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Schiebel, Ralf; Hemleben, Christoph (2002): Plasm bearing foraminifera counts of multinet M36/6_MSN1198 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2002-07-15DOI registered: 2005-03-21

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Related to:
Schiebel, Ralf (2002): Planktic foraminiferal sedimentation and the marine calcite budget. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16(4), 1065,
Latitude: 47.182333 * Longitude: -19.582000
Date/Time Start: 1996-10-31T10:02:00 * Date/Time End: 1996-10-31T10:02:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 150.0 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 600.0 m
M36/6_MSN1198 (407) * Latitude: 47.182333 * Longitude: -19.582000 * Date/Time: 1996-10-31T10:02:00 * Elevation: -4565.0 m * Location: Biotrans * Campaign: M36/6 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Multiple opening/closing net (MSN)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
2Depth, top/minDepth topmSchiebel, Ralf
3Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmSchiebel, Ralf
4Sample commentSample commentSchiebel, Ralftest size in µm
5Dentagloborotalia anfractaD. anfracta#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
6Globigerina bulloidesG. bulloides#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
7Globigerinella calidaG. calida#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
8Turborotalita clarkeiT. clarkei#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
9Tenuitella compressaT. compressa#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
10Globigerinoides conglobatusG. conglobatus#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
11Globorotalia crassaformisG. crassaformis#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
12Sphaeroidinella dehiscensS. dehiscens#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
13Beella digitataB. digitata#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
14Globigerinella digitataG. digitata#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
15Hastigerina digitataH. digitata#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
16Neogloboquadrina dutertreiN. dutertrei#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
17Globigerina falconensisG. falconensis#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
18Streptochilus globigerumS. globigerum#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
19Globigerinita glutinataG. glutinata#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
20Globorotalia hirsutaG. hirsuta#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
21Turborotalita humilisT. humilis#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
22Neogloboquadrina incomptaN. incompta#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
23Globorotalia inflataG. inflata#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
24Tenuitella iotaT. iota#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
25Globorotalia menardiiG. menardii#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
26Globigerinita minutaG. minuta#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
27Candeina nitidaC. nitida#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
28Pulleniatina obliquiloculataP. obliquiloculata#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
29Neogloboquadrina pachydermaN. pachyderma#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
30Tenuitella parkeraeT. parkerae#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
31Hastigerina pelagicaH. pelagica#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
32Berggrenia pumilioB. pumilio#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
33Turborotalita quinquelobaT. quinqueloba#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
34Globigerinoides ruber pinkG. ruber p#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
35Globigerinoides ruber whiteG. ruber w#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
36Globoturborotalita rubescensG. rubescens#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
37Globigerinoides sacculiferG. sacculifer#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
38Globorotalia scitulaG. scitula#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
39Globigerinella siphoniferaG. siphonifera#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
40Globoturborotalita tenellaG. tenella#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
41Globorotalia theyeriG. theyeri#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
42Globorotalia truncatulinoidesG. truncatulinoides#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
43Globorotalia tumidaG. tumida#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
44Globorotalia ungulataG. ungulata#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
45Orbulina universaO. universa#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
46Globigerinita uvulaG. uvula#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
47Gallitellia vivansG. vivans#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
48Foraminifera, planktic indeterminataForam plankt indet#Schiebel, RalfCounting, foraminifera, live (Walton, 1952, Cushman Found Foram Res 3:56-60)
1128 data points

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