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Lotter, André F (2010): Pollen profile AMSOPO1, Amsoldingersee, Switzerland [dataset]. European Pollen Database (EPD), PANGAEA,

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Published: 2010-06-08DOI registered: 2010-07-06

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Related to:
Lotter, André F (1985): Amsoldingersee-Late glacial and Holocene environments of a lake at the southern edge of the Swiss plateau. Dissertationes Botanicae, 87, 185-208
Latitude: 46.725000 * Longitude: 7.575000
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 4.65 m
AMSOPO1 (PO1) * Latitude: 46.725000 * Longitude: 7.575000 * Elevation: 641.0 m * Location: Amsoldingersee, Switzerland * Method/Device: Livingstone borer (LIVB) * Comment: Lake surrounded by fields and meadows. Surrounding vegetation: agricultural landscape.
The EPD ( accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2AbiesAbi#Lotter, André FAbies
3AcerAce#Lotter, André FAcer campestre-type
4Alnus undifferentiatedAln.ud#Lotter, André FAlnus
5ArtemisiaArt#Lotter, André FArtemisia
6Betula undifferentiatedBet.ud#Lotter, André FBetula
7Bilderdykia convolvulusBdy.c#Lotter, André FPolygonum convolvulus/P. dumetorum
8CampanulaceaeCamae#Lotter, André FCampanulaceae
9CarpinusCar#Lotter, André FCarpinus betulus
10CaryophyllaceaeCphae#Lotter, André FCaryophyllaceae
11Centaurea scabiosaCen.s#Lotter, André FCentaurea scabiosa-type
12Cerealia-typeCrl-T#Lotter, André FCerealia-type
13ChenopodiaceaeCheae#Lotter, André FChenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae
14AsteroideaeAsteroideae#Lotter, André FCompositae subfam. Asteroideae
15CichorioideaeCicoid#Lotter, André FCompositae subfam. Cichorioideae
16Cornus masCor.m#Lotter, André FCornus
17CorylusCor#Lotter, André FCorylus
18CruciferaeCru#Lotter, André FCruciferae
19CyperaceaeCypae#Lotter, André FCyperaceae
20Dryopteris-typeDrp-T#Lotter, André FDryopteris-type
21EricaceaeEriae#Lotter, André FEricaceae-type
22FagusFag#Lotter, André FFagus
23FilipendulaFlp#Lotter, André FFilipendula
24Frangula alnusFrg.a#Lotter, André FFrangula
25Fraxinus excelsiorFra.e#Lotter, André FFraxinus excelsior-type
26GramineaeGraae#Lotter, André FGramineae
27HederaHed#Lotter, André FHedera
28HippophaeHpp#Lotter, André FHippophae rhamnoides
29HippurisHps#Lotter, André FHippuris vulgaris
30Humulus/CannabisHum/Can#Lotter, André FHumulus/Cannabis
31IlexIle#Lotter, André FIlex
32Indeterminable: unknownInd.unkn#Lotter, André FIndeterminable: unknown
33JuglansJug#Lotter, André FJuglans
34JuniperusJun#Lotter, André FJuniperus-type
35LabiataeLab#Lotter, André FLabiatae
36NupharNup#Lotter, André FNuphar
37NymphaeaNym#Lotter, André FNymphaea
38PapaverPap#Lotter, André FPapaver
39PiceaPic#Lotter, André FPicea
40Pinus undifferentiatedPinus undiff#Lotter, André FPinus
41Plantago lanceolataPla.l#Lotter, André FPlantago lanceolata-type
42Plantago major/mediaPla.m/m#Lotter, André FPlantago major/P. media
43PotamogetonPot#Lotter, André FPotamogeton-type
44QuercusQue#Lotter, André FQuercus
45RanunculaceaeRanae#Lotter, André FRanunculaceae
46RosaceaeRosae#Lotter, André FRosaceae
47RubiaceaeRubae#Lotter, André FRubiaceae
48RumexRum#Lotter, André FRumex/Oxyria
49SalixSal#Lotter, André FSalix
50Sambucus-typeSam-T#Lotter, André FSambucus-type
51Sanguisorba minorSan.m#Lotter, André FSanguisorba minor-type
52ThalictrumTha#Lotter, André FThalictrum
53TiliaTil#Lotter, André FTilia
54UlmusUlm#Lotter, André FUlmus
55UmbelliferaeUmb#Lotter, André FUmbelliferae
56UrticaUrt#Lotter, André FUrtica dioica-type
57VariaVaria#Lotter, André FIndeterminable: unknown
58ViscumVis#Lotter, André FViscum album
1311 data points

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