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Armonies, Werner (2013): Macrobenthos in surface sediments off Sylt collected during HEINCKE cruise HE206 [dataset]. Alfred Wegener Institute - Wadden Sea Station Sylt, PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Armonies, Werner; Buschbaum, Christian; Hellwig-Armonies, Monika (2013): The seaward limit of wave effects on coastal macrobenthos. Helgoland Marine Research, 68(1), 1-16,

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Median Latitude: 54.579376 * Median Longitude: 7.585511 * South-bound Latitude: 54.000300 * West-bound Longitude: 6.986300 * North-bound Latitude: 55.084300 * East-bound Longitude: 8.172000
Date/Time Start: 2004-04-24T00:15:00 * Date/Time End: 2004-04-28T01:48:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m
HE206/001-1 * Latitude: 55.081700 * Longitude: 7.010000 * Date/Time: 2004-04-25T04:15:00 * Elevation: -35.0 m * Location: North Sea * Campaign: HE206 * Basis: Heincke * Method/Device: Box corer (modified Reineck, 0.02 m**2) (BCR002)
HE206/001-2 * Latitude: 55.081700 * Longitude: 7.012200 * Date/Time: 2004-04-25T04:17:00 * Elevation: -35.0 m * Location: North Sea * Campaign: HE206 * Basis: Heincke * Method/Device: Box corer (modified Reineck, 0.02 m**2) (BCR002)
HE206/001-3 * Latitude: 55.081700 * Longitude: 7.014300 * Date/Time: 2004-04-25T04:19:00 * Elevation: -35.0 m * Location: North Sea * Campaign: HE206 * Basis: Heincke * Method/Device: Box corer (modified Reineck, 0.02 m**2) (BCR002)
Sample area: 0.02 m**2
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Date/Time of eventDate/Time
3Latitude of eventLatitude
4Longitude of eventLongitude
5Elevation of eventElevationm
6DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
7AnthozoaAnthozoa#Armonies, WernerCounting
8HydrozoaHydrozoa#Armonies, WernerCounting
9NemertiniNemertini#Armonies, WernerCounting
10OligochaetaOligochaeta#Armonies, WernerCounting
11PolycladidaPolycladida#Armonies, WernerCounting
12Phoronis muelleriP. muelleri#Armonies, WernerCounting
13Phoronis pallidaP. pallida#Armonies, WernerCounting
14Ascidiella scabraA. scabra#Armonies, WernerCounting
15Golfingia vulgarisG. vulgaris#Armonies, WernerCounting
16Achelia echinataA. echinata#Armonies, WernerCounting
17Anoplodactylus petiolatusA. petiolatus#Armonies, WernerCounting
18Nymphon brevirostreN. brevirostre#Armonies, WernerCounting
19Nymphon gracileN. gracile#Armonies, WernerCounting
20Pycnogonum littoraleP. littorale#Armonies, WernerCounting
21Glossobalanus marginatusG. marginatus#Armonies, WernerCounting
22Ammodytes tobianusA. tobianus#Armonies, WernerCounting
23Branchiostoma lanceolatumB. lanceolatum#Armonies, WernerCounting
5253 data points

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