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Kushnir, V M (2007): (Table 1) Conditions of vertical near-bottom profiling and the main parameters of the benthic boundary layer in several regions of the Black Sea shelf [dataset]. Marine Hydrophysical Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Kushnir, VM (2007): Bottom boundary layer in the Black Sea: Experimental data, turbulent diffusion, and fluxes. Oceanology, 47(1), 33-41,

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Measurements of 14 vertical profiles of currents and hydrological parameters in the near-bottom layer with depth resolution of 0.1 m were carried out in several regions of the Black Sea shelf, at five points over the continental slope, and in three deep water regions. The upper boundary of the benthic boundary layer (BBL) was reliably determined at a point at distance from 5-7 to 35-40 m from the bottom where the gradients of density and current velocity changed. Experimental data obtained were used to determine the coefficient of bottom friction, friction velocity, coefficients of vertical diffusion of momentum and density, and vertical fluxes of temperature and salinity in the BBL.
Median Latitude: 44.256061 * Median Longitude: 33.172727 * South-bound Latitude: 41.433333 * West-bound Longitude: 29.200000 * North-bound Latitude: 44.833333 * East-bound Longitude: 34.016667
Minimum Elevation: -1930.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -70.0 m
OLT-7 * Latitude: 44.666667 * Longitude: 31.500000 * Elevation: -250.0 m * Location: Black Sea * Method/Device: Hydrophysical profiler OLT-D (OLT-D)
OLT-14 * Latitude: 44.500000 * Longitude: 33.250000 * Elevation: -120.0 m * Location: Black Sea * Method/Device: Hydrophysical profiler OLT-D (OLT-D)
OLT-15 * Latitude: 44.416667 * Longitude: 33.250000 * Elevation: -760.0 m * Location: Black Sea * Method/Device: Hydrophysical profiler OLT-D (OLT-D)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventKushnir, V M
2Latitude of eventLatitudeKushnir, V M
3Longitude of eventLongitudeKushnir, V M
4Elevation of eventElevationmKushnir, V M
5AngleAngledegKushnir, V Mof bottom sloping
6Current speedVcm/sKushnir, V MHydrophysical profiler, OLT-D type
7Brunt-Väisälä frequencyNrad/sKushnir, V MHydrophysical profiler, OLT-D type
8Dynamical Richardson numberRiKushnir, V MHydrophysical profiler, OLT-D type
88 data points

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