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Grönlund, Elisabeth A G (2010): Pollen profile HEINALAM, Heinälampi, Finland [dataset]. European Pollen Database (EPD), PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Grönlund, Elisabeth A G; Kivinen, L (1992): Pollen analytical evidence for bronze-age cultivation in Eastern Finland. Laborativ Arkeologi, 6, 37-42
Latitude: 63.116667 * Longitude: 27.650000
Date/Time Start: 1988-03-15T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1988-03-15T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 3.55 m
HEINALAM * Latitude: 63.116667 * Longitude: 27.650000 * Date/Time: 1988-03-15T00:00:00 * Elevation Start: 90.0 m * Elevation End: 8.0 m * Location: Heinälampi, Finland * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC) * Comment: middle of the lake. Core diameter: 8 cm. Area: 2.6 ha. Lake. Surrounding vegetation: agricultural land and forest.
Method: KOH, acetolysis, HF.
The EPD ( accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2AcerAce#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GAcer campestre-type
3Alisma plantago-aquaticaAli.p-a#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GAlisma-type
4AlnusAln#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GAlnus
5ArtemisiaArt#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GArtemisia
6BetulaBet#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GBetula
7Calluna vulgarisCal.v#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GCalluna vulgaris
8CarpinusCar#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GCarpinus betulus
9CaryophyllaceaeCphae#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GCaryophyllaceae
10Cerealia-typeCrl-T#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GCerealia-type
11ChenopodiaceaeCheae#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GChenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae
12AsteroideaeAsteroideae#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GCompositae subfam. Asteroideae
13CichorioideaeCicoid#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GCompositae subfam. Cichorioideae
14CorylusCor#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GCorylus
15CruciferaeCru#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GCruciferae
16CyperaceaeCypae#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GCyperaceae
17Dryopteris-typeDrp-T#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GDryopteris-type
18EpilobiumEpl#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GOnagraceae
19EquisetumEqu#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GEquisetum
20EricaceaeEriae#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GEricaceae-type
21FilipendulaFlp#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GFilipendula
22Frangula alnusFrg.a#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GFrangula
23FraxinusFrx#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GFraxinus
24GramineaeGraae#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GGramineae
25Humulus/CannabisHum/Can#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GHumulus/Cannabis
26Huperzia selagoHup.s#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GHuperzia selago
27IsoetesIso#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GIsoetes
28JuniperusJun#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GJuniperus-type
29LabiataeLab#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GLabiatae
30LeguminosaeLeg#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GLeguminosae
31LycopodiumLyc#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GLycopodiaceae
32Lythrum salicariaLyt.s#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GLythrum
33MelampyrumMel#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GMelampyrum
34MyriophyllumMyo#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GMyriophyllum
35NupharNup#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GNuphar
36NymphaeaNym#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GNymphaea
37PiceaPic#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GPicea
38PinusPin#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GPinus
39Plantago lanceolataPla.l#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GPlantago lanceolata-type
40Plantago major/mediaPla.m/m#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GPlantago major/P. media
41PopulusPop#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GPopulus
42PotamogetonPot#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GPotamogeton-type
43PotentillaPti#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GPotentilla-type
44Pteridium aquilinumPtd.a#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GPteridium aquilinum
45QuercusQue#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GQuercus
46RanunculaceaeRanae#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GRanunculaceae
47Ranunculus acrisRan.a#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GRanunculus acris-type
48RosaceaeRosae#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GRosaceae
49RubiaceaeRubae#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GRubiaceae
50RumexRum#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GRumex/Oxyria
51SalixSal#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GSalix
52SecaleSec#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GSecale cereale
53SparganiumSpa#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GSparganium-type
54SphagnumSph#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GSphagnum
55TiliaTil#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GTilia
56UlmusUlm#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GUlmus
57UmbelliferaeUmb#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GUmbelliferae
58UrticaUrt#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GUrtica dioica-type
59VariaVaria#Grönlund, Elisabeth A GIndeterminable: unknown
Licensing unknown: Please contact principal investigator/authors to gain access and request licensing terms (UNKNOWN)
7830 data points

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