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Waller, Martyn P (2010): Pollen profile LBA, Lade Bank, United Kingdom [dataset]. European Pollen Database (EPD), PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Waller, Martyn P; Alderton, A; Shennan, Ian (1994): The Fenland Project, number 9 Flandrian environmental change in Fenland. East Anglian Archaeology Monograph, 70, 364
Latitude: 53.083333 * Longitude: 0.050000
Date/Time Start: 1986-02-15T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1986-02-15T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 2.04 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 2.40 m
LBA * Latitude: 53.083333 * Longitude: 0.050000 * Date/Time: 1986-02-15T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2.0 m * Location: Lade Bank, United Kingdom * Method/Device: Monolith boxes (10x10x75 cm) (MONOBL) * Comment: Location: Fresh cleaned drainage channel. Site description: Peat overlain by marine clastic deposits. Physiography: flat, former coastal marshes. Surrounding vegetation: arable farmland.
The EPD ( accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2ThicknessThickmmWaller, Martyn PThickness
3AbiesAbi#Waller, Martyn PAbies
4AlnusAln#Waller, Martyn PAlnus
5ArmeriaArm#Waller, Martyn PArmeria-type
6ArtemisiaArt#Waller, Martyn PArtemisia
7BetulaBet#Waller, Martyn PBetula
8Calluna vulgarisCal.v#Waller, Martyn PCalluna vulgaris
9CalystegiaCyg#Waller, Martyn PCalystegia
10CarpinusCar#Waller, Martyn PCarpinus betulus
11CaryophyllaceaeCphae#Waller, Martyn PCaryophyllaceae
12ChenopodiaceaeCheae#Waller, Martyn PChenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae
13Cirsium-typeCir-T#Waller, Martyn PCirsium/Carduus
14AsteroideaeAsteroideae#Waller, Martyn PCompositae subfam. Asteroideae
15CichorioideaeCicoid#Waller, Martyn PCompositae subfam. Cichorioideae
16ConvolvulusCon#Waller, Martyn PConvolvulus
17CorylusCor#Waller, Martyn PCorylus
18Crataegus-typeCtg-T#Waller, Martyn PCrataegus-type
19CruciferaeCru#Waller, Martyn PCruciferae
20CyperaceaeCypae#Waller, Martyn PCyperaceae
21EquisetumEqu#Waller, Martyn PEquisetum
22FilicopsidaFil#Waller, Martyn PDryopteris-type
23FilipendulaFlp#Waller, Martyn PFilipendula
24FraxinusFrx#Waller, Martyn PFraxinus
25GramineaeGraae#Waller, Martyn PGramineae
26HederaHed#Waller, Martyn PHedera
27Humulus-typeHum-T#Waller, Martyn PHumulus/Cannabis
28HydrocotyleHyc#Waller, Martyn PHydrocotyle
29LeguminosaeLeg#Waller, Martyn PLeguminosae
30LigustrumLig#Waller, Martyn PLigustrum vulgare-type
31Lysimachia vulgarisLys.v#Waller, Martyn PLysimachia vulgaris-type
32Mentha-typeMen-T#Waller, Martyn PMentha-type
33Menyanthes trifoliataMey.t#Waller, Martyn PMenyanthes trifoliata-type
34MercurialisMer#Waller, Martyn PMercurialis
35MyriophyllumMyo#Waller, Martyn PMyriophyllum
36PinusPin#Waller, Martyn PPinus
37Plantago coronopusPla.c#Waller, Martyn PPlantago coronopus-type
38Plantago lanceolataPla.l#Waller, Martyn PPlantago lanceolata-type
39Plantago majorPla.m#Waller, Martyn PPlantago major
40Plantago maritimaPla.m#Waller, Martyn PPlantago maritima-type
41PolypodiumPpd#Waller, Martyn PPolypodium
42PotamogetonPot#Waller, Martyn PPotamogeton-type
43PrunusPrn#Waller, Martyn PPrunus-type
44PteridiumPtd#Waller, Martyn PPteridium aquilinum
45QuercusQue#Waller, Martyn PQuercus
46RanunculaceaeRanae#Waller, Martyn PRanunculaceae
47RhamnusRha#Waller, Martyn PRhamnus
48RosaceaeRosae#Waller, Martyn PRosaceae
49RubiaceaeRubae#Waller, Martyn PRubiaceae
50RubusRub#Waller, Martyn PRubus
51SalixSal#Waller, Martyn PSalix
52SambucusSam#Waller, Martyn PSambucus
53SpergulaSpe#Waller, Martyn PSpergula arvensis-type
54Spergula-typeSpe-T#Waller, Martyn PSpergula arvensis-type
55SphagnumSph#Waller, Martyn PSphagnum
56TaxusTax#Waller, Martyn PTaxus baccata
57Tilia cordataTil.c#Waller, Martyn PTilia cordata
58Typha angustifoliaTyp.a#Waller, Martyn PSparganium-type
59Typha latifoliaTyp.l#Waller, Martyn PTypha latifolia-type
60UlexUle#Waller, Martyn PUlex
61UlmusUlm#Waller, Martyn PUlmus
62UmbelliferaeUmb#Waller, Martyn PUmbelliferae
63UrticaUrt#Waller, Martyn PUrtica dioica-type
64ViburnumVib#Waller, Martyn PViburnum
1197 data points

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