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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Combourieu-Nebout, Nathalie; Turon, Jean-Louis; Zahn, Rainer; Capotondi, Lucilla; Londeix, Laurent; Pahnke, Katharina (2002): Radiocarbon dates of sediments from ODP Site 161-976 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Combourieu-Nebout, N et al. (2002): Enhanced aridity and atmospheric high-pressure stability over the western Mediterranean during the North Atlantic cold events of the past 50 k.y. Geology, 30(10), 863-866,;2

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Multiproxy paleoenvironmental records (pollen and planktonic isotope) from Ocean Drilling Program Site 976 (Alboran Sea) document rapid ocean and climate variations during the last glacial that follow the Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillations seen in the Greenland ice core records, thus suggesting a close link of the Mediterranean climate swings with North Atlantic climates. Continental conditions rapidly oscillated through cold-arid and warm-wet conditions in the course of stadial-interstadial climate jumps. At the time of Heinrich events, i.e., maximum meltwater flux to the North Atlantic, western Mediterranean marine microflora and microfauna show rapid cooling correlated with increasing continental dryness. Enhanced aridity conceivably points to prolonged wintertime stability of atmospheric high-pressure systems over the southwestern Mediterranean in conjunction with cooling of the North Atlantic.
Median Latitude: 36.205450 * Median Longitude: -4.312355 * South-bound Latitude: 36.205300 * West-bound Longitude: -4.312500 * North-bound Latitude: 36.205600 * East-bound Longitude: -4.312210
Date/Time Start: 1995-06-01T12:45:00 * Date/Time End: 1995-06-03T16:45:00
161-976C * Latitude: 36.205300 * Longitude: -4.312210 * Date/Time Start: 1995-06-01T12:45:00 * Date/Time End: 1995-06-03T11:45:00 * Elevation: -1108.0 m * Penetration: 379.7 m * Recovery: 340.16 m * Location: Alboran Sea * Campaign: Leg161 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 40 cores; 379.7 m cored; 0 m drilled; 89.6 % recovery
161-976D * Latitude: 36.205600 * Longitude: -4.312500 * Date/Time Start: 1995-06-03T11:45:00 * Date/Time End: 1995-06-03T16:45:00 * Elevation: -1108.0 m * Penetration: 30 m * Recovery: 30.79 m * Location: Alboran Sea * Campaign: Leg161 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 4 cores; 30 m cored; 0 m drilled; 102.6 % recovery
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