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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Zolitschka, Bernd; Brauer, Achim; Stockhausen, Hagen; Lang, Andreas; Negendank, Jörg F W (2000): Age determination of lake Holzmar sediments [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Zolitschka, B et al. (2000): Annually dated late Weichselian continental paleoclimate record from the Eifel, Germany. Geology, 28(9), 783-786,;2

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A record extending back to 23 220 calendar yr B.P. was obtained from varved sediments from Lake Holzmaar, Germany, by applying multiple dating methods and interlake comparison with Meerfelder Maar. Variations in the Weichselian inorganic carbon content resulting from intensified eolian activities coincide with proxy parameters of dust accumulation in Greenland. The timing for the end of the last glacial maximum at Holzmaar agrees with the Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GISP2) data but suggests dating discrepancies with the Greenland Ice Core Project data (GRIP). Assuming that periods of maximum dust deposition in the Eifel and Greenland coincide with ice advances in northeastern Germany, the Holzmaar record provides a means of dating three late Weichselian terminal moraines.
Latitude: 50.120304 * Longitude: 6.879628
HZM * Latitude: 50.120304 * Longitude: 6.879628 * Elevation: 425.0 m * Lake water depth: 20 m * Campaign: Holzmaar * Basis: Sampling/drilling in lake * Method/Device: Composite Core (COMPCORE)
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