomic and size structures were of great diversity of microplanktic Stormbilidiwn forms, comparatively low abundance of tintinnids, and high abundance of nannoplanktic infusoria that accounted for 26-54% of biomass.
Median Latitude: 34.298054 * Median Longitude: 20.013168 * South-bound Latitude: 34.297400 * West-bound Longitude: 20.001200 * North-bound Latitude: 34.299400 * East-bound Longitude: 20.016500
AMK20-2127 * Latitude: 34.297700 * Longitude: 20.015800 * Elevation: -3410.0 m * Location: Mediterranean Sea * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
AMK20-2128 * Latitude: 34.299100 * Longitude: 20.016500 * Elevation: -3512.0 m * Location: Mediterranean Sea * Method/Device: Okean Grab (OKEAN)
AMK20-2129 * Latitude: 34.297400 * Longitude: 20.014400 * Elevation: -3515.0 m * Location: Mediterranean Sea * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
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