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Pezard, Philippe A; Howard, James J; Lovell, Michael A (1989): Petrologic description and values of resistivity, CEC, and porosity of samples from ODP Hole 111-504B (Table 1) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Pezard, PA et al. (1989): Clay conduction and pore structure of oceanic basalts from DSDP/ODP Hole 504B. In: Becker, K; Sakai, H; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 111, 97-108,

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Published: 1989 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2010-12-02

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The resistivity, porosity, and cation exchange capacity of 36 basaltic samples recovered in Hole 504B during four DSDP and ODP legs have been measured in the laboratory at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The presence of chlorites and particularly smectites as alteration products of basalt phases is reflected by high values of cation exchange capacity (CEC). Whereas the massive units of Layers 2A and 2B are defined by high and uniform CEC values, the more fractured and altered pillows are characterized in the entire hole by even higher values of CEC and a large variability. The lowest CEC values, measured for the massive units of Layer 2C, are due to changes of basalt alteration fades with depth and the related decreasing abundance of smectites with increasing depth in the oceanic crust.
The porosity and the apparent formation factor (computed from resistivity measurements made with a fluid salinity similar to that of seawater) are related by an inverse power law similar to Archie's formula, with m close to 1.0 and a as large as 9.1. A review of the literature shows that such a low m value equates to current conduction in cracks and microcracks present throughout the rock. The presence of these microstructures reflects the extensional regime under which the rock formed at the ridge axis, and they were conserved by precipitation of clay minerals attributable to intense hydrothermal circulation. The comparison of these results to similar studies of mid-ocean ridge basalt physical properties indicates that m tends to increase to values close to 2.0 with age. Such values are, in fact, similar to those found for sedimentary rocks and probably reflect an increased tortuosity of the conducting pore space with increasing age. An inverse relationship also relates CEC and apparent formation factor, indicating that surface conduction of clay minerals plays an important role during downhole electrical experiments. This provides a plausible key to the paradox of low permeability and high apparent porosity obtained from comparing the in-situ experiments conducted in Hole 504B.
Latitude: 1.226900 * Longitude: -83.730300
Date/Time Start: 1986-10-05T11:45:00 * Date/Time End: 1986-10-16T18:15:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 308.0 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1341.0 m
111-504B * Latitude: 1.226900 * Longitude: -83.730300 * Date/Time Start: 1986-10-05T11:45:00 * Date/Time End: 1986-10-16T18:15:00 * Elevation: -3474.0 m * Penetration: 1562.1 m * Recovery: 27.36 m * Location: North Pacific Ocean * Campaign: Leg111 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 29 cores; 209 m cored; 0 m drilled; 13.1 % recovery
susceptibility peak BO depth 206,0 questionable
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitPezard, Philippe A
Sample commentSample commentPezard, Philippe A
DescriptionDescriptionPezard, Philippe A
AlterationAlterationPezard, Philippe A
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyPezard, Philippe A
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Resistivity, electricalResist electrOhm mPezard, Philippe A
Calcium ion exchange capacityCa ex-capmeqPezard, Philippe A
Porosity, fractionalPoros fracPezard, Philippe A
455 data points


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Sample comment




Depth sed [m]

Resist electr [Ohm m]

Ca ex-cap [meq]

Poros frac
2C451Many fracturesPhillipsite, celadonitePillow308.058.61120.030
2C466Many fracturesSmectite (saponite), aragonitePillow309.0152
2D514Few cracksSmectite (saponite), red halosMassive flow315.0111.11020.022
2D527No fracturesSmectite (saponite), red halosMassive flow317.0129.5510.018
2D533No fracturesSmectite (saponite), red halosMassive flow318.565
2D563No fracturesSmectite (saponite), red halosMassive flow321.5125.2440.011
3A577One fractureSmectite, red halos, mixed layersPillow327.076.8940.034
3A768No fracturesSmectite, red halos, mixed layersPillow361.556
3A791One fractureSmectite, red halos, mixed layersPillow362.5143
3A801One fractureSmectite, red halos, mixed layersPillow366.063.5700.021
91180BrecciaIntense smectite alteration, red halosBreccia423.5395
91183No fracturesIntense smectite alteration, red halosMassive unit424.032.81330.037
91192A small crackIntense smectite alteration, red halosMassive unit425.050.9900.034
101210A small crackIntense smectite alteration, red halosMassive unit427.098.9930.022
101213No fracturesIntense smectite alteration, red halosMassive unit427.5132.01010.019
141254No fracturesSmectite (saponite), red halosMassive unit432.563
161365Small cracksSmectite (saponite), red halosPillow444.0170.8830.015
24300One fractureSmectite (saponite), Na zeoliteMassive flow543.0640.025
24315A small crackSmectite (saponite), Na zeoliteMassive flow545.079.2610.025
24324No fracturesSmectite (saponite), Na zeoliteMassive flow547.0140
25342Few fracturesSmectite, Na zeolites, red halos, calcitePillows550.075
25359CracksSmectite, Na zeolites, red halos, calcitePillows552.071
25383CracksSmectite, Na zeolites, red halos, calcitePillows554.0130
25392Few fracturesSmectite, Na zeolites, red halos, calcitePillows555.561
27501No fracturesNa zeolites, smectite (saponite), talcMassive flow576.5210.60.013
27538No fracturesMinor zeolites, smectite (saponite)Massive flow579.5142.971
27569A small crackMinor zeolites, smectite (saponite)Massive flow581.5188.00.013
27575No fracturesGreen smectite (saponite)Massive flow582.5179.9470.011
27600No fracturesGreen smectite (saponite)Massive flow584.5175.20.011
27622No fracturesGreen smectite (saponite)Massive flow586.5131.11130.014
30C836CracksGreen smectite (saponite)Thin flow642.567
30C842No fracturesSmectite (saponite), pyriteThin flow644.0124.7840.014
30C855A fracture; cracksSmectite (saponite), pyriteThin flow646.077.6520.017
34985No fracturesSmectite (saponite), pyriteMassive flow668.0201.2890.012
34998One crackSmectite (saponite), pyriteMassive flow669.573.1500.019
341013No fracturesSmectite (saponite), pyriteMassive flow676.0103.8550.018
341019Two large cracksSmectite (saponite), pyriteMassive flow678.094.850
341024Few cracksSmectite (saponite), talcMassive flow680.5113.8630.015
341033No fracturesSmectite (saponite), talcMassive flow681.557
341041One fractureSmectite (saponite), talcMassive flow683.0136.6590.018
451497Many fracturesSmectite (saponite), quartzPillow878.089.5580.028
451502No fracturesSmectite (saponite), quartzPillow787.570
491564No fracturesSmectite (saponite), pyriteMassive unit828.092
501AAMany fracturesAnhydrite, mixed-layer claysPillow845.5111
517CMany fracturesAnhydrite, mixed-layer claysDike847.067.8780.023
5111BNo fracturesAnhydrite, mixed-layer claysDike849.0108.5110.016
593DOne fractureAnhydrite, mixed-layer claysThin flow/dike900.086.4230.037
593FBrecciaAnhydrite, mixed-layer claysBreccia900.5122
631BrecciaChlorite, laumontite, pyrite, talc, quartzBreccia910.519.9760.132
631ABrecciaChlorite, laumontite, pyrite, talc, quartzBreccia911.063.61610.042
6310AABrecciaChlorite, laumontite, pyrite, talc, quartzBreccia912.022
6312AABrecciaChlorite, laumontite, pyrite, talc, quartzBreccia912.562
734CNo fracturesChlorite, laumontite, quartz, pyrite, ...Massive unit988.585.32540.033
736Two fracturesChlorite, laumontite, quartz, pyrite, ...Breccia992.036.6180.102
7421AAMany fracturesChlorite, laumontite, calcite, pyrite, ...Massive unit993.0
7410BOne fracture; many cracksChlorite, laumontite, calcite, pyrite, ...Massive unit994.5295.3960.015
7422ABrecciaChlorite, laumontite, calcite, pyrite, ...Massive unit995.5111
9036AAOne fractureChlorite, laumontite, pyrite, mixed-layer claysMassive unit1041.071
10642AANo fracturesChlorite, laumontite, pyrite, mixed-layer claysMassive unit1101.552
10944AACracksClorite, laumontite, mixed layer clays, ...Massive unit1119.030
11848AANo fracturesSmectite (saponite), pyrite, talc, ...Massive unit1174.032
12960AANo fracturesSmectite, pyrite, talc, mixed-layer clays, ...Massive unit1237.039
13968ANo fracturesSmectite, pyrite, talc, mixed-layer clays, ...Massive unit1287.023
14171AANo fracturesSmectite, quartz, talc, mixed-layer clays, ...Massive unit1305.017
14880AAOne fractureChlorite, laumontite, anhydrite, talc, ...Massive unit1341.032