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Savelyeva, G N; Bortnikov, Nikolay S; Bayanova, T B; Ikorsky, S V; Kamensky, I L (2008): (Table 4) Composition and concentrations of hydrocarbon gases in rocks and minerals from the Markov Deep, MAR rift valley [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Savelyeva, GN et al. (2008): Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic systems and captured He and hydrocarbon gases as markers of melt sources and fluid regime under which the oceanic crust of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was formed at 5°-6°N. Geokhimiya (Geochemistry), No 8, 803-817

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Median Latitude: 5.875425 * Median Longitude: -33.204150 * South-bound Latitude: 5.835000 * West-bound Longitude: -33.233300 * North-bound Latitude: 5.911700 * East-bound Longitude: -33.168300
Minimum Elevation: -4680.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -3240.0 m
I1060 * Latitude Start: 5.845000 * Longitude Start: -33.226700 * Latitude End: 5.835000 * Longitude End: -33.233300 * Elevation Start: -3600.0 m * Elevation End: -3240.0 m * Location: Mid-Atlantic Ridge * Campaign: Ioffe-10 * Basis: Akademik Ioffe * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
I1068 * Latitude Start: 5.911700 * Longitude Start: -33.188300 * Latitude End: 5.910000 * Longitude End: -33.168300 * Elevation Start: -4680.0 m * Elevation End: -4020.0 m * Location: Mid-Atlantic Ridge * Campaign: Ioffe-10 * Basis: Akademik Ioffe * Method/Device: Dredge (DRG)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Latitude of eventLatitude
3Longitude of eventLongitude
4Elevation of eventElevationm
5Latitude of event 2Latitude 2
6Longitude of event 2Longitude 2
7Elevation of event 2Elevation 2m
8Sample code/labelSample labelSavelyeva, G N
9Rock typeRockSavelyeva, G N
10MethaneCH4cm3/kgSavelyeva, G NGas chromatography
11EthaneC2H6cm3/kgSavelyeva, G NGas chromatography
12PropeneC3H6cm3/kgSavelyeva, G NGas chromatography
13PropaneC3H8cm3/kgSavelyeva, G NGas chromatography
14ButaneC4H10cm3/kgSavelyeva, G NGas chromatographyiso-butane
15ButaneC4H10cm3/kgSavelyeva, G NGas chromatographyn-butane
16ButeneC4H8cm3/kgSavelyeva, G NGas chromatographya-butene
17C1/C2 hydrocarbon ratioC1/C2Savelyeva, G NCalculated
70 data points

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