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Voelker, Antje H L; de Abreu, Lucia; Schönfeld, Joachim; Erlenkeuser, Helmut; Abrantes, Fatima F (2009): (Fig. 6) Planktonic foraminifer stable isotope records of sediment core MD99-2339 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Voelker, AHL et al. (2009): Hydrographic conditions along the western Iberian margin during marine isotope stage 2. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 10, Q12U08,

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Latitude: 35.885500 * Longitude: -7.527833
Date/Time Start: 1999-09-15T10:18:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-09-15T10:18:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 2.420 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 8.970 m
MD99-2339 (94a) * Latitude: 35.885500 * Longitude: -7.527833 * Date/Time: 1999-09-15T10:18:00 * Elevation: -1177.0 m * Penetration: 26 m * Recovery: 18.54 m * Location: Gulf of Cádiz, Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: MD114 (IMAGES V) * Basis: Marion Dufresne (1995) * Method/Device: Calypso Corer (CALYPSO)
measured on a Finnigan MAT 251 Leibniz lab Kiel and on a Finnigan MAT 251 or 252 at MARUM Bremen
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2AGEAgeka BPGeocode
3Globigerina bulloides, δ18OG. bulloides δ18O‰ PDBVoelker, Antje H LIsotope ratio mass spectrometry>250 µm, 7-25 specimens, MARUM and Leibniz Kiel
4Globigerina bulloides, δ13CG. bulloides δ13C‰ PDBVoelker, Antje H LIsotope ratio mass spectrometry>250 µm, 7-25 specimens, MARUM and Leibniz Kiel
5Globigerinoides ruber white, δ18OG. ruber w δ18O‰ PDBVoelker, Antje H LIsotope ratio mass spectrometry>250 µm, 7-24 specimens, MARUM and Leibniz Kiel
6Globigerinoides ruber white, δ13CG. ruber w δ13C‰ PDBVoelker, Antje H LIsotope ratio mass spectrometry>250 µm, 7-24 specimens, MARUM and Leibniz Kiel
7Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dextral, δ18ON. pachyderma d δ18O‰ PDBVoelker, Antje H LIsotope ratio mass spectrometry150-250 µm, 22-30 specimens, Leibniz Kiel
8Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dextral, δ13CN. pachyderma d δ13C‰ PDBVoelker, Antje H LIsotope ratio mass spectrometry150-250 µm, 22-30 specimens, Leibniz Kiel
9Globorotalia inflata, δ18OG. inflata δ18O‰ PDBVoelker, Antje H LIsotope ratio mass spectrometry>250 µm, 5-20 specimens, Leibniz Kiel
10Globorotalia inflata, δ13CG. inflata δ13C‰ PDBVoelker, Antje H LIsotope ratio mass spectrometry>250 µm, 5-20 specimens, Leibniz Kiel
11Globorotalia scitula, δ18OG. scitula δ18O‰ PDBVoelker, Antje H LIsotope ratio mass spectrometry>250 µm or >150 µm, 10-16 or 13-30 specimens. Leibniz Kiel
12Globorotalia scitula, δ13CG. scitula δ13C‰ PDBVoelker, Antje H LIsotope ratio mass spectrometry>250 µm or >150 µm, 10-16 or 13-30 specimens. Leibniz Kiel
13Globorotalia truncatulinoides dextral, δ18OG. truncatulinoides d δ18O‰ PDBVoelker, Antje H LIsotope ratio mass spectrometry>250 µm, 1-5 specimens, Leibniz Kiel
14Globorotalia truncatulinoides dextral, δ13CG. truncatulinoides d δ13C‰ PDBVoelker, Antje H LIsotope ratio mass spectrometry>250 µm, 1-5 specimens, Leibniz Kiel
1252 data points

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