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Verzhbitsky, Evgeny V (1991): Heat flow in the Central Basin of the Indian Ocean and the northern part of the Afanasy Nikitin Rise [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Verzhbitsky, EV (1991): Heat flux in the Central Basin of the Indian Ocean. Oceanology, 31(5), 583-588

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Heat flux data obtained during Cruise 20 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in the Central Basin of the Indian Ocean and northern part of the Afanasy Nikitin Rise are presented. Thermal conditions on the rise are not associated with an anomalous zone of the large tectonic deformation block north of it. Geothermal data indicate that the Afanasy Nikitin Rise has formed near an ancient spreading axis. Distribution of measured heat flux values indicates an additional source of heat in the Central Basin resulting from dissipative heating of the crust in the two-stage plate tectonics model.
Median Latitude: -3.347567 * Median Longitude: 82.686733 * South-bound Latitude: -3.416667 * West-bound Longitude: 82.341333 * North-bound Latitude: -3.118000 * East-bound Longitude: 83.709333
Minimum Elevation: -4910.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -4418.0 m
AMK20-2136  * Latitude: -3.374167 * Longitude: 82.341333 * Elevation: -4910.0 m * Location: Indian Ocean * Campaign: AMK20 * Basis: Akademik Mstislav Keldysh * Method/Device: Thermistor Gravity Corer (TGC)
AMK20-2140-1  * Latitude: -3.414000 * Longitude: 82.453000 * Elevation: -4419.0 m * Location: Indian Ocean * Campaign: AMK20 * Basis: Akademik Mstislav Keldysh * Method/Device: Thermistor Gravity Corer (TGC)
AMK20-2140-2  * Latitude: -3.416667 * Longitude: 82.463333 * Elevation: -4418.0 m * Location: Indian Ocean * Campaign: AMK20 * Basis: Akademik Mstislav Keldysh * Method/Device: Thermistor Gravity Corer (TGC)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEvent
Latitude of eventLatitude
Longitude of eventLongitude
Elevation of eventElevationm
Temperature (thermal) gradientT grad10-3 °C/cmVerzhbitsky, Evgeny VThermogradient meter
Conductivity, thermalkW/m/KVerzhbitsky, Evgeny VThermal conductive detector (TCD)
Heat flowHFmW/m2Verzhbitsky, Evgeny VCalculated
Heat flow, standard deviationHF std dev±Verzhbitsky, Evgeny VCalculated
Heat flowHFmW/m2Verzhbitsky, Evgeny VCalculatedcorrected for sedimentation and differences in thermal conductivity
25 data points


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Elevation [m]

T grad [10-3 °C/cm]
(Thermogradient meter)

k [W/m/K]
(Thermal conductive detector (...)

HF [mW/m2]

HF std dev [±]

HF [mW/m2]
(corrected for sedimentation a...)
AMK20-2136 -3.37416782.341333-4910670.9664670
AMK20-2140-1 -3.41400082.453000-4419740.8059565
AMK20-2140-2 -3.41666782.463333-4418810.8066562
AMK20-2140-3 -3.41500082.466667-4424890.8070777
AMK20-2146 -3.11800083.709333-4793860.8169676