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Piskarev, A L; Heunemann, Ch; Makar'ev, A A; Makar'eva, E M; Bachtadse, Valerian; Aleksyutin, M (2009): Chemical composition, age, and magnetic parameters of igneous rocks from the Franz Josef Land [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Piskarev, AL et al. (2009): Magnetic parameters and variations in the composition of magmatic rocks from the Franz Josef Land archipelago. Fizika Zemli (Physics of the Earth), No 2, 66-83

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A combined study of magnetic parameters of basalt and andesite samples has been carried out in the framework of geological investigations of the Franz Josef Land. This study has included determination of coercivity, saturation magnetization, Curie points, natural remanent magnetization (NRM), and magnetic susceptibility as well as examination of ferromagnetic minerals with a microscope. Data on chemical composition of the rocks have been obtained for all the samples, and radiological ages have been determined for the majority of the rocks.
Thermomagnetic curves of the samples have been subdivided into four types depending on composition of ferromagnetic NRM carriers. Data showing multiple changes in the predominant composition of the igneous rocks have been obtained. Each stage of magmatism is characterized by a specific type of the ferromagnetic component in the rocks and, therefore, magnetomineralogical investigations can be used for differentiation and correlation of the igneous rocks.
Median Latitude: 80.760920 * Median Longitude: 54.637620 * South-bound Latitude: 79.918900 * West-bound Longitude: 45.081600 * North-bound Latitude: 81.847400 * East-bound Longitude: 63.068100
FJL-40 * Latitude: 81.094400 * Longitude: 54.268000 * Location: Franz Josef Land
FJL-46 * Latitude: 81.099500 * Longitude: 54.747000 * Location: Franz Josef Land
FJL-46-K * Latitude: 80.281000 * Longitude: 62.551500 * Location: Franz Josef Land
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