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Fyfe, Ralph M (2010): Pollen profile GORSFAWR, Gors Fawr Bog, United Kingdom [dataset]. European Pollen Database (EPD), PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Fyfe, Ralph M (2007): The importance of local-scale openness within regions dominated by closed woodland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 22(6), 571-578,
Latitude: 51.931667 * Longitude: -4.718333
Date/Time Start: 2005-06-15T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-06-15T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.56 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 3.60 m
GORSFAWR * Latitude: 51.931667 * Longitude: -4.718333 * Date/Time: 2005-06-15T00:00:00 * Elevation Start: 190.0 m * Elevation End: 3.5 m * Location: Gors Fawr Bog, United Kingdom * Method/Device: Russian corer (RUSC) * Comment: No laminations. south of Preseli Hills. Area: 0.3 ha. kettle hole, small steep-sides mire. Physiography: Pingo. Surrounding vegetation: woodland.
The EPD ( accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2AcerAce#Fyfe, Ralph MAcer campestre-type
3AlnusAln#Fyfe, Ralph MAlnus
4Apiaceae undifferentiatedApi.ud#Fyfe, Ralph MUmbelliferae
5ArtemisiaArt#Fyfe, Ralph MArtemisia
6AsteroideaeAsteroideae#Fyfe, Ralph MCompositae subfam. Asteroideae
7BetulaBet#Fyfe, Ralph MBetula
8BotrychiumBot#Fyfe, Ralph MBotrychium
9BrassicaceaeBraae#Fyfe, Ralph MCruciferae
10CallunaCal#Fyfe, Ralph MCalluna vulgaris
11Caltha palustrisCat.p#Fyfe, Ralph MCaltha-type
12CampanulaceaeCamae#Fyfe, Ralph MCampanulaceae
13Cardueae undifferentiatedCarae.ud#Fyfe, Ralph MCirsium-type
14CarpinusCar#Fyfe, Ralph MCarpinus betulus
15CaryophyllaceaeCphae#Fyfe, Ralph MCaryophyllaceae
16CentaureaCen#Fyfe, Ralph MAsteroideae
17Cerealia-typeCrl-T#Fyfe, Ralph MCerealia-type
18ChenopodiaceaeCheae#Fyfe, Ralph MChenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae
19CorylusCor#Fyfe, Ralph MCorylus
20CyperaceaeCypae#Fyfe, Ralph MCyperaceae
21EmpetrumEmp#Fyfe, Ralph MEmpetrum nigrum
22EpilobiumEpl#Fyfe, Ralph MOnagraceae
23EquisetumEqu#Fyfe, Ralph MEquisetum
24Ericales undifferentiatedErl.ud#Fyfe, Ralph MEricaceae-type
25FagusFag#Fyfe, Ralph MFagus
26FilipendulaFlp#Fyfe, Ralph MFilipendula
27Galium-typeGal-T#Fyfe, Ralph MRubiaceae
28GentianellaGea#Fyfe, Ralph MGentianella campestris-type
29GeraniumGer#Fyfe, Ralph MGeranium
30HederaHed#Fyfe, Ralph MHedera
31HelianthemumHel#Fyfe, Ralph MHelianthemum
32HypericumHyp#Fyfe, Ralph MHypericum
33Ilex aquifoliumIle.a#Fyfe, Ralph MIlex
34JuniperusJun#Fyfe, Ralph MJuniperus-type
35LactuceaeLactuceae#Fyfe, Ralph MLactuceae
36LamiaceaeLamae#Fyfe, Ralph MLabiatae
37Lonicera periclymenumLon.p#Fyfe, Ralph MLonicera periclymenum
38MelampyrumMel#Fyfe, Ralph MMelampyrum
39Mentha-typeMen-T#Fyfe, Ralph MMentha-type
40MenyanthesMey#Fyfe, Ralph MMenyanthes trifoliata
41MyriophyllumMyo#Fyfe, Ralph MMyriophyllum
42PiceaPic#Fyfe, Ralph MPicea
43PinusPin#Fyfe, Ralph MPinus
44Plantago lanceolataPla.l#Fyfe, Ralph MPlantago lanceolata-type
45Plantago major/mediaPla.m/m#Fyfe, Ralph MPlantago major/P. media
46PoaceaePoac#Fyfe, Ralph MGramineae
47PolygonumPol#Fyfe, Ralph MPolygonum
48PolypodiumPpd#Fyfe, Ralph MPolypodium
49PotamogetonPot#Fyfe, Ralph MPotamogeton-type
50PotentillaPti#Fyfe, Ralph MPotentilla-type
51Prunus-typePrn-T#Fyfe, Ralph MPrunus-type
52PteridiumPtd#Fyfe, Ralph MPteridium aquilinum
53Pteropsida undifferentiatedPtr.ud#Fyfe, Ralph MDryopteris-type
54QuercusQue#Fyfe, Ralph MQuercus
55RanunculaceaeRanae#Fyfe, Ralph MRanunculaceae
56RhinanthusRhi#Fyfe, Ralph MRhinanthus-type
57Rosaceae undifferentiatedRosae.ud#Fyfe, Ralph MRosaceae
58Rumex acetosaRum.a#Fyfe, Ralph MRumex acetosa-type
59Rumex acetosellaRum.a#Fyfe, Ralph MRumex acetosa-type
60SalixSal#Fyfe, Ralph MSalix
61SedumSed#Fyfe, Ralph MSedum-type
62Solanum dulcamaraSol.d#Fyfe, Ralph MSolanum dulcamara
63Sorbus-typeSor-T#Fyfe, Ralph MSorbus-type
64SphagnumSph#Fyfe, Ralph MSphagnum
65Stachys-typeSta-T#Fyfe, Ralph MStachys sylvatica-type
66SuccisaSuc#Fyfe, Ralph MSuccisa
67ThalictrumTha#Fyfe, Ralph MThalictrum
68Typhaceae/SparganiaceaeTyp/Spa#Fyfe, Ralph MTyphaceae/Sparganiaceae
69UlmusUlm#Fyfe, Ralph MUlmus
70UmbilicusUbi#Fyfe, Ralph MUmbillicus rupestris-type
71UtriculariaUtr#Fyfe, Ralph MUtricularia
72ValerianaVal#Fyfe, Ralph MValeriana
73Vicia-typeVic-T#Fyfe, Ralph MVicia/Lathyrus
3888 data points

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