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Mahoney, John J; Duncan, Robert A; Tejada, Maria Luisa G; Sager, William W; Bralower, Timothy J (2005): (Table DR2) Nd-Pb-Sr isotope ratios and isotope-dilution concentrations in samples from ODP Hole 191-1179D [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Mahoney, JJ et al. (2005): Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary age and mid-ocean-ridge-type mantle source for Shatsky Rise. Geology, 33(3), 185-188,

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Latitude: 41.080200 * Longitude: 159.963100
Date/Time Start: 2000-07-30T02:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2000-08-06T11:50:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 393.63 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 470.42 m
191-1179D * Latitude: 41.080200 * Longitude: 159.963100 * Date/Time Start: 2000-07-30T02:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2000-08-06T11:50:00 * Elevation: -5566.0 m * Penetration: 475 m * Recovery: 50.36 m * Location: North Pacific Ocean * Campaign: Leg191 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 22 cores; 194 m cored; 281 m drilled; 26 % recovery
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Sample code/labelSample labelMahoney, John JDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
3Sample typeSamp typeMahoney, John J
4ε-Neodymium (0)ε-Nd(0)Mahoney, John JThermal-ionization multicollector mass spectrometer VG Sector
5Neodymium-143/Neodymium-144 ratio143Nd/144NdMahoney, John JThermal-ionization multicollector mass spectrometer VG Sectormeasured
6Strontium-87/Strontium-86 ratio87Sr/86SrMahoney, John JThermal-ionization multicollector mass spectrometer VG Sectormeasured
7Lead-206/Lead-204 ratio206Pb/204PbMahoney, John JDouble-spike methodmeasured
8Lead-207/Lead-204 ratio207Pb/204PbMahoney, John JDouble-spike methodmeasured
9Lead-208/Lead-204 ratio208Pb/204PbMahoney, John JDouble-spike methodmeasured
10NeodymiumNdmg/kgMahoney, John J
11SamariumSmmg/kgMahoney, John J
12StrontiumSrmg/kgMahoney, John J
13RubidiumRbmg/kgMahoney, John J
14LeadPbmg/kgMahoney, John J
15UraniumUmg/kgMahoney, John J
16ThoriumThmg/kgMahoney, John J
17Lead-206/Lead-204 ratio206Pb/204PbMahoney, John JCalculatedage-corrected
18Lead-207/Lead-204 ratio207Pb/204PbMahoney, John JCalculatedage-corrected
19Lead-208/Lead-204 ratio208Pb/204PbMahoney, John JCalculatedage-corrected
20Strontium-87/Strontium-86 ratio87Sr/86SrMahoney, John JCalculatedage-corrected
21Neodymium-143/Neodymium-144 ratio143Nd/144NdMahoney, John JCalculatedage-corrected
22ε-Neodymium (T)ε-Nd(T)Mahoney, John JCalculated
63 data points

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