Turner, C (2009): Pollen profile MARKSTGG, Marks Tey, United Kingdom [dataset]. European Pollen Database (EPD), PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.711927
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Published: 2009-01-27 • DOI registered: 2009-02-24
Latitude: 51.866667 * Longitude: 0.783333
Date/Time Start: 1962-06-30T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1962-06-30T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 2.35 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 20.37 m
MARKSTGG (GG) * Latitude: 51.866667 * Longitude: 0.783333 * Date/Time: 1962-06-30T00:00:00 * Elevation: 326.0 m * Location: Marks Tey, United Kingdom * Method/Device: Percussion corer (PCOR) * Comment: Lowest part of main brickpit. Disused brickworks. Physiography: rolling countryside. Surrounding vegetation: grassland.
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Abies | Abi | # | Turner, C | Abies | |
3 | Acer | Ace | # | Turner, C | Acer campestre-type | |
4 | Alnus | Aln | # | Turner, C | Alnus | |
5 | Armeria (type A) | Arm.TA | # | Turner, C | Armeria-type | |
6 | Artemisia | Art | # | Turner, C | Artemisia | |
7 | Bellis-type | Bel-T | # | Turner, C | Aster-type | |
8 | Betula | Bet | # | Turner, C | Betula | |
9 | Buxus | Bux | # | Turner, C | Buxus | |
10 | Calluna vulgaris | Cal.v | # | Turner, C | Calluna vulgaris | |
11 | Carpinus | Car | # | Turner, C | Carpinus betulus | |
12 | Caryophyllaceae | Cphae | # | Turner, C | Caryophyllaceae | |
13 | Centaurea nigra | Cen.n | # | Turner, C | Centaurea nigra-type | |
14 | Chenopodiaceae | Cheae | # | Turner, C | Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae | |
15 | Corylus | Cor | # | Turner, C | Corylus | |
16 | Cruciferae | Cru | # | Turner, C | Cruciferae | |
17 | Cyperaceae | Cypae | # | Turner, C | Cyperaceae | |
18 | Diphasium alpinum | Dip.a | # | Turner, C | Lycopodium clavatum-type | |
19 | Empetrum | Emp | # | Turner, C | Empetrum nigrum | |
20 | Ericaceae | Eriae | # | Turner, C | Ericaceae-type | |
21 | Filicopsida | Fil | # | Turner, C | Dryopteris-type | |
22 | Filipendula | Flp | # | Turner, C | Filipendula | |
23 | Fraxinus | Frx | # | Turner, C | Fraxinus | |
24 | Gramineae | Graae | # | Turner, C | Gramineae | |
25 | Hedera | Hed | # | Turner, C | Hedera | |
26 | Helianthemum | Hel | # | Turner, C | Helianthemum | |
27 | Hippophae rhamnoides | Hip.r | # | Turner, C | Hippophae rhamnoides | |
28 | Ilex | Ile | # | Turner, C | Ilex | |
29 | Juniperus | Jun | # | Turner, C | Juniperus-type | |
30 | Labiatae | Lab | # | Turner, C | Labiatae | |
31 | Leguminosae | Leg | # | Turner, C | Leguminosae | |
32 | Littorella uniflora | Ltt.u | # | Turner, C | Littorella uniflora | |
33 | Lythrum | Lyt | # | Turner, C | Lythrum | |
34 | Matricaria-type | Mtr-T | # | Turner, C | Anthemis-type | |
35 | Myriophyllum spicatum | Myo.s | # | Turner, C | Myriophyllum spicatum | |
36 | Myriophyllum verticillatum | Myo.v | # | Turner, C | Myriophyllum verticillatum | |
37 | Ophioglossum | Oph | # | Turner, C | Ophioglossum | |
38 | Osmunda regalis | Osm.r | # | Turner, C | Osmunda regalis | |
39 | Picea | Pic | # | Turner, C | Picea | |
40 | Pinus | Pin | # | Turner, C | Pinus | |
41 | Plantago major/media | Pla.m/m | # | Turner, C | Plantago major/P. media | |
42 | Plantago maritima | Pla.m | # | Turner, C | Plantago maritima-type | |
43 | Polygonum aviculare | Pol.i | # | Turner, C | Polygonum aviculare-type | |
44 | Polypodium | Ppd | # | Turner, C | Polypodium | |
45 | Potamogeton | Pot | # | Turner, C | Potamogeton-type | |
46 | Pteridium | Ptd | # | Turner, C | Pteridium aquilinum | |
47 | Pterocarya | Pte | # | Turner, C | Pterocarya | |
48 | Quercus | Que | # | Turner, C | Quercus | |
49 | Ranunculaceae | Ranae | # | Turner, C | Ranunculaceae | |
50 | Rosaceae | Rosae | # | Turner, C | Rosaceae | |
51 | Rubiaceae | Rubae | # | Turner, C | Rubiaceae | |
52 | Rumex | Rum | # | Turner, C | Rumex/Oxyria | |
53 | Rumex acetosa | Rum.a | # | Turner, C | Rumex acetosa-type | |
54 | Salix | Sal | # | Turner, C | Salix | |
55 | Sparganium | Spa | # | Turner, C | Sparganium-type | |
56 | Sphagnum | Sph | # | Turner, C | Sphagnum | |
57 | Taraxacum | Tar | # | Turner, C | Compositae subfam. Cichorioideae | |
58 | Taxus | Tax | # | Turner, C | Taxus baccata | |
59 | Thalictrum | Tha | # | Turner, C | Thalictrum | |
60 | Tilia | Til | # | Turner, C | Tilia | |
61 | Tilia cordata | Til.c | # | Turner, C | Tilia cordata | |
62 | Typha angustifolia | Typ.a | # | Turner, C | Sparganium-type | |
63 | Typha angustifolia/Sparganium | Typ.a/Sp | # | Turner, C | Sparganium-type | |
64 | Typha latifolia | Typ.l | # | Turner, C | Typha latifolia-type | |
65 | Typha undifferentiated | Typ.ud | # | Turner, C | Typha latifolia-type | |
66 | Ulmus | Ulm | # | Turner, C | Ulmus | |
67 | Umbelliferae | Umb | # | Turner, C | Umbelliferae | |
68 | Urtica | Urt | # | Turner, C | Urtica dioica-type | |
69 | Valeriana officinalis | Val.o | # | Turner, C | Valeriana officinalis-type | |
70 | Vitis | Vts | # | Turner, C | Vitis |
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