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Zaika, Viktor E (1972): (Table 1) Abundance of microzooplankton in surface waters of the Mediterranean Sea in August 1970 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Zaika, VE (1972): Microzooplankton of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean off Northwestern Africa. Oceanology, 12, 408-414

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Median Latitude: 36.708824 * Median Longitude: 4.444059 * South-bound Latitude: 35.000000 * West-bound Longitude: -4.917000 * North-bound Latitude: 38.433000 * East-bound Longitude: 21.350000
Date/Time Start: 1970-08-02T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1970-08-26T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 50 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 50 m
ML25_MSPl-1 * Latitude: 36.350000 * Longitude: 21.350000 * Date/Time: 1970-08-02T00:00:00 * Location: Mediterranean Sea * Campaign: ML25 * Basis: Mikhail Lomonosov * Method/Device: Plankton water sample (PLAWS)
ML25_MSPl-2 * Latitude: 35.000000 * Longitude: 20.000000 * Date/Time: 1970-08-02T00:00:00 * Location: Mediterranean Sea * Campaign: ML25 * Basis: Mikhail Lomonosov * Method/Device: Plankton water sample (PLAWS)
ML25_MSPl-3 * Latitude: 35.000000 * Longitude: 19.000000 * Date/Time: 1970-08-02T00:00:00 * Location: Mediterranean Sea * Campaign: ML25 * Basis: Mikhail Lomonosov * Method/Device: Plankton water sample (PLAWS)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Latitude of eventLatitude
3Longitude of eventLongitude
4Elevation of eventElevationm
5Date/Time of eventDate/Time
6DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
7Depth, top/minDepth topmZaika, Viktor E
8Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmZaika, Viktor E
9Number of observationsNOBS#Zaika, Viktor E
10Infusoria sp.Infusoria sp.#/lZaika, Viktor EMicroscopy
11NaupliiNauplii#/lZaika, Viktor EMicroscopy
12CopepoditesCopepodites#/lZaika, Viktor EMicroscopy
13RadiolariansRad#/lZaika, Viktor EMicroscopy
14AppendiculariaAppendic#/lZaika, Viktor EMicroscopy
15MicrozooplanktonMicrozoopl#/lZaika, Viktor EMicroscopyother
153 data points

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