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Hogan, L G; Scheidegger, Kenneth F; Kulm, LaVerne D; Dymond, Jack R; Mikkelsen, Naja (1978): (Table 1) Argon dating of ash layers from DSDP Hole 18-178 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Ash layers from Deep Sea Drilling Project site 178 in the northeast Pacific Ocean have been dated by the 40Ar-39Ar stepwise heating technique to resolve published discrepancies concerning the length of time explosive volcanism has affected the eastern Aleutian arc and Alaskan Peninsula. The results of the investigation indicate that the record of ash-fall deposition at site 178 extends back at least 6.5 m.y. Assuming that 6.5 m.y. ago marks the onset of renewed calc-alkalic volcanism of the volcanic arc, proposed models of continuous and discontinuous motion between the Pacific and North American lithospheric plates can be evaluated. If appreciable time elapsed between the onset of subduction and the onset of arc volcanism, the 6.5-m.y. record of ash-fall deposition in the north-east Pacific is most compatible with models of continuous plate motion throughout late Cenozoic time.
Related to:
Hogan, L G; Scheidegger, Kenneth F; Kulm, LaVerne D; Dymond, Jack R; Mikkelsen, Naja (1978): Biostratigraphic and tectonic implications of 40Ar-39Ar dates of ash layers from the northeast Gulf of Alaska. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 89(8), 1259-1264,;2
Latitude: 56.956300 * Longitude: -147.131000
Date/Time Start: 1971-06-30T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1971-06-30T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 242.36 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 456.78 m
18-178 * Latitude: 56.956300 * Longitude: -147.131000 * Date/Time: 1971-06-30T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4218.0 m * Penetration: 794.5 m * Recovery: 212.5 m * Location: North Pacific/PLAIN * Campaign: Leg18 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 53 cores; 471.5 m cored; 48 m drilled; 45.1 % recovery
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Sample code/labelSample labelHogan, L GDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
Sample commentSample commentHogan, L G
Temperature, technicalT tech°CHogan, L G
Argon-40 at standard pressure40Ar STP10-6 cm3/gHogan, L G
Argon-4040Ar%Hogan, L G
Argon-40/Argon-3640Ar/36ArHogan, L Gcorrected
Argon-36/Argon-3936Ar/39Ar10-3Hogan, L Gcorrected; in original table given as Ar39/Ar36, recalulated
Age, datedAge datedkaHogan, L G
10 Age, errorAge e±Hogan, L G
11 Age, datedAge datedkaHogan, L Gtotal isochron age
12 Age, dated standard deviationAge dated std dev±Hogan, L Gof total isochron age
13 Age, datedAge datedkaHogan, L Gpreffered isochron age
14 Age, dated standard deviationAge dated std dev±Hogan, L Gof preffered isochron age
174 data points


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Depth sed [m]

Sample label

Sample comment

T tech [°C]

40Ar STP [10-6 cm3/g]

40Ar [%]


36Ar/39Ar [10-3]
(corrected; in original table ...)

Age dated [ka]
Age e [±]
Age dated [ka]
(total isochron age)
Age dated std dev [±]
(of total isochron age)
Age dated [ka]
(preffered isochron age)
Age dated std dev [±]
(of preffered isochron age)
242.3618-178-28-2,135-137step 14000.3460027.70408.839.4339098
242.3618-178-28-2,135-137step 25000.1830056.10672.611.3325091
242.3618-178-28-2,135-137step 36000.0389022.20379.766.54250292
242.3618-178-28-2,135-137step 48000.003488.78323.9450.09700996
242.3618-178-28-2,135-137step 510000.1180019.40366.4920.0489003010
242.3618-178-28-2,135-137step 6, fusion temperature0.0485015.00347.62022.7785003600
326.0818-178-34-6,107-109step 14000.179604.05308.0408.53870214
326.0818-178-34-6,107-109step 25000.1951015.20348.6120.14840181
326.0818-178-34-6,107-109step 36000.2770023.70387.368.44770133
326.0818-178-34-6,107-109step 48000.051209.34325.9283.26540309
326.0818-178-34-6,107-109step 510000.018503.50306.24310.3347001970
326.0818-178-34-6,107-109step 6, fusion temperature0.013801.24299.233333.39270014700
456.7818-178-44-4,78-79step 14000.1437010.70331.0116.27020136
456.7818-178-44-4,78-79step 25000.1894020.10369.850.7640082
456.7818-178-44-4,78-79step 36000.2592035.10455.024.6666081
456.7818-178-44-4,78-79step 48000.1381030.90427.430.76880107
456.7818-178-44-4,78-79step 510000.034009.20325.4255.2130001230
456.7818-178-44-4,78-79step 6, fusion temperature0.027104.70310.11897.5465001230