Treppke, Ute F (2002): Trap data GBN3, 3921 m [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Related to:
Lange, Carina Beatriz; Treppke, Ute F; Fischer, Gerhard (1994): Seasonal diatom fluxes in the Guinea Basin and their relationships to trade winds, hydrography and upwelling events. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 41(5-6), 859-863,
Treppke, Ute F (1996): Saisonalität im Diatomeen- und Silikoflagellatenfluß im östlichen tropischen und subtropischen Atlantik. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 74, 200 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000102042
Treppke, Ute F; Lange, Carina Beatriz; Donner, Barbara; Fischer, Gerhard; Ruhland, Götz; Wefer, Gerold (1996): Diatom and silicoflagellate fluxes at the Walvis Ridge: an environment controlled by coastal upwelling in the Benguela system. Journal of Marine Research, 54, 991-1016
Treppke, Ute F; Lange, Carina Beatriz; Wefer, Gerold (1996): Vertical fluxes of diatoms and silicoflagellates in the eastern equatorial Atlantic, and their contribution to the sedimentary record. Marine Micropaleontology, 28(1), 73-96,
Latitude: 1.800000 * Longitude: -11.133300
Date/Time Start: 1989-03-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1990-02-06T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 3921 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 3921 m
GBN3_trap * Latitude: 1.800000 * Longitude: -11.133300 * Date/Time Start: 1989-03-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1990-03-16T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4481.0 m * Campaign: M9/4 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Trap (TRAP)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Geocode | ||
2 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Geocode | |||
3 | Date/time end | Date/time end | Treppke, Ute F | |||
4 | Duration, number of days | Duration | days | Treppke, Ute F | Calculated | |
5 | Sample code/label | Sample label | Treppke, Ute F | |||
6 | Split | Split | Treppke, Ute F | split | ||
7 | Sample volume | Samp vol | ml | Treppke, Ute F | Measured | |
8 | Surface | A/a | Treppke, Ute F | Calculated, see reference(s) | ||
9 | Actinocyclus octonarius | A. octonarius | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
10 | Actinoptychus senarius | A. senarius | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
11 | Amphiprora spp. | Amphiprora spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
12 | Amphora spp. | Amphora spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
13 | Asteromphalus arachne | A. arachne | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
14 | Asteromphalus flabellatus | A. flabellatus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
15 | Asteromphalus heptactis | A. heptactis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
16 | Asteromphalus imbricatus | A. imbricatus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
17 | Asteromphalus petersonii | A. petersonii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
18 | Asteromphalus robustus | A. robustus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
19 | Asteromphalus sarcophagus | A. sarcophagus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
20 | Aulacoseira granulata | A. granulata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
21 | Azpeitia spp. | Azpeitia spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
22 | Bacteriastrum comosum | B. comosum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
23 | Bacteriastrum delicatulum | B. delicatulum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
24 | Bacteriastrum elongatum | B. elongatum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
25 | Bacteriastrum hyalinum | B. hyalinum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
26 | Bacteriastrum spp. | Bacteriastrum spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
27 | Cerataulina spp. | Cerataulina spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
28 | Chaetoceros affinis | C. affinis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
29 | Chaetoceros anastomosans | C. anastomosans | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
30 | Chaetoceros atlanticus | C. atlanticus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
31 | Chaetoceros bacteriastrum | C. bacteriastrum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
32 | Chaetoceros compressus | C. compressus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
33 | Chaetoceros decipiens | C. decipiens | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
34 | Chaetoceros didymus | C. didymus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
35 | Chaetoceros eibenii | C. eibenii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
36 | Chaetoceros lorenzianus | C. lorenzianus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
37 | Chaetoceros messanensis | C. messanensis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
38 | Chaetoceros pendulus | C. pendulus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
39 | Chaetoceros peruvianus | C. peruvianus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
40 | Chaetoceros radicans | C. radicans | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
41 | Chaetoceros rostratatus | C. rostratatus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
42 | Chaetoceros seychellarum | C. seychellarum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
43 | Chaetoceros sp. | Chaetoceros sp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
44 | Chaetoceros spp. | Chaetoceros spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
45 | Chaetoceros spp. | Chaetoceros spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | (Hyalochaete) |
46 | Chaetoceros spp. | Chaetoceros spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | (Phaeoceros) |
47 | Chaetoceros, resting spores | Chaetoceros rs | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
48 | Climacodium frauenfeldii | C. frauenfeldii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
49 | Cocconeis spp. | Cocconeis spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
50 | Corethron criophilum | C. criophilum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
51 | Coscinodiscus concinniformis | C. concinniformis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
52 | Coscinodiscus plicatoides | C. plicatoides | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
53 | Coscinodiscus radiatus | C. radiatus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
54 | Coscinodiscus thorii | C. thorii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
55 | Cyclotella comensis | C. comensis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
56 | Cyclotella kuetzingiana | C. kuetzingiana | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
57 | Cyclotella litoralis | C. litoralis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
58 | Cyclotella meneghiniana | C. meneghiniana | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
59 | Cyclotella cf. menegheniana | C. cf. menegheniana | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
60 | Cyclotella ocellata | C. ocellata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
61 | Cyclotella stelligera | C. stelligera | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
62 | Cyclotella spp. | Cyclotella spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
63 | Cylindrotheca closterium | C. closterium | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
64 | Detonula pumila | D. pumila | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
65 | Eucampia zodiacus forma cylindrus | E. zodiacus f cylindrus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
66 | Fragilaria pinnata | F. pinnata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
67 | Fragilaria spp. | Fragilaria spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | Pseudostaurosira, Staurosira, Staurosirella |
68 | Fragilariopsis cylindrus | F. cylindrus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
69 | Fragilariopsis doliolus | F. doliolus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
70 | Fragilariopsis pseudonana | F. pseudonana | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
71 | Guinardia cylindrus | G. cylindrus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
72 | Haslea spp. | Haslea spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
73 | Hemiaulus hauckii | H. hauckii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
74 | Hemiaulus membranaceus | H. membranaceus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
75 | Hemiaulus sinensis | H. sinensis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
76 | Hemidiscus cuneiformis | H. cuneiformis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
77 | Lauderia annulata | L. annulata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
78 | Leptocylindrus mediterraneus | L. mediterraneus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
79 | Licomorpha spp. | Licomorpha spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
80 | Mastogloia rostrata | M. rostrata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
81 | Navicula sp. | Navicula sp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | A |
82 | Navicula sp. | Navicula sp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | B |
83 | Navicula spp. | Navicula spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
84 | Neodelphineis indica | N. indica | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
85 | Nitzschia aequatorialis | N. aequatorialis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
86 | Nitzschia bicapitata group | N. bicapitata gr | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
87 | Nitzschia capuluspalae | N. capuluspalae | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
88 | Nitzschia inflatula var. capitata | N. inflatula var. capitata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
89 | Nitzschia interruptestriata | N. interruptestriata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
90 | Nitzschia kolaczeckii | N. kolaczeckii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
91 | Nitzschia longicollum | N. longicollum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
92 | Nitzschia marina | N. marina | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
93 | Nitzschia ossiformis | N. ossiformis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
94 | Nitzschia sicula | N. sicula | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
95 | Nitzschia sp. | Nitzschia sp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | A |
96 | Nitzschia spp. | Nitzschia spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | (freshwater) |
97 | Odontella aurita | O. aurita | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
98 | Odontella mobiliensis | O. mobiliensis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
99 | Opephora spp. | Opephora spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
100 | Pachyneis gerlachii | P. gerlachii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
101 | Paralia sulcata | P. sulcata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
102 | Pinnularia spp. | Pinnularia spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
103 | Plagiotropis spp. | Plagiotropis spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
104 | Planktoniella sol | P. sol | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
105 | Pleurosigma directum | P. directum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
106 | Pleurosigma hyalinum | P. hyalinum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
107 | Pleurosigma indicum | P. indicum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
108 | Porosira denticulata | P. denticulata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
109 | Proboscia alata | P. alata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
110 | Pseudo-nitzschia cuspidata | P-n cuspidata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
111 | Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima/pseudodelicatissima | P-n delicatissima/pseudodelicat | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
112 | Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta | P-n fraudulenta | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
113 | Pseudo-nitzschia heimii | P-n heimii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
114 | Pseudo-nitzschia inflatula | P-n inflatula | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
115 | Pseudo-nitzschia inflatula var. capitata | P-n inflatula var. capitata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
116 | Pseudo-nitzschia pungens | P-n pungens | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
117 | Pseudo-nitzschia pungiformis | P-n pungiformis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
118 | Pseudo-nitzschia subfraudulenta | P-n subfraudulenta | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
119 | Pseudo-nitzschia subpacifica | P-n subpacifica | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
120 | Pseudosolenia calcar-avis | P. calcar-avis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
121 | Pseudostaurosira brevistriata | P. brevistriata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
122 | Pseudotriceratium punctatum | P. punctatum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
123 | Rhizosolenia acuminata | R. acuminata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
124 | Rhizosolenia bergonii | R. bergonii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
125 | Rhizosolenia castracanei | R. castracanei | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
126 | Rhizosolenia clevei | R. clevei | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
127 | Rhizosolenia clevei var. communis | R. clevei var. communis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
128 | Rhizosolenia debayana | R. debayana | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
129 | Rhizosolenia decipiens | R. decipiens | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
130 | Rhizosolenia fallax | R. fallax | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
131 | Rhizosolenia formosa | R. formosa | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
132 | Rhizosolenia hyalina | R. hyalina | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
133 | Rhizosolenia imbricata | R. imbricata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
134 | Rhizosolenia setigera | R. setigera | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
135 | Rhizosolenia styliformis | R. styliformis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
136 | Rhizosolenia spp. | Rhizosolenia spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
137 | Roperia tessellata | R. tessellata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
138 | Skeletonema costatum | S. costatum | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
139 | Stauropsis membranacea | S. membranacea | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
140 | Staurosira construens | S. construens | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
141 | Stephanodiscus astraea | S. astraea | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
142 | Surirella sp. | Surirella sp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
143 | Thalassionema bacillaris | T. bacillaris | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
144 | Thalassionema frauenfeldii | T. frauenfeldii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
145 | Thalassionema nitzschioides | T. nitzschioides | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
146 | Thalassionema nitzschioides var. parva | T. nitzschioides var. parva | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
147 | Thalassionema sp. | Thalassionema sp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | A |
148 | Thalassiosira anguste-lineata | T. anguste-lineata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
149 | Thalassiosira bioculata | T. bioculata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
150 | Thalassiosira delicatula | T. delicatula | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
151 | Thalassiosira diporocyclus | T. diporocyclus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
152 | Thalassiosira eccentrica | T. eccentrica | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
153 | Thalassiosira elsayedii | T. elsayedii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
154 | Thalassiosira ferelineata | T. ferelineata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
155 | Thalassiosira fragilis | T. fragilis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
156 | Thalassiosira lineata | T. lineata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
157 | Thalassiosira monoporocyclus | T. monoporocyclus | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
158 | Thalassiosira oestrupii var. oestrupii | T. oestrupii var. oestrupii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
159 | Thalassiosira oestrupii var. venrickae | T. oestrupii var. venrickae | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
160 | Thalassiosira partheneia | T. partheneia | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
161 | Thalassiosira partheneia | T. partheneia | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | including Thalassiosira oceanica |
162 | Thalassiosira punctifera | T. punctifera | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
163 | Thalassiosira sackettii forma plana | T. sackettii f plana | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
164 | Thalassiosira sackettii forma sackettii | T. sacketii f sacketii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
165 | Thalassiosira subtilis | T. subtilis | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
166 | Thalassiosira symmetrica | T. symmetrica | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
167 | Thalassiosira tubifera | T. tubifera | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
168 | Thalassiosira sp. | Thalassiosira sp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | A |
169 | Thalassiosira sp. | Thalassiosira sp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | U |
170 | Thalassiosira sp. | Thalassiosira sp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | W |
171 | Thalassiosira sp. | Thalassiosira sp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | Z |
172 | Thalassiothrix delicatissima | T. delicatissima | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
173 | Thalassiothrix longissima | T. longissima | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
174 | Thalassiothrix mediterranea | T. mediterranea | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
175 | Thalassiothrix vanhoeffenii | T. vanhoeffenii | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
176 | Thalassiothrix spp. | Thalassiothrix spp. | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
177 | Tropidoneis subalata | T. subalata | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
178 | Diatoms, centrales indeterminata | Diatom cen indet | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
179 | Pennales indeterminata | Penn indet | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
180 | Diatoms, other | Diatom oth | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
181 | Diatoms | Diatoms | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting, diatoms | |
182 | Silicoflagellates | Silicoflag | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting | |
183 | Actiniscus pentasterias | A. pentasterias | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting | |
184 | Phytoliths | Phytoliths | # | Treppke, Ute F | Counting |
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