Schultes, Sabine; Verity, Peter; Bathmann, Ulrich (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Schultes, S et al. (2006): Copepod grazing during an iron-induced diatom bloom in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (EisenEx): I. Feeding patterns and grazing impact on prey populations. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 338(1), 16-34,
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Published: 2006 (exact date unknown) • DOI registered: 2010-06-16
Feeding activity, selective grazing and the potential grazing impact of two dominant grazers of the Polar Frontal Zone, Calanus simillimus and Rhincalanus gigas, and of copepods < 2 mm were investigated with incubation experiments in the course of an iron fertilized diatom bloom in November 2000. All grazers were already actively feeding in the low chlorophyll waters prior to the onset of the bloom. C. simillimus maintained constant clearance rates and fed predominantly on diatoms. R. gigas and the small copepods strongly increased clearance and ingestion of diatoms in response to their enhanced availability. All grazers preyed on microzooplankton, most steadily on ciliates, confirming the view that pure herbivory appears to be the exception rather than the rule in copepod feeding. The grazers exhibited differences in feeding behavior based on selectivity indices. C. simillimus and R. gigas showed prey switching from dinoflagellates to diatoms in response to the phytoplankton bloom. All grazers most efficiently grazed on large diatoms leading to differences in daily losses for large and small species, e.g. Corethron sp. or Thalassionema nitzschioides. Species-specific diatom mortality rates due to grazing suggest that the high feeding activity of C. simillimus prior to and during the bloom played a role in shaping diatom population dynamics
Related to:
Schultes, Sabine (2004): The role of mesozooplankton grazing in the biogeochemical cycle of silicon in the Southern Ocean [dissertation]. University of Bremen, Germany, 167 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-diss000010581
Median Latitude: -48.108138 * Median Longitude: 20.872903 * South-bound Latitude: -52.016160 * West-bound Longitude: 19.999330 * North-bound Latitude: -47.669000 * East-bound Longitude: 21.083160
Date/Time Start: 2000-10-31T18:45:00 * Date/Time End: 2000-11-29T19:30:00
PS58/006-6 * Latitude: -52.016160 * Longitude: 19.999330 * Date/Time: 2000-10-31T18:45:00 * Elevation: -3445.0 m * Location: South Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: ANT-XVIII/2 (PS58 EISENEX) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Bongo net (BONGO) * Comment: max gear depth: 300 m; transect; mesh size of bongo net: 300 µm
PS58/007-3 * Latitude: -49.294160 * Longitude: 20.012500 * Date/Time: 2000-11-01T21:27:00 * Elevation: -4428.0 m * Location: South Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: ANT-XVIII/2 (PS58 EISENEX) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Bongo net (BONGO) * Comment: max gear depth: 253 m; transect; mesh size of bongo net: 300 µm
PS58/007-4 * Latitude: -49.294160 * Longitude: 20.012500 * Date/Time: 2000-11-01T21:55:00 * Elevation: -4428.0 m * Location: South Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: ANT-XVIII/2 (PS58 EISENEX) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Bongo net (BONGO) * Comment: max gear depth: 250 m; transect; mesh size of bongo net: 300 µm
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
21 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Dry weight and carbon and nitrogen content of mesozooplankton during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Chaetoceros spp. during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for ciliates during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Corethron spp. during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Diatoms (average) during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Diatoms 20-50 µm during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Diatoms 50-100 µm during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Diatoms > 100 µm during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Diatoms < 20 µm during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Dictyocha speculum during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Fragilariopsis kerguelensis during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Guinardia spp. during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for heterotrophic Dinoflagellates during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for heterotrophic Nanoflagellates during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for phototrophic Nanoflagellates during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Pseudonitzschia lineola during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Pseudonitzschia turgidula during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Rhizolsolenia chunii during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Ingestion and clearance rates of Copepods for Thalassionema nitzschioides during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Gut content, gut clearance rates and ingestion rates of mesozooplankton during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.
- Schultes, S; Verity, P; Bathmann, U (2006): Oxygen respiration and ammonia and phosphate exrection rates of Calanus simillimus, Rhincalanus gigas and other copepods during Polarstern cruise ANT-XVIII/2.