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Watson, Clare S (2010): Pollen profile OSPITALE, Ospitale, Italy [dataset]. European Pollen Database (EPD), PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Watson, Clare S (1996): The vegetational history of the northern Apennines, Italy: information from three new sequences and a review of Regional vegetational change. Journal of Biogeography, 23(6), 805-841,
Latitude: 44.155556 * Longitude: 10.780000
Date/Time Start: 1994-06-30T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-06-30T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1.20 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 7.77 m
OSPITALE * Latitude: 44.155556 * Longitude: 10.780000 * Date/Time: 1994-06-30T00:00:00 * Elevation: 1225.0 m * Location: Ospitale, Italy * Method/Device: Russian corer (RUSC) * Comment: Area: 1 ha. Circular bog of about 75-100m diameter. Surrounding vegetation: Abies, Fagus, Pinus, Ulex, Ericaceae.
The EPD ( accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2AbiesAbi#Watson, Clare SAbies
3AcerAce#Watson, Clare SAcer campestre-type
4AlnusAln#Watson, Clare SAlnus
5ArtemisiaArt#Watson, Clare SArtemisia
6BetulaBet#Watson, Clare SBetula
7Calluna vulgarisCal.v#Watson, Clare SCalluna vulgaris
8CarpinusCar#Watson, Clare SCarpinus betulus
9Caryophyllaceae undifferentiatedCphae.ud#Watson, Clare SCaryophyllaceae
10CastaneaCas#Watson, Clare SCastanea
11ChelidoniumChd#Watson, Clare SChelidonium majus
12ChenopodiumChm#Watson, Clare SChenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae
13AsteroideaeAsteroideae#Watson, Clare SCompositae subfam. Asteroideae
14Concentration spikesconc.spk#Watson, Clare SConcentration spikes
15CorylusCor#Watson, Clare SCorylus
16Crataegus-typeCtg-T#Watson, Clare SCrataegus-type
17CyperaceaeCypae#Watson, Clare SCyperaceae
18EpilobiumEpl#Watson, Clare SOnagraceae
19EquisetumEqu#Watson, Clare SEquisetum
20FagusFag#Watson, Clare SFagus
21FilipendulaFlp#Watson, Clare SFilipendula
22FraxinusFrx#Watson, Clare SFraxinus
23GaliumGal#Watson, Clare SRubiaceae
24GramineaeGraae#Watson, Clare SGramineae
25HederaHed#Watson, Clare SHedera
26HelianthemumHel#Watson, Clare SHelianthemum
27HelleborusHeb#Watson, Clare SHelleborus
28HypericumHyp#Watson, Clare SHypericum
29JuglansJug#Watson, Clare SJuglans
30JuniperusJun#Watson, Clare SJuniperus-type
31Monolete spore(s)Mon.s#Watson, Clare SMonolete spore(s)
32Myriophyllum spicatumMyo.s#Watson, Clare SMyriophyllum spicatum
33NymphaeaNym#Watson, Clare SNymphaea
34Olea-typeOle-T#Watson, Clare SOlea-type
35PinusPin#Watson, Clare SPinus
36Plantago undifferentiatedPla.ud#Watson, Clare SPlantago
37PolygonumPol#Watson, Clare SPolygonum
38PolypodiumPpd#Watson, Clare SPolypodium
39PotamogetonPot#Watson, Clare SPotamogeton-type
40PotentillaPti#Watson, Clare SPotentilla-type
41PrimulaPri#Watson, Clare SPrimula
42PteridiumPtd#Watson, Clare SPteridium aquilinum
43QuercusQue#Watson, Clare SQuercus
44RanunculusRan#Watson, Clare SRanunculus
45RosaceaeRosae#Watson, Clare SRosaceae
46RumexRum#Watson, Clare SRumex/Oxyria
47SalixSal#Watson, Clare SSalix
48Sample volumeSamp volmlWatson, Clare S
49SaxifragaSax#Watson, Clare SSaxifraga
50Sinapis-typeSin-T#Watson, Clare SSinapis-type
51SphagnumSph#Watson, Clare SSphagnum
52ThalictrumTha#Watson, Clare SThalictrum
53TiliaTil#Watson, Clare STilia
54Typha latifoliaTyp.l#Watson, Clare STypha latifolia-type
55UlmusUlm#Watson, Clare SUlmus
56UmbelliferaeUmb#Watson, Clare SUmbelliferae
57Volume of spike addedvol.sp.acm3Watson, Clare SVolume spike added
2856 data points

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