Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B; Mizdalski, Elke; Cornils, Astrid (2010): Abundance of copepods from multinet samples during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XX/1, version 1 [dataset]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Published: 2010-11-16 • DOI registered: 2010-12-30
Alert Replaced by:
Cornils, Astrid; Mizdalski, Elke; Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B (2017): Abundance of copepods during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XX/1 (PS63) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Related to:
Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B; Mizdalski, Elke; Cornils, Astrid (2010): Copepod abundance and species composition in the Eastern subtropical/tropical Atlantic. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 57(24-26), 2064-2075,
Bentho-Pelagic Processes @ AWI (AWI_BPP)
Median Latitude: 2.545916 * Median Longitude: -8.784032 * South-bound Latitude: -27.474000 * West-bound Longitude: -21.157200 * North-bound Latitude: 34.830300 * East-bound Longitude: 12.216100
Date/Time Start: 2002-11-02T07:39:00 * Date/Time End: 2002-11-20T07:52:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 25 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 250 m
PS63/002-1 * Latitude: 34.830300 * Longitude: -14.097100 * Date/Time Start: 2002-11-02T07:39:00 * Date/Time End: 2002-11-02T07:53:00 * Elevation: -3965.0 m * Location: North Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: ANT-XX/1 (PS63) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Multiple opening/closing net, 100 µm meshsize (MSN100)
PS63/003-1 * Latitude: 30.319700 * Longitude: -14.937200 * Date/Time Start: 2002-11-03T07:38:00 * Date/Time End: 2002-11-03T07:51:00 * Elevation: -3147.0 m * Location: Canarias Sea * Campaign: ANT-XX/1 (PS63) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Multiple opening/closing net, 100 µm meshsize (MSN100)
PS63/004-1 * Latitude: 26.447600 * Longitude: -17.021700 * Date/Time Start: 2002-11-04T07:44:00 * Date/Time End: 2002-11-04T07:57:00 * Elevation: -3616.0 m * Location: Canarias Sea * Campaign: ANT-XX/1 (PS63) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Multiple opening/closing net, 100 µm meshsize (MSN100)
Multinet opening: 0.25 m². This dataset has been replaced by the revised dataset (2017-09-25).
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | ||||
2 | Date/Time of event | Date/Time | ||||
3 | Latitude of event | Latitude | ||||
4 | Longitude of event | Longitude | ||||
5 | Elevation of event | Elevation | m | |||
6 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Geocode | ||
7 | Depth, top/min | Depth top | m | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | ||
8 | Depth, bottom/max | Depth bot | m | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | ||
9 | Volume | Vol | m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | filtered volume | |
10 | Comment | Comment | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | |||
11 | Acartia danae, female | A. danae f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
12 | Acartia danae, male | A. danae m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
13 | Acartia negligens, female | A. negligens f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
14 | Acartia negligens, male | A. negligens m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
15 | Acartia sp., female | Acartia sp. f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | Species 1 |
16 | Acartia spp., copepodites | Acartia spp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
17 | Acrocalanus andersoni, copepodites | A. andersoni c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
18 | Acrocalanus andersoni, female | A. andersoni f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
19 | Acrocalanus andersoni, male | A. andersoni m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
20 | Acrocalanus auropecten, copepodites | A. auropecten c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
21 | Acrocalanus longicornis, copepodites | A. longicornis c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
22 | Acrocalanus longicornis, female | A. longicornis f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
23 | Acrocalanus longicornis, male | A. longicornis m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
24 | Acrocalanus monachus, copepodites | A. monachus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
25 | Aetideus acutus, copepodites | A. acutus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
26 | Aetideus acutus, female | A. acutus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
27 | Aetideus acutus, male | A. acutus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
28 | Aetideus armatus, female | A. armatus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
29 | Aetideus giesbrechti, female | A. giesbrechti f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
30 | Aetideus giesbrechti, male | A. giesbrechti m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
31 | Aetideus spp., copepodites | Aetideus spp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
32 | Amallothrix sp., copepodites | Amallothrix sp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
33 | Amallothrix sp., female | Amallothrix sp. f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
34 | Archescolecithrix auropecten, copepodites | A. auropecten c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
35 | Archescolecithrix auropecten, female | A auropecten f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
36 | Archescolecithrix auropecten, male | A. auropecten m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
37 | Arietellus aculeatus, copepodites | A. aculeatus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
38 | Arietellus aculeatus, female | A. aculeatus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
39 | Arietellus plumifer, female | A. plumifer f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
40 | Arietellus setosus, copepodites | A. setosus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
41 | Arietellus setosus, male | A. setosus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
42 | Arietellus sp., copepodites | Arietellus sp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
43 | Augaptilus longicaudatus, copepodites | A. longicaudatus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
44 | Augaptilus longicaudatus, female | A. longicaudatus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
45 | Augaptilus longicaudatus, male | A. longicaudatus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
46 | Augaptilus spinifrons, copepodites | A. spinifrons c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
47 | Augaptilus spinifrons, female | A. spinifrons f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
48 | Calanoides carinatus, copepodites | C. carinatus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
49 | Calanoides carinatus, male | C. carinatus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
50 | Calanus agulhensis, copepodites | C. agulhensis c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
51 | Calanus agulhensis, female | C. agulhensis f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
52 | Calanus agulhensis, male | C. agulhensis m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
53 | Calanus simillimus, copepodites | C. simillimus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
54 | Calocalanus pavo, female | C. pavo f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
55 | Calocalanus pavo, male | C. pavo m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
56 | Calocalanus plumulosus, female | C. plumulosus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
57 | Calocalanus plumulosus, male | C. plumulosus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
58 | Calocalanus spp., copepodites | Calocalanus spp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
59 | Calocalanus spp., female | Calocalanus spp. f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
60 | Calocalanus spp., male | Calocalanus spp. m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
61 | Candacia bipinnata, female | C. bipinnata f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
62 | Candacia bipinnata, male | C. bipinnata m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
63 | Candacia bispinosa, female | C. bispinosa f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
64 | Candacia bispinosa, male | C. bispinosa m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
65 | Candacia cheirura, female | C. cheirura f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
66 | Candacia cheirura, male | C. cheirura m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
67 | Candacia ethiopica, male | C. ethiopica m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
68 | Candacia pachydactyla, female | C. pachydactyla f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
69 | Candacia pachydactyla, male | C. pachydactyla m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
70 | Candacia simplex, female | C. simplex f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
71 | Candacia simplex, male | C. simplex m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
72 | Candacia sp., female | Candacia sp. f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
73 | Candacia sp., female | Candacia sp. f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | Species 2 |
74 | Candacia sp., male | Candacia sp. m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | Species 2 |
75 | Candacia spp., copepodites | Candacia spp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
76 | Candacia tenuimania, female | C. tenuimania f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
77 | Candacia tenuimania, male | C. tenuimania m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
78 | Candacia varicans, female | C. varicans f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
79 | Candacia varicans, male | C. varicans m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
80 | Centraugaptilus horridus, copepodites | C. horridus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
81 | Centropages brachiatus, female | C. brachiatus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
82 | Centropages brachiatus, male | C. brachiatus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
83 | Centropages bradyi, female | C. bradyi f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
84 | Centropages bradyi, male | C. bradyi m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
85 | Centropages spp., copepodites | Centropages spp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
86 | Centropages violaccus, female | C. violaccus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
87 | Centropages violaccus, male | C. violaccus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
88 | Centropages violaceus, female | C. violaceus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
89 | Centropages violaceus, male | C. violaceus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
90 | Chiridius poppei, female | C. poppei f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
91 | Chiridius sp., copepodites | Chiridius sp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
92 | Clausocalanus arcuicornis, female | C. arcuicornis f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
93 | Clausocalanus arcuicornis, male | C. arcuicornis m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
94 | Clausocalanus furcatus, female | C. furcatus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
95 | Clausocalanus furcatus, male | C. furcatus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
96 | Clausocalanus ingens, female | C. ingens f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
97 | Clausocalanus ingens, male | C. ingens m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
98 | Clausocalanus jobei, female | C. jobei f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
99 | Clausocalanus jobei, male | C. jobei m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
100 | Clausocalanus lividus, female | C. lividus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
101 | Clausocalanus lividus, male | C. lividus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
102 | Clausocalanus mastigophorus, female | C. mastigophorus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
103 | Clausocalanus mastigophorus, male | C. mastigophorus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
104 | Clausocalanus parapergens, female | C. parapergens f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
105 | Clausocalanus parapergens, male | C. parapergens m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
106 | Clausocalanus paululus, female | C. paululus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
107 | Clausocalanus paululus, male | C. paululus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
108 | Clausocalanus pergens, female | C. pergens f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
109 | Clausocalanus pergens, male | C. pergens m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
110 | Clausocalanus sp., female | Clausocalanus sp. f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
111 | Clausocalanus spp., copepodites | Clausocalanus spp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
112 | Copepoda indeterminata, copepodites | Copepoda indet c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
113 | Copepoda indeterminata, female | Copepoda indet f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
114 | Copepoda, nauplii | Copepoda naup | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
115 | Copilia spp. | Copilia spp. | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
116 | Corycaeus spp. | Corycaeus spp. | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
117 | Ctenocalanus vanus, copepodites | C. vanus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
118 | Ctenocalanus vanus, female | C. vanus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
119 | Ctenocalanus vanus, male | C. vanus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
120 | Delibus sp., copepodites | Delibus sp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
121 | Delibus sp., female | Delibus sp. f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
122 | Delibus sp., male | Delibus sp. m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
123 | Disco spp., copepodites | Disco spp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
124 | Disco spp., female | Disco spp. f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
125 | Disco spp., male | Disco spp. m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
126 | Euaugaptilus hecticus, copepodites | E. hecticus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
127 | Euaugaptilus hecticus, female | E. hecticus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
128 | Euaugaptilus hecticus, male | E. hecticus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
129 | Euaugaptilus longicaudatus, female | E. longicaudatus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
130 | Euaugaptilus palumbii, copepodites | E. palumbii c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
131 | Euaugaptilus palumbii, copepodites | E. palumbii c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
132 | Euaugaptilus palumbii, copepodites | E. palumbii c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
133 | Euaugaptilus sp., copepodites | Euaugaptilus sp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
134 | Euaugaptilus sp., female | Euaugaptilus sp. f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
135 | Euaugaptilus sp., female | Euaugaptilus sp. f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | Species 1 |
136 | Eucalanus hyalinus, copepodites | E. hyalinus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
137 | Eucalanus hyalinus, female | E. hyalinus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
138 | Eucalanus hyalinus, male | E. hyalinus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
139 | Euchaeta acuta, female | E. acuta f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
140 | Euchaeta acuta, male | E. acuta m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
141 | Euchaeta marina, female | E. marina f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
142 | Euchaeta marina, male | E. marina m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
143 | Euchaeta marinaF | E. marinaF | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
144 | Euchaeta media, female | E. media f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
145 | Euchaeta media, male | E. media m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
146 | Euchaeta paraconcinna, female | E. paraconcinna f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
147 | Euchaeta paraconcinna, male | E. paraconcinna m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
148 | Euchaeta pubera, female | E. pubera f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
149 | Euchaeta sp., female | Euchaeta sp. f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | Species 1 |
150 | Euchaeta sp., male | Euchaeta sp. m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | Species 1 |
151 | Euchaeta spp., copepodites | Euchaeta spp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
152 | Euchirella amoena, copepodites | E. amoena c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
153 | Euchirella amoena, female | E. amoena f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
154 | Euchirella amoena, male | E. amoena m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
155 | Euchirella rostrata, female | E. rostrata f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
156 | Euchirella rostrata, copepodites | E. rostrata c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
157 | Euchirella rostrata, female | E. rostrata f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
158 | Euchirella rostrata, male | E. rostrata m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
159 | Euchirella sp., copepodites | Euchirella sp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
160 | Euchirella sp., copepodites | Euchirella sp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | Species 1 |
161 | Euchirella splendens, copepodites | E. splendens c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
162 | Euchirella splendens, female | E. splendens f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
163 | Euchirella splendens, male | E. splendens m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
164 | Euchirella truncata, female | E. truncata f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
165 | Farranula spp. | Farranula spp. | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
166 | Federzahn, copepodites | Federzahn c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
167 | Federzahn, female | Federzahn f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
168 | Gaetanus minor, copepodites | G. minor c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
169 | Gaetanus minor, female | G. minor f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
170 | Gaetanus secundus, copepodites | G. secundus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
171 | Gaetanus secundus, female | G. secundus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
172 | Gaetanus sp., copepodites | Gaetanus sp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | Species 1 |
173 | Gaetanus spp., copepodites | Gaetanus spp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
174 | Haloptilus austini, female | H. austini f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
175 | Haloptilus fons, copepodites | H. fons c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
176 | Haloptilus longicornis, copepodites | H. longicornis c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
177 | Haloptilus longicornis, female | H. longicornis f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
178 | Haloptilus longicornis, male | H. longicornis m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
179 | Haloptilus ornatus, copepodites | H. ornatus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
180 | Haloptilus ornatus, female | H. ornatus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
181 | Haloptilus ornatus, male | H. ornatus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
182 | Haloptilus oxycephalus, copepodites | H. oxycephalus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
183 | Haloptilus oxycephalus, female | H. oxycephalus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
184 | Haloptilus paralongicirrus, copepodites | H. paralongicirrus c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
185 | Haloptilus paralongicirrus, female | H. paralongicirrus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
186 | Haloptilus paralongicirrus, male | H. paralongicirrus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
187 | Haloptilus sp., copepodites | Haloptilus sp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
188 | Haloptilus spiniceps, copepodites | H. spiniceps c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
189 | Haloptilus spiniceps, female | H. spiniceps f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
190 | Haloptilus spiniceps, male | H. spiniceps m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
191 | Harpacticoida | Harpacticoida | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
192 | Heterorhabdus abyssylis, female | H. abyssylis f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
193 | Heterorhabdus abyssylis, male | H. abyssylis m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
194 | Heterorhabdus lobatus, female | H. lobatus f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
195 | Heterorhabdus lobatus, male | H. lobatus m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
196 | Heterorhabdus papilliger, female | H. papilliger f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
197 | Heterorhabdus papilliger, male | H. papilliger m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
198 | Heterorhabdus spinifer, female | H. spinifer f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
199 | Heterorhabdus spinifer, male | H. spinifer m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
200 | Heterorhabdus spinifrons, female | H. spinifrons f | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
201 | Heterorhabdus spinifrons, male | H. spinifrons m | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
202 | Heterorhabdus spp., copepodites | Heterorhabdus spp. c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
203 | Heterostylites longicornis, copepodites | H. longicornis c | #/m3 | Schnack-Schiel, Sigrid B | Counting, copepoda | |
204 |