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Stickley, Catherine E; Brinkhuis, Henk; Schellenberg, Stephen A; Sluijs, Appy; Röhl, Ursula; Fuller, Michael D; Grauert, M; Huber, Matthew; Warnaar, Jeroen; Wiliams, Graham L (2004): Geochemical measurements of the Tasmanian Gateway from ODP Hole 189-1172A [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Stickley, Catherine E; Brinkhuis, Henk; Schellenberg, Stephen A; Sluijs, Appy; Fuller, Michael D; Grauert, M; Röhl, Ursula; Warnaar, Jeroen; Wiliams, Graham L (2004): Timing and nature of the deepening of the Tasmanian Gateway. Paleoceanography, 19(4), PA4026,

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Tectonic changes that produced a deep Tasmanian Gateway between Australia and Antarctica are widely invoked as the major mechanism for Antarctic cryosphere growth and Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) development during the Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) transition (34-33 Ma). Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 189 recovered near-continuous marine sedimentary records across the E/O transition interval at four sites around Tasmania. These records are largely barren of calcareous microfossils but contain a rich record of siliceous- and organic-walled marine microfossils. In this study we integrate micropaleontological, sedimentological, geochemical, and paleomagnetic data from Site 1172 (East Tasman Plateau) to identify four distinct phases (A-D) in the E/O Tasmanian Gateway deepening that are correlative among ODP Leg 189 sites. Phase A, prior to 35.5 Ma: minor initial deepening characterized by a shallow marine prodeltaic setting with initial condensation episodes. Phase B, 35.5-33.5 Ma: increased deepening marked by the onset of major glauconitic deposition and inception of energetic bottom-water currents. Phase C, 33.5-30.2 Ma: further deepening to bathyal depths, with episodic erosion by increasingly energetic bottom-water currents. Phase D, <30.2 Ma: establishment of stable, open-ocean, warm-temperate, oligotrophic settings characterized by siliceous-carbonate ooze deposition. Our combined evidence indicates that this early Oligocene Tasmanian Gateway deepening initially produced an eastward flow of relatively warm surface waters from the Australo-Antarctic Gulf into the southwestern Pacific Ocean. This "proto-Leeuwin" current fundamentally differs from previous regional reconstructions of eastward flowing cool water (e.g., a "proto-ACC") during the early Oligocene and thereby represents an important new constraint for reconstructing regional- to global-scale dynamics for this major global change event.
Latitude: -43.959750 * Longitude: 149.928260
Date/Time Start: 2000-04-22T06:45:00 * Date/Time End: 2000-04-26T09:30:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 354.62 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 364.31 m
189-1172A * Latitude: -43.959750 * Longitude: 149.928260 * Date/Time Start: 2000-04-22T06:45:00 * Date/Time End: 2000-04-26T09:30:00 * Elevation: -2621.9 m * Penetration: 522.6 m * Recovery: 483.72 m * Location: Tasman Sea * Campaign: Leg189 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 56 cores; 522.6 m cored; 0 m drilled; 92.6 % recovery
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Grain size, meanGrain size meanµmStickley, Catherine E
3CarbonatesCarb%Stickley, Catherine ECoulometryweight percent
4Carbon, organic, totalTOC%Stickley, Catherine ECoulometryweight percent
5δ18O, carbonateδ18O carb‰ PDBStickley, Catherine EIsotope ratio mass spectrometry
6δ13C, carbonateδ13C carb‰ PDBStickley, Catherine EIsotope ratio mass spectrometry
395 data points

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