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Waddell, Lindsey M; Moore, Theodore C (2008): (Table 4) Estimates of Arctic Ocean temperature and salinity for the PETM and the Azolla event in IODP Exp302 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Waddell, LM; Moore, TC (2008): Salinity of the Eocene Arctic Ocean from oxygen isotope analysis of fish bone carbonate. Paleoceanography, 23, PA1S04,

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Further details:
Brinkhuis, Henk; Schouten, Stefan; Collinson, Margaret E; Sluijs, Appy; Sinninghe Damsté, Jaap S; Dickens, Gerald Roy; Huber, Matthew; Cronin, Thomas M; Onodera, Jonaotaro; Takahashi, Kozo; Bujak, Jonathan P; Stein, Ruediger; van der Burgh, Johan; Eldrett, James S; Harding, Ian C; Lotter, André F; Sangiorgi, Francesca; van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, Johanna H A; de Leeuw, Jan W; Matthiessen, Jens; Backman, Jan; Moran, Kathryn; Ludden, John N; Expedition 302 Scientists (2006): Episodic fresh surface waters in the Eocene Arctic Ocean. Nature, 441(7093), 606-609,
Pagani, Mark; Pedentchouk, Nikolai; Huber, Matthew; Sluijs, Appy; Schouten, Stefan; Brinkhuis, Henk; Sinninghe Damsté, Jaap S; Dickens, Gerald Roy; Expedition 302 Scientists (2006): Arctic hydrology during global warming at the Palaeocene/Eocene thermal maximum. Nature, 442(10), 671-675,
Median Latitude: 87.893880 * Median Longitude: 137.771180 * South-bound Latitude: 87.866580 * West-bound Longitude: 136.177350 * North-bound Latitude: 87.921180 * East-bound Longitude: 139.365010
Date/Time Start: 2004-08-19T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2004-08-27T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: -1287.9 m * Maximum Elevation: -1209.0 m
302-M0002A (ACEX-M2A) * Latitude: 87.921180 * Longitude: 139.365010 * Date/Time: 2004-08-19T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1209.0 m * IGSN: IBCR0302RHTS001 * Penetration: 270.1 m * Recovery: 214.68 m * Location: Arctic Ocean * Campaign: Exp302 (Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX) * Basis: CCGS Captain Molly Kool (Vidar Viking)
302-M0004A (ACEX-M4A) * Latitude: 87.866580 * Longitude: 136.177350 * Date/Time: 2004-08-27T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1287.9 m * IGSN: IBCR0302RHVS001 * Penetration: 427.9 m * Recovery: 85.91 m * Location: Arctic Ocean * Campaign: Exp302 (Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX) * Basis: CCGS Captain Molly Kool (Vidar Viking)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Sample code/labelSample labelWaddell, Lindsey MDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
3CommentCommentWaddell, Lindsey M
4AGEAgeka BPGeocode
5Age, minimum/youngAge minkaWaddell, Lindsey M
6Age, maximum/oldAge maxkaWaddell, Lindsey M
7δ18O, carbonateδ18O carb‰ PDBWaddell, Lindsey Mwith respect to VPDB
8δ18O, waterδ18O H2O‰ SMOWWaddell, Lindsey M
9Temperature, calculatedT cal°CWaddell, Lindsey M
10δ18O, precipitationδ18O precip‰ SMOWWaddell, Lindsey M
11RatioRatioWaddell, Lindsey MDeltad18Ow/DeltaS
12PaleosalinityPalSalWaddell, Lindsey M
13PaleosalinityPalSalWaddell, Lindsey MT -3°C
14PaleosalinityPalSalWaddell, Lindsey MT +3°C
15CommentCommentWaddell, Lindsey M
118 data points

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