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van der Knaap, Pim Willem O (2010): Age determination of sediment core EGR2G, Etang de la Gruère, Switzerland [dataset]. European Pollen Database (EPD), PANGAEA,

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Latitude: 47.239722 * Longitude: 7.049167
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.220 m
EGR2G (EtangdelaGruèreEGr2G) * Latitude: 47.239722 * Longitude: 7.049167 * Elevation Start: 1005.0 m * Elevation End: 0.0 m * Location: Etang de la Gruère, Switzerland * Method/Device: Wardenaar corer (WCOR) * Comment: No laminations. treeless area in centre of raised part. Core diameter: 10 cm. Area: 22.5 ha. ombrotrophic bog with Pinus uncinata.
This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database (
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Method commentMethod commvan der Knaap, Pim Willem O
Age, dated materialDated materialvan der Knaap, Pim Willem O
Age, datedAge datedka BPvan der Knaap, Pim Willem OAge, 210PbBP=1950
AgeAgea AD/CEvan der Knaap, Pim Willem OAge, 210Pb
Age, dated standard deviationAge dated std dev±van der Knaap, Pim Willem OAge, 210Pb
117 data points


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Depth sed [m]

Method comm

Dated material

Age dated [ka BP]

Age [a AD/CE]

Age dated std dev [±]
0.000year of collection-0.0411991
0.010210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.04119910.002
0.020210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.03819880.002
0.030210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.03719870.002
0.040210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.03519850.002
0.050210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.03319830.002
0.060210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.03119810.002
0.070210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.02719770.002
0.080210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.02319730.002
0.090210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.01819680.002
0.100210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.01319630.003
0.105210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.0131963
0.110210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.00919590.003
0.120210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.00619560.003
0.130210Pb CRS modelBulk sample-0.00319530.003
0.140210Pb CRS modelBulk sample0.00019500.004
0.150210Pb CRS modelBulk sample0.00319470.004
0.160210Pb CRS modelBulk sample0.00519450.004
0.170210Pb CRS modelBulk sample0.00719430.004
0.180210Pb CRS modelBulk sample0.01019400.004
0.190210Pb CRS modelBulk sample0.01819320.006
0.200210Pb CRS modelBulk sample0.03119190.008
0.210210Pb CRS modelBulk sample0.04819020.012
0.220210Pb CRS modelBulk sample0.06918810.018