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Treppke, Ute F (2009): Trap data GBZ4, 696 m [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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DOI registered: 2005-03-22Published: 2009 (exact date unknown)

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Related to:
Lange, Carina Beatriz; Treppke, Ute F; Fischer, Gerhard (1994): Seasonal diatom fluxes in the Guinea Basin and their relationships to trade winds, hydrography and upwelling events. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 41(5-6), 859-863,
Treppke, Ute F (1996): Saisonalität im Diatomeen- und Silikoflagellatenfluß im östlichen tropischen und subtropischen Atlantik. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 74, 200 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000102042
Treppke, Ute F; Lange, Carina Beatriz; Donner, Barbara; Fischer, Gerhard; Ruhland, Götz; Wefer, Gerold (1996): Diatom and silicoflagellate fluxes at the Walvis Ridge: an environment controlled by coastal upwelling in the Benguela system. Journal of Marine Research, 54, 991-1016
Treppke, Ute F; Lange, Carina Beatriz; Wefer, Gerold (1996): Vertical fluxes of diatoms and silicoflagellates in the eastern equatorial Atlantic, and their contribution to the sedimentary record. Marine Micropaleontology, 28(1), 73-96,
Latitude: -2.183300 * Longitude: -9.900000
Date/Time Start: 1989-03-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1990-02-25T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 696 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 696 m
GBZ4_trap * Latitude: -2.183300 * Longitude: -9.900000 * Date/Time Start: 1989-03-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1990-03-16T00:00:00 * Elevation: -3912.0 m * Campaign: M9/4 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Trap (TRAP)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
3Date/time endDate/time endTreppke, Ute F
4Duration, number of daysDurationdaysTreppke, Ute F
5Sample code/labelSample labelTreppke, Ute F
6SplitSplitTreppke, Ute F
7Sample volumeSamp volmlTreppke, Ute Fmeasured
8SurfaceA/aTreppke, Ute FCalculated, see reference(s)
9Achnanthes spp.Achnanthes spp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
10Actinocyclus curvatulusA. curvatulus#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
11Actinocyclus octonariusA. octonarius#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
12Actinoptychus senariusA. senarius#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
13Asteromphalus arachneA. arachne#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
14Asteromphalus elegansA. elegans#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
15Amphora flabellatusA. flabellatus#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
16Amphora heptactisA. heptactis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
17Asteromphalus imbricatusA. imbricatus#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
18Asteromphalus robustusA. robustus#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
19Asteromphalus roperianusA. roperianus#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
20Asteromphalus sarcophagusA. sarcophagus#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
21Aulacoseira granulataA. granulata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
22Azpeitia spp.Azpeitia spp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
23Bacteriastrum delicatulumB. delicatulum#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
24Bacteriastrum elongatumB. elongatum#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
25Cerataulina pelagicaC. pelagica#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
26Chaetoceros affinisC. affinis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
27Chaetoceros atlanticusC. atlanticus#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
28Chaetoceros bacteriastroidesC. bacteriastroides#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
29Chaetoceros decipiensC. decipiens#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
30Chaetoceros messanensisC. messanensis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
31Chaetoceros radicansC. radicans#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
32Chaetoceros peruvianusC. peruvianus#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
33Chaetoceros seychellarumC. seychellarum#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
34Chaetoceros sp.Chaetoceros sp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatomsA
35Chaetoceros spp.Chaetoceros spp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
36Chaetoceros spp. resting sporesChaetoceros spp. rs#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
37Corethron plicatoidesC. plicatoides#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
38Coscinodiscus thoriiC. thorii#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
39Cyclotella spp.Cyclotella spp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
40Cylindrotheca closteriumC. closterium#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
41Detonula pumilaD. pumila#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
42Denticula spp.Denticula spp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
43Diploneis sp.Diploneis sp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
44Fragilaria groupFragilaria gr#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
45Fragilariopsis doliolusF. doliolus#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
46Fragilariopsis kerguelensisF. kerguelensis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
47Fragilariopsis pseudonanaF. pseudonana#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
48Haslea spp.Haslea spp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
49Hemiaulus membranaceusH. membranaceus#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
50Hemiaulus sinensisH. sinensis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
51Hemidiscus cuneiformisH. cuneiformis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
52Leptocylindrus mediterraneusL. mediterraneus#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
53Mastogloia rostrataM. rostrata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
54Mastogloia rostrataM. rostrata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
55Navicula sp.Navicula sp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatomsA
56Navicula sp.Navicula sp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatomsB
57Neodelphineis indicaN. indica#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
58Nitzschia aequatorialisN. aequatorialis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
59Nitzschia bicapitata groupN. bicapitata gr#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
60Nitzschia capuluspalaeN. capuluspalae#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
61Nitzschia inflatula var. capitataN. inflatula var. capitata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
62Nitzschia interruptestriataN. interruptestriata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
63Nitzschia kolaczeckiiN. kolaczeckii#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
64Nitzschia longicollumN. longicollum#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
65Nitzschia marinaN. marina#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
66Nitzschia siculaN. sicula#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
67Nitzschia sp.Nitzschia sp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatomsA
68Opephora spp.Opephora spp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
69Planktoniella solP. sol#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
70Pleurosigma directumP. directum#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
71Porosira denticulataP. denticulata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
72Proboscia alataP. alata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
73Pseudohimantidium pacificumP. pacificum#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
74Pseudo-nitzschia cuspidataP-n cuspidata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
75Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima groupP-n delicatissima gr#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
76Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta/subfraudulentaP-n fraudulenta/subfraudulenta#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
77Pseudo-nitzschia heimiiP-n heimii#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
78Pseudo-nitzschia inflatulaP-n inflatula#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
79Pseudo-nitzschia inflatula var. capitataP-n inflatula var. capitata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
80Pseudo-nitzschia pungiformisP-n pungiformis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
81Pseudo-nitzschia subpacificaP-n subpacifica#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
82Pseudosolenia calcar-avisP. calcar-avis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
83Pseudotriceratium punctatumP. punctatum#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
84Rhizosolenia acuminataR. acuminata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
85Rhizosolenia bergoniiR. bergonii#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
86Rhizosolenia castracaneiR. castracanei#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
87Rhizosolenia clevei var. communisR. clevei var. communis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
88Rhizosolenia imbricataR. imbricata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
89Rhizosolenia setigeraR. setigera#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
90Rhizosolenia styliformisR. styliformis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
91Rhizosolenia spp.Rhizosolenia spp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
92Roperia tessellataR. tessellata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
93Stauropsis membranaceaS. membranacea#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
94Stauropsis sp.Stauropsis sp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
95Stellarima stellarisS. stellaris#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
96Stephanodiscus astraeaS. astraea#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
97Thalassionema bacillarisT. bacillaris#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
98Thalassionema nitzschioidesT. nitzschioides#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
99Thalassionema nitzschioides var. parvaT. nitzschioides var. parva#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
100Thalassionema sp.Thalassionema sp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatomsA
101Thalassiosira allenii groupT. allenii gr#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
102Thalassiosira binataT. binata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
103Thalassiosira bioculataT. bioculata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
104Thalassiosira eccentricaT. eccentrica#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
105Thalassiosira elsayediiT. elsayedii#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
106Thalassiosira ferelineataT. ferelineata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
107Thalassiosira fragilisT. fragilis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
108Thalassiosira cf. liceaT. cf. licea#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
109Thalassiosira lineataT. lineata#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
110Thalassiosira oceanicaT. oceanica#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatomsincluding Thalassiosira partheneia
111Thalassiosira oestrupii var. oestrupiiT. oestrupii var. oestrupii#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
112Thalassiosira oestrupii var. venrickaeT. oestrupii var. venrickae#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
113Thalassiosira sackettii forma planaT. sackettii f plana#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
114Thalassiosira sackettii forma sackettiiT. sacketii f sacketii#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
115Thalassiosira subtilisT. subtilis#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
116Thalassiosira symmetricaT. symmetrica#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
117Thalassiosira tubiferaT. tubifera#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
118Thalassiosira sp.Thalassiosira sp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatomsA
119Thalassiosira sp.Thalassiosira sp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatomsU
120Thalassiosira sp.Thalassiosira sp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatomsW
121Thalassiosira sp.Thalassiosira sp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatomsZ
122Thalassiosira spp.Thalassiosira spp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
123Thalassiosira delicatulaT. delicatula#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
124Thalassiothrix longissimaT. longissima#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
125Thalassiothrix mediterraneaT. mediterranea#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
126Thalassiothrix vanhoeffeniiT. vanhoeffenii#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
127Thalassiothrix spp.Thalassiothrix spp.#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
128Diatoms, otherDiatom oth#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
129DiatomsDiatoms#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
130SilicoflagellatesSilicoflag#Treppke, Ute FCounting
131Actiniscus pentasteriasA. pentasterias#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
132PhytolithsPhytoliths#Treppke, Ute FCounting, diatoms
1430 data points

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