Hall, Valerie A (2010): Pollen profile HENSP, Lough Henney, United Kingdom [dataset]. European Pollen Database (EPD), PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.739299
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Related to:
Hall, Valerie A (1989): A comparative study of the palynology and regional history of some sites in the north of Ireland [dissertation]. Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Hall, Valerie A (1991): Detecting redeposited pollen in an Irish lake deposit. Irish Naturalist Journal, 23(10), 397-402
Hall, Valerie A; McVicker, S J; Pilcher, John R (1994): Tephra-linked landscape history around 2310 BC of some sites in Counties Antrim and Down. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Biology and Environment, 94B(3), 245-253
Latitude: 54.433333 * Longitude: -5.900000
Date/Time Start: 1985-10-15T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1985-10-15T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1.54 m
HENSP (Core2) * Latitude: 54.433333 * Longitude: -5.900000 * Date/Time: 1985-10-15T00:00:00 * Elevation Start: 25.0 m * Elevation End: 9.0 m * Location: Lough Henney, United Kingdom * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC) * Comment: Centre of lake. Core diameter: 6.3 cm. Area: 94 ha. Interdrumlin lake. Physiography: quaternary drumlins throughout region. Surrounding vegetation: small fields enclosed by Crataegus hedge.
Method: Defloculated in 10% KOH, 10u sieved, HF and HCl treatment, acetolysis, 10u sieved. Dehydrated in 20%, 50%, 70%, 90%, 100% alcohol. Mounted in silicone fluid.
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-NC-3.0)
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