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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Sval'nov, Vyacheslav N; Strizhov, Valentin P; Bogdanov, Yury A; Isaeva, Alexandra B (1984): Composition of barite crusts and basalts from the Red Sea rift zone [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Sval'nov, VN et al. (1984): Hydrothermal barite crust on basalts in the Atlantis-II Deep (Red Sea). Oceanology, 24(6), 716-720

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Barite ores with admixture of sphalerite that occur in the Atlantis-II Deep are indicated by their geological position, structure, and mineral and chemical characteristics and by isotope composition of sulfur and oxygen in them to be of hydrothermal origin. They were produced close to an orifice of an intermittent hydrothermal vent by chemogenic precipitation of barite onto cooled basalt.
Median Latitude: 19.697806 * Median Longitude: 39.058872 * South-bound Latitude: 17.906667 * West-bound Longitude: 38.076700 * North-bound Latitude: 21.371700 * East-bound Longitude: 40.095000
D-232a * Latitude: 18.016667 * Longitude: 40.041667 * Elevation Start: -1490.0 m * Elevation End: -1553.0 m * Location: Red Sea * Campaign: PIKAR * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
D-241 * Latitude: 17.906667 * Longitude: 40.081667 * Elevation Start: -1500.0 m * Elevation End: -1600.0 m * Location: Red Sea * Campaign: PIKAR * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
D-319 * Latitude: 18.153333 * Longitude: 39.980000 * Elevation Start: -1470.0 m * Elevation End: -1550.0 m * Location: Red Sea * Campaign: PIKAR * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
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