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Breves, Wiebke; Heuermann, Rüdiger (2000): Physical oceanography during SONNE cruise SO119 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Breves, Wiebke; Reuter, Rainer (2000): Bio-optical properties of gelbstoff in the Arabian Sea at the onset of the southwest monsoon. Journal of Earth System Science, 109(4), 415-425,

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As part of the German JGOFS Indian Ocean Programme, a cruise occurred in the Arabian Sea in May 1997 at the onset of the southwest monsoon. Data on gelbstoff, chlorophylla and tryptophan-like fluorescence as well as gelbstoff absorption were obtained. They indicate, that these optical parameters support the interpretation of hydrographic and biogeochemical conditions. Tryptophan-like fluorescence seems to be a useful indicator of changes in the constitution of the biomass.
A comparison of gelbstoff absorption and fluorescence data from the upper 100 m reveals only a weak covariance. Special emphasis is given to the fit procedure used for retrieving the exponential slopeS of the spectral absorption coefficient.S values with a mean of 0.016 nm-1 are found in the 350 to 480 nm wavelength range. A mean slopeS set to the frequently reported value of 0.014 nm-1 in the exponential description of gelbstoff absorption might lead to a systematic over/underestimation, and thus to systematic errors, if single-wavelength absorption values are extrapolated to other spectral regions on the basis of this parameter.
Related to:
Breves, Wiebke (2001): Bio-Optik im Arabischen Meer: Datenanalyse und Modellierung [dissertation]. Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, 184 pp,
Further details:
Documentation of CTD Data from SONNE cruise SO119. hdl:10013/epic.40681.d021
Median Latitude: 17.580275 * Median Longitude: 60.114575 * South-bound Latitude: 10.013000 * West-bound Longitude: 54.667000 * North-bound Latitude: 24.743000 * East-bound Longitude: 68.602000
Date/Time Start: 1997-05-14T17:05:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-06-05T06:32:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: -0.5 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 3023.3 m
SO119_CTD-1-01 * Latitude: 24.743000 * Longitude: 65.810000 * Date/Time Start: 1997-05-14T17:05:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-05-14T18:27:00 * Elevation: -1242.0 m * Campaign: SO119 (JGOFS-IN-2) * Basis: Sonne * Method/Device: Optics CTD (CTD-O)
SO119_CTD-2-02 * Latitude: 23.529000 * Longitude: 65.306000 * Date/Time Start: 1997-05-15T05:07:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-05-15T06:01:00 * Elevation: -1017.0 m * Campaign: SO119 (JGOFS-IN-2) * Basis: Sonne * Method/Device: Optics CTD (CTD-O)
SO119_CTD-3-03 * Latitude: 19.949000 * Longitude: 65.825000 * Date/Time Start: 1997-05-16T11:10:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-05-16T13:23:00 * Elevation: -3149.0 m * Campaign: SO119 (JGOFS-IN-2) * Basis: Sonne * Method/Device: Optics CTD (CTD-O)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Date/Time of eventDate/Time
3Latitude of eventLatitude
4Longitude of eventLongitude
5Elevation of eventElevationm
6DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
7Pressure, waterPressdbarHeuermann, RüdigerCTD with attached oxygen sensor, ME Meerestechnik Elektronik, OTS 3000
8Temperature, waterTemp°CHeuermann, RüdigerCTD with attached oxygen sensor, ME Meerestechnik Elektronik, OTS 3000
9SalinitySalHeuermann, RüdigerCalculated from conductivity
10ConductivityCondmS/cmHeuermann, RüdigerCTD with attached oxygen sensor, ME Meerestechnik Elektronik, OTS 3000
11OxygenO2µmol/lHeuermann, RüdigerCalculated from percentage saturation
12Oxygen saturationO2 sat%Heuermann, RüdigerCTD with attached oxygen sensor, ME Meerestechnik Elektronik, OTS 3000
392255 data points

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