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Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, Magdalena (2010): Lithology of sediment core WOR82_N, Woryty, Poland [dataset]. European Pollen Database (EPD), PANGAEA,

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Published: 2010-06-14DOI registered: 2010-07-12

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Related to:
Ciesla, Anna; Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, Magdalena; Stupnicka, E (1978): Palaeobotanical and geochemical investigations of the lacustrine deposits at Woryty near Olsztyn (northeast Poland). Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii, 25(1-2), 61-73
Noryśkiewicz, Bozena; Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, Magdalena (1989): Type region P-w: Dobrzyń-Olsztyn Lake District. Acta Palaeobotanica, 29(2), 85-93, hdl:10013/epic.44366.d359
Pawlikowski, Maciej; Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, Magdalena; Schönborn, W; Stupnicka, E; Szeroczynska, Krystyna (1982): Woryty near Gietrzwald, Olsztyn Lake District, NE Poland - vegetational history and lake development during the last 12,000 years. Acta Palaeobotanica, 22(1), 85-116, hdl:10013/epic.44366.d360
Latitude: 53.750000 * Longitude: 20.200000
Date/Time Start: 1979-07-15T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1979-07-15T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.0850 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 10.1300 m
WOR82_N * Latitude: 53.750000 * Longitude: 20.200000 * Date/Time: 1979-07-15T00:00:00 * Elevation: 105.0 m * Location: Woryty, Poland * Method/Device: Livingstone piston corer (LPC) * Comment: Location: SE of lowest part of overgr. lake depr. Local vegetation: Reed swamp remnant (Magnocaricion). Core diameter: 10 cm. Area of site: 30.5 ha. Site description: Extinct overgrown lake. Physiography: among moraine hills. Surrounding vegetation: fields, fragm. of mixed pine-oak forests.
This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmRalska-Jasiewiczowa, Magdalenaof the lithological unit
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmRalska-Jasiewiczowa, Magdalenaof the lithological unit
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyRalska-Jasiewiczowa, Magdalena
Boundary layer, lowerBound lowRalska-Jasiewiczowa, Magdalena
103 data points


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Depth sed [m]

Depth top [m]

Depth bot [m]


Bound low
0.08500.00000.1700soil, grey-brown, with recent rootsindistinct
0.21000.17000.2500sand, light grey, with clay and rootsindistinct
0.52500.25000.8000swamp peat, grey-brown, with gyttjaindistinct
0.90000.80001.0000swamp peat, dark brown, with gyttja
1.10001.00001.2000gap in core segmentindistinct
1.64001.20002.0800swamp peat, dark brown, with gyttjaDiffuse
2.41502.08002.7500fine detrituous gyttja, olive-brownconspicuus
3.08502.75003.4200peaty gyttja, dark brown, with siltconspicuus
3.72503.42004.0300fine detrituous gyttja, olive-greyconspicuus
4.47504.03004.9200sapropel-like, gelatinous, dark brownindistinct
5.44004.92005.9600detritus gyttja, grey-oliveDiffuse
6.03005.96006.1000fine detritus gyttja, olive-greyindistinct
6.15506.10006.2100dy-like, silty sediment, dark brownconspicuus
6.31006.21006.4100fine detrit. silty gyttja, grey-oliveindistinct
6.49506.41006.5800silt with gyttja, sand and fine gravelindistinct
6.79506.58007.0100silty gyttja, grey-oliveindistinct
7.42007.01007.8300fine detrituous gyttja, olive-greyindistinct
7.96507.83008.1000calcareous gyttja, dark oliveindistinct
8.26508.10008.4300calcareous gyttja, dark brownindistinct
8.81008.43009.1900ferrugineous gyttja, blackmanifestus
9.30509.19009.4200ferrugineous gyttja, grey colourindistinct
9.51509.42009.6100ferrugineous silty gyttja, blackmanifestus
9.73509.61009.8600humified peat, dark brown, with woodindistinct
9.94009.860010.0200sandy humified peat with gyttjaindistinct
10.075010.020010.1300sand with humus, dark greyindistinct
10.130010.130010.1300outwash sand, light greyBase not seen