Schiebel, Ralf; Hemleben, Christoph (2002): Pteropoda counts of multinet FCA97C_MSN1345 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Related to:
Schiebel, Ralf (2002): Planktic foraminiferal sedimentation and the marine calcite budget. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16(4), 1065,
Schiebel, Ralf; Waniek, Joanna J; Zeltner, A; Alves, Mario L G R (2002): Impact of the Azores Front on the distribution of planktic foraminifers, shelled gastropods, and coccolithophorids. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49(19), 4035-4050,
Latitude: 34.941472 * Longitude: -29.177944
Date/Time Start: 1997-08-04T08:18:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-08-04T08:18:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 10.0 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 90.0 m
FCA97C_MSN1345 * Latitude: 34.941472 * Longitude: -29.177944 * Date/Time: 1997-08-04T08:18:00 * Elevation: -3644.0 m * Location: Azores front * Campaign: FCA97 * Basis: Arquipelago * Method/Device: Multiple opening/closing net (MSN)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Depth, top/min | Depth top | m | Schiebel, Ralf | ||
3 | Depth, bottom/max | Depth bot | m | Schiebel, Ralf | ||
4 | Sample comment | Sample comment | Schiebel, Ralf | test size in µm | ||
5 | Limacina inflata | L. inflata | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, pteropods | |
6 | Limacina sp. | Limacina sp. | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, pteropods | |
7 | Creseis sp. | Creseis sp. | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, pteropods | |
8 | Clio convexa | C. convexa | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, pteropods | |
9 | Clio pyramidata | C. pyramidata | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, pteropods | |
10 | Clio sp. | Clio sp. | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, pteropods | |
11 | Cavolina sp. | Cavolina sp. | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, pteropods | |
12 | Diacria sp. | Diacria sp. | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, pteropods | |
13 | Pteropoda sp. | Pteropoda sp. | # | Schiebel, Ralf | Counting, pteropods |
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360 data points