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Mimouni, Mohamed (2009): Meteorological synoptical observations from station Tamanrasset (2001-02) [dataset]. National Meteorological Office of Algeria, PANGAEA,

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Published: 2009-01-21DOI registered: 2009-02-18

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Other version:
Mimouni, Mohamed (2009): BSRN Station-to-archive file for station Tamanrasset (2001-02) [dataset].
Latitude: 22.790300 * Longitude: 5.529200
Date/Time Start: 2001-02-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-02-28T21:00:00
Minimum Elevation: 1385.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 1385.0 m
TAM (Tamanrasset) * Latitude: 22.790300 * Longitude: 5.529200 * Date/Time: 2000-03-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: 1385.0 m * Location: Algeria * Method/Device: Monitoring station (MONS) * Comment: BSRN station no: 42; Surface type: desert, rock; Topography type: flat, rural; Horizon: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.669526; Station scientist: Sidi BAIKA (
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Cloud base heighthcodeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
Horizontal visibilityVVcodeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
Total cloud amountNcodeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
Wind directiondddegMimouni, MohamedAnemometer
Wind speedffm/sMimouni, MohamedAnemometer
Temperature, airTTT°CMimouni, MohamedThermometer
Dew/frost pointTdTdTd°CMimouni, MohamedHygrometer (HYGRO)
Station pressurePoPoPoPohPaMimouni, MohamedBarometer (BARO)
10 Present weatherwwcodeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
11 Past weather1W1codeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
12 Past weather2W2codeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
13 Low/middle cloud amountNhcodeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
14 Low cloudCLcodeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
15 Middle cloudCMcodeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
16 High cloudCHcodeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
17 Amount of cloud layer 1Ns 1codeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
18 Cloud layer 1C 1codeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
19 Cloud base height code, layer 1hshs 1codeMimouni, MohamedVisibility sensor
20 Amount of cloud layer 2Ns 2codeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
21 Cloud layer 2C 2codeMimouni, MohamedVisual observation
22 Cloud base height code, layer 2hshs 2codeMimouni, MohamedVisibility sensor
23 CodeCodeMimouni, MohamedYYGG9 IIiii iRixhVV Nddff 1SnTTT 2SnTdTdTd 3P0P0P0 4PPPP 7wwW1W2 8NhClCmCh 333 8NsChshs 8NsChshs
3735 data points


Download dataset as tab-delimited text — use the following character encoding:


h [code]

VV [code]

N [code]

dd [deg]

ff [m/s]

TTT [°C]

TdTdTd [°C]

PoPoPoPo [hPa]
ww [code]
W1 [code]
W2 [code]
Nh [code]
CL [code]
CM [code]
CH [code]
Ns 1 [code]
C 1 [code]
hshs 1 [code]
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C 2 [code]
hshs 2 [code]
2001-02-01T00:009704008.211.28652100002407301004 60680 44970 40000 10082 20112 38654 48515 70210 80002 333 84073
2001-02-01T03:00970220107.515.08642000002207301034 60680 44970 20210 10075 20150 38645 48506 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-01T06:009703003.817.68653000002307301064 60680 44970 30000 10038 20176 38647 48506 70300 80002 333 83073
2001-02-01T09:0097540012.513.386620010321362307301094 60680 44975 40000 10125 20133 38663 48523 70200 81032 333 81362 83073
2001-02-01T12:0098033401120.913.18661001032136201124 60680 44980 33411 10209 20131 38658 48519 70100 81032 333 81362
2001-02-01T15:0098043601222.012.386520010321362307301154 60680 44980 43612 10220 20123 38650 48511 70200 81032 333 81362 83073
2001-02-01T18:009753360718.015.38652001032136201184 60680 44975 33607 10180 20153 38653 48512 70200 81032 333 81362
2001-02-01T21:0097020014.1-8.88661000002207301214 60680 44970 20000 10141 21088 38661 48522 70100 80002 333 82073
2001-02-02T00:009702007.910.98662000002207302004 60680 44970 20000 10079 20109 38658 48520 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-02T03:009700004.612.786510002034 60680 44970 00000 10046 20127 38651 48511 70100
2001-02-02T06:009700002.213.386620002064 60680 44970 00000 10022 20133 38656 48515 70200
2001-02-02T09:0097500013.6-9.086820002094 60680 44975 00000 10136 21090 38675 48535 70200
2001-02-02T12:0097500020.4-6.886620002124 60680 44975 00000 10204 21068 38665 48525 70200
2001-02-02T15:0097503401022.312.086620002154 60680 44975 03410 10223 20120 38656 48516 70200
2001-02-02T18:009750280817.2-8.186720002184 60680 44975 02808 10172 21081 38671 48529 70200
2001-02-02T21:009700200212.011.086820002214 60680 44970 02002 10120 20110 38682 48541 70200
2001-02-03T00:009700008.613.486920003004 60680 44970 00000 10086 20134 38686 48547 70200
2001-02-03T03:0097001201011.6-9.786820003034 60680 44970 01210 10116 21097 38676 48538 70200
2001-02-03T06:0097008028.0-9.686720003064 60680 44970 00802 10080 21096 38673 48533 70200
2001-02-03T09:0098000013.0-7.986920003094 60680 44980 00000 10130 21079 38688 48547 70200
2001-02-03T12:0098000019.4-7.086920003124 60680 44980 00000 10194 21070 38686 48546 70200
2001-02-03T15:009800320421.2-6.186720003154 60680 44980 03204 10212 21061 38672 48534 70200
2001-02-03T18:009800320618.2-7.686820003184 60680 44980 03206 10182 21076 38683 48543 70200
2001-02-03T21:009700180212.8-7.486920003214 60680 44970 01802 10128 21074 38689 48549 70200
2001-02-04T00:009700008.6-8.486920004004 60680 44970 00000 10086 21084 38692 48551 70200
2001-02-04T03:009700801411.2-8.686820004034 60680 44970 00814 10112 21086 38679 48540 70200
2001-02-04T06:009750005.813.686820004064 60680 44975 00000 10058 20136 38680 48538 70200
2001-02-04T09:0098020015.315.08693000002207304094 60680 44980 20000 10153 20150 38694 48554 70300 80002 333 82073
2001-02-04T12:0098020021.7-9.78692000002207304124 60680 44980 20000 10217 21097 38687 48547 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-04T15:0098012801023.8-7.78682000002107304154 60680 44980 12810 10238 21077 38675 48538 70200 80002 333 81073
2001-02-04T18:0098023201018.5-9.58682000002207304184 60680 44980 23210 10185 21095 38684 48543 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-04T21:0097010013.0-9.58701000002107304214 60680 44970 10000 10130 21095 38697 48557 70100 80002 333 81073
2001-02-05T00:00970180713.2-8.08692000002107305004 60680 44970 10807 10132 21080 38694 48556 70200 80002 333 81073
2001-02-05T03:009703401013.5-9.88683000002307305034 60680 44970 30410 10135 21098 38684 48548 70300 80002 333 83073
2001-02-05T06:0097054085.515.98693100002507305064 60680 44970 50408 10055 20159 38688 48547 70310 80002 333 85073
2001-02-05T09:0098050016.015.68702200002507305094 60680 44980 50000 10160 20156 38701 48561 70220 80002 333 85073
2001-02-05T12:0098050022.011.48702200002507305124 60680 44980 50000 10220 20114 38698 48560 70220 80002 333 85073
2001-02-05T15:009805320622.511.98682200002507305154 60680 44980 53206 10225 20119 38679 48542 70220 80002 333 85073
2001-02-05T18:0098030019.612.48682100002307305184 60680 44980 30000 10196 20124 38685 48544 70210 80002 333 83073
2001-02-05T21:0097000012.012.287010005214 60680 44970 00000 10120 20122 38698 48558 70100
2001-02-06T00:009703007.511.38692000002307306004 60680 44970 30000 10075 20113 38693 48553 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-06T03:009701005.513.88691000002107306034 60680 44970 10000 10055 20138 38687 48547 70100 80002 333 81073
2001-02-06T06:009703008.817.38692000002307306064 60680 44970 30000 10088 20173 38691 48550 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-06T09:009803100618.814.78702000002307306094 60680 44980 31006 10188 20147 38699 48559 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-06T12:0098130023.211.48702000002307306124 60680 44981 30000 10232 20114 38701 48561 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-06T15:009815300823.011.58693100002507306154 60680 44981 53008 10230 20115 38686 48546 70310 80002 333 85073
2001-02-06T18:009806300219.712.88692100002607306184 60680 44980 63002 10197 20128 38692 48552 70210 80002 333 86073
2001-02-06T21:0097050014.015.18702200002507306214 60680 44970 50000 10140 20151 38702 48564 70220 80002 333 85073
2001-02-07T00:0097050010.211.08702200002507307004 60680 44970 50000 10102 20110 38700 48561 70220 80002 333 85073
2001-02-07T03:009702007.015.28702101032136207034 60680 44970 20000 10070 20152 38695 48555 70210 81032 333 81362
2001-02-07T06:009702005.015.88692101032136207064 60680 44970 20000 10050 20158 38690 48549 70210 81032 333 81362
2001-02-07T09:0098020015.215.48702001032136207094 60680 44980 20000 10152 20154 38698 48558 70200 81032 333 81362
2001-02-07T12:0098040021.512.686830010321362307307124 60680 44980 40000 10215 20126 38684 48545 70300 81032 333 81362 83073
2001-02-07T15:009815320822.811.78681100002507307154 60680 44981 53208 10228 20117 38677 48538 70110 80002 333 85073
2001-02-07T18:009805300419.213.28682100002507307184 60680 44980 53004 10192 20132 38682 48541 70210 80002 333 85073
2001-02-07T21:0097550012.5-8.68693100002507307214 60680 44975 50000 10125 21086 38691 48551 70310 80002 333 85073
2001-02-08T00:009756008.012.58692200002607308004 60680 44975 60000 10080 20125 38692 48552 70220 80002 333 86073
2001-02-08T03:009756006.613.58682200002607308034 60680 44975 60000 10066 20135 38678 48539 70220 80002 333 86073
2001-02-08T06:009754005.214.58681100002407308064 60680 44975 40000 10052 20145 38677 48537 70110 80002 333 84073
2001-02-08T09:0098030015.512.68682100002307308094 60680 44980 30000 10155 20126 38677 48537 70210 80002 333 83073
2001-02-08T12:009805280421.812.48673100002507308124 60680 44980 52804 10218 20124 38673 48534 70310 80002 333 85073
2001-02-08T15:0098063201022.012.28663100002607308154 60680 44980 63210 10220 20122 38662 48523 70310 80002 333 86073
2001-02-08T18:009807280419.212.48672200002707308184 60680 44980 72804 10192 20124 38668 48527 70220 80002 333 87073
2001-02-08T21:0097050014.010.28681200002507308214 60680 44970 50000 10140 20102 38680 48541 70120 80002 333 85073
2001-02-09T00:0097060013.5-9.88683200002607309004 60680 44970 60000 10135 21098 38682 48544 70320 80002 333 86073
2001-02-09T03:009706006.212.08672200002607309034 60680 44970 60000 10062 20120 38673 48534 70220 80002 333 86073
2001-02-09T06:009707006.311.28672200002707309064 60680 44970 70000 10063 20112 38674 48534 70220 80002 333 87073
2001-02-09T09:0098040013.713.08681100002407309094 60680 44980 40000 10137 20130 38683 48543 70110 80002 333 84073
2001-02-09T12:0098050022.510.28683100002507309124 60680 44980 50000 10225 20102 38675 48538 70310 80002 333 85073
2001-02-09T15:009806320824.010.78673200002607309154 60680 44980 63208 10240 20107 38670 48531 70320 80002 333 86073
2001-02-09T18:009806300220.513.48682200002607309184 60680 44980 63002 10205 20134 38677 48537 70220 80002 333 86073
2001-02-09T21:0098040015.2-9.88702100002407309214 60680 44980 40000 10152 21098 38698 48558 70210 80002 333 84073
2001-02-10T00:0098060011.4-8.78702100002607310004 60680 44980 60000 10114 21087 38698 48560 70210 80002 333 86073
2001-02-10T03:0098040011.516.18692100002407310034 60680 44980 40000 10115 20161 38692 48554 70210 80002 333 84073
2001-02-10T06:0098040010.419.68702100002407310064 60680 44980 40000 10104 20196 38699 48560 70210 80002 333 84073
2001-02-10T09:009802301217.815.48722000002207310094 60680 44980 20312 10178 20154 38715 48576 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-10T12:009801340521.812.48722000002107310124 60680 44980 13405 10218 20124 38715 48576 70200 80002 333 81073
2001-02-10T15:009800320623.311.387020010154 60680 44980 03206 10233 20113 38700 48562 70200
2001-02-10T18:0097510020.013.38702000002107310184 60680 44975 10000 10200 20133 38704 48564 70200 80002 333 81073
2001-02-10T21:0097000013.014.887210010214 60680 44970 00000 10130 20148 38717 48577 70100
2001-02-11T00:0097000010.015.787220011004 60680 44970 00000 10100 20157 38715 48575 70200
2001-02-11T03:009700006.615.787120011034 60680 44970 00000 10066 20157 38707 48567 70200
2001-02-11T06:009701003.019.58713000002107311064 60680 44970 10000 10030 20195 38709 48566 70300 80002 333 81073
2001-02-11T09:0098010015.611.88722000002107311094 60680 44980 10000 10156 20118 38715 48574 70200 80002 333 81073
2001-02-11T12:0098000020.011.887120011124 60680 44980 00000 10200 20118 38707 48567 70200
2001-02-11T15:009800340422.411.386920011154 60680 44980 03404 10224 20113 38688 48548 70200
2001-02-11T18:0098002201219.514.186920011184 60680 44980 02212 10195 20141 38689 48547 70200
2001-02-11T21:009700160213.014.787120011214 60680 44970 01602 10130 20147 38706 48566 70200
2001-02-12T00:0097000010.510.987020012004 60680 44970 00000 10105 20109 38702 48562 70200
2001-02-12T03:009700004.615.586920012034 60680 44970 00000 10046 20155 38689 48549 70200
2001-02-12T06:009750003.814.186920012064 60680 44975 00000 10038 20141 38692 48550 70200
2001-02-12T09:0098000011.513.187020012094 60680 44980 00000 10115 20131 38696 48555 70200
2001-02-12T12:0098000015.114.986820012124 60680 44980 00000 10151 20149 38683 48542 70200
2001-02-12T15:0098000017.513.586720012154 60680 44980 00000 10175 20135 38667 48526 70200
2001-02-12T18:0097001601515.212.986720012184 60680 44970 01615 10152 20129 38670 48528 70200
2001-02-12T21:00970080129.8-7.387020012214 60680 44970 00812 10098 21073 38695 48553 70200
2001-02-13T00:00970080156.8-6.187120013004 60680 44970 00815 10068 21061 38706 48563 70200
2001-02-13T03:00970012074.8-6.287020013034 60680 44970 01207 10048 21062 38698 48556 70200
2001-02-13T06:00970060125.3-9.286920013064 60680 44970 00612 10053 21092 38692 48549 70200
2001-02-13T09:0098000010.6-8.587120013094 60680 44980 00000 10106 21085 38708 48564 70200
2001-02-13T12:0098000014.410.387020013124 60680 44980 00000 10144 20103 38705 48562 70200
2001-02-13T15:0098000017.3-9.686820013154 60680 44980 00000 10173 21096 38684 48542 70200
2001-02-13T18:009800100615.411.086920013184 60680 44980 01006 10154 20110 38688 48546 70200
2001-02-13T21:009700200611.0-7.686920013214 60680 44970 02006 10110 21076 38693 48551 70200
2001-02-14T00:009700007.7-4.986920014004 60680 44970 00000 10077 21049 38693 48551 70200
2001-02-14T03:009700006.3-6.186920014034 60680 44970 00000 10063 21061 38686 48545 70200
2001-02-14T06:00970012046.1-6.186920014064 60680 44970 01204 10061 21061 38692 48549 70200
2001-02-14T09:0098000011.8-4.787020014094 60680 44980 00000 10118 21047 38703 48560 70200
2001-02-14T12:0098000016.7-7.986920014124 60680 44980 00000 10167 21079 38694 48552 70200
2001-02-14T15:0098000018.1-6.886720014154 60680 44980 00000 10181 21068 38672 48532 70200
2001-02-14T18:009750300616.0-6.286720014184 60680 44975 03006 10160 21062 38673 48532 70200
2001-02-14T21:009700240411.3-8.986920014214 60680 44970 02404 10113 21089 38690 48548 70200
2001-02-15T00:009700006.5-7.986920015004 60680 44970 00000 10065 21079 38688 48546 70200
2001-02-15T03:009700003.5-8.886920015034 60680 44970 00000 10035 21088 38686 48544 70200
2001-02-15T06:009700003.0-9.786820015064 60680 44970 00000 10030 21097 38679 48536 70200
2001-02-15T09:009750801211.8-7.386920015094 60680 44975 00812 10118 21073 38691 48549 70200
2001-02-15T12:0097500017.0-6.686820015124 60680 44975 00000 10170 21066 38684 48543 70200
2001-02-15T15:009750220419.812.386720015154 60680 44975 02204 10198 20123 38666 48526 70200
2001-02-15T18:0097520017.2-7.18683000002207315184 60680 44975 20000 10172 21071 38676 48534 70300 80002 333 82073
2001-02-15T21:0097020011.7-5.38692000002207315214 60680 44970 20000 10117 21053 38688 48546 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-16T00:009701007.0-9.28692000002107316004 60680 44970 10000 10070 21092 38692 48551 70200 80002 333 81073
2001-02-16T03:009700004.210.986820016034 60680 44970 00000 10042 20109 38681 48540 70200
2001-02-16T06:009700002.310.086820016064 60680 44970 00000 10023 20100 38684 48541 70200
2001-02-16T09:0098000013.610.286920016094 60680 44980 00000 10136 20102 38694 48553 70200
2001-02-16T12:009800160819.9-7.786920016124 60680 44980 01608 10199 21077 38686 48545 70200
2001-02-16T15:0098000021.2-7.286720016154 60680 44980 00000 10212 21072 38670 48529 70200
2001-02-16T18:0098002201018.5-6.386820016184 60680 44980 02210 10185 21063 38675 48533 70200
2001-02-16T21:0097000012.8-4.486920016214 60680 44970 00000 10128 21044 38693 48552 70200
2001-02-17T00:009700008.0-9.686920017004 60680 44970 00000 10080 21096 38689 48549 70200
2001-02-17T03:009700004.5-9.386820017034 60680 44970 00000 10045 21093 38685 48544 70200
2001-02-17T06:009752003.613.38683000002207317064 60680 44975 20000 10036 20133 38685 48543 70300 80002 333 82073
2001-02-17T09:0097520013.0-7.48693000002207317094 60680 44975 20000 10130 21074 38694 48553 70300 80002 333 82073
2001-02-17T12:009802300719.310.78692000002207317124 60680 44980 23007 10193 20107 38688 48548 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-17T15:009802100422.0-4.08662000002207317154 60680 44980 21004 10220 21040 38665 48525 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-17T18:0097532601218.810.48663000002307317184 60680 44975 32612 10188 20104 38665 48524 70300 80002 333 83073
2001-02-17T21:009703260613.0-8.48672000002307317214 60680 44970 32606 10130 21084 38674 48534 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-18T00:009700007.811.186720018004 60680 44970 00000 10078 20111 38666 48526 70200
2001-02-18T03:009700005.010.886620018034 60680 44970 00000 10050 20108 38661 48521 70200
2001-02-18T06:009702003.011.78663000002207318064 60680 44970 20000 10030 20117 38661 48520 70300 80002 333 82073
2001-02-18T09:0098020015.2-7.18672000002207318094 60680 44980 20000 10152 21071 38673 48534 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-18T12:009803300419.1-8.38662000002307318124 60680 44980 33004 10191 21083 38665 48526 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-18T15:0098033201220.7-9.18652000002307318154 60680 44980 33212 10207 21091 38649 48509 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-18T18:009803320818.2-9.78652000002307318184 60680 44980 33208 10182 21097 38649 48508 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-18T21:0097530012.512.68662000002307318214 60680 44975 30000 10125 20126 38663 48524 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-19T00:009753008.010.68662000002307319004 60680 44975 30000 10080 20106 38663 48523 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-19T03:0097534065.412.18652000002307319034 60680 44975 30406 10054 20121 38652 48512 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-19T06:009756005.810.18653100002607319064 60680 44975 60000 10058 20101 38652 48512 70310 80002 333 86073
2001-02-19T09:0098070014.513.18662200002707319094 60680 44980 70000 10145 20131 38664 48525 70220 80002 333 87073
2001-02-19T12:009807300719.2-9.78662200002607319124 60680 44980 73007 10192 21097 38665 48525 70220 80002 333 86073
2001-02-19T15:009807320420.810.88662200002707319154 60680 44980 73204 10208 20108 38658 48518 70220 80002 333 87073
2001-02-19T18:0098050017.7-7.88661200002507319184 60680 44980 50000 10177 21078 38663 48522 70120 80002 333 85073
2001-02-19T21:009753009.8-9.78682100002307319214 60680 44975 30000 10098 21097 38677 48536 70210 80002 333 83073
2001-02-20T00:009702100411.210.78682100002207320004 60680 44970 21004 10112 20107 38676 48537 70210 80002 333 82073
2001-02-20T03:009702009.3-9.38672000002207320034 60680 44970 20000 10093 21093 38669 48530 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-20T06:009756100210.412.98673100002607320064 60680 44975 61002 10104 20129 38674 48534 70310 80002 333 86073
2001-02-20T09:0098061201017.011.18682200002607320094 60680 44980 61210 10170 20111 38685 48545 70220 80002 333 86073
2001-02-20T12:0098030020.8-7.88681100002307320124 60680 44980 30000 10208 21078 38679 48540 70110 80002 333 83073
2001-02-20T15:0098032601023.1-8.18662000002307320154 60680 44980 32610 10231 21081 38663 48525 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-20T18:009803300619.8-7.98672000002307320184 60680 44980 33006 10198 21079 38668 48530 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-20T21:0097030015.3-4.78692000002307320214 60680 44970 30000 10153 21047 38689 48551 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-21T00:009702120211.2-9.68692000002207321004 60680 44970 21202 10112 21096 38692 48553 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-21T03:009702100511.7-8.98682000002207321034 60680 44970 21005 10117 21089 38685 48547 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-21T06:0097060010.0-6.98703100002607321064 60680 44970 60000 10100 21069 38698 48559 70310 80002 333 86073
2001-02-21T09:009806120916.810.58701200002607321094 60680 44980 61209 10168 20105 38700 48561 70120 80002 333 86073
2001-02-21T12:0098040020.4-7.98702100002407321124 60680 44980 40000 10204 21079 38696 48557 70210 80002 333 84073
2001-02-21T15:0098043001022.5-6.68682000002407321154 60680 44980 43010 10225 21066 38679 48541 70200 80002 333 84073
2001-02-21T18:0097543201119.8-8.58682000002407321184 60680 44975 43211 10198 21085 38683 48543 70200 80002 333 84073
2001-02-21T21:0097040014.9-8.48692000002407321214 60680 44970 40000 10149 21084 38687 48548 70200 80002 333 84073
2001-02-22T00:00970280413.010.08691000002207322004 60680 44970 20804 10130 20100 38689 48550 70100 80002 333 82073
2001-02-22T03:009702100612.6-7.38682000002207322034 60680 44970 21006 10126 21073 38676 48539 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-22T06:0098030012.2-8.88683000002307322064 60680 44980 30000 10122 21088 38676 48538 70300 80002 333 83073
2001-02-22T09:009803100617.7-5.48693000002307322094 60680 44980 31006 10177 21054 38689 48550 70300 80002 333 83073
2001-02-22T12:0098022201021.4-5.18682000002207322124 60680 44980 22210 10214 21051 38682 48544 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-22T15:0098013001223.2-5.68661000002107322154 60680 44980 13012 10232 21056 38665 48527 70100 80002 333 81073
2001-02-22T18:0098003001020.2-7.386720022184 60680 44980 03010 10202 21073 38667 48529 70200
2001-02-22T21:009700200814.5-7.386820022214 60680 44970 02008 10145 21073 38683 48545 70200
2001-02-23T00:009700120611.2-9.186820023004 60680 44970 01206 10112 21091 38679 48541 70200
2001-02-23T03:00970012048.5-8.686820023034 60680 44970 01204 10085 21086 38675 48537 70200
2001-02-23T06:009702007.7-7.88663000002207323064 60680 44970 20000 10077 21078 38663 48524 70300 80002 333 82073
2001-02-23T09:0098030016.8-8.18671000002307323094 60680 44980 30000 10168 21081 38672 48533 70100 80002 333 83073
2001-02-23T12:0098033001221.6-4.68662000002307323124 60680 44980 33012 10216 21046 38665 48527 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-23T15:0098023401722.7-2.38651000002207323154 60680 44980 23417 10227 21023 38646 48508 70100 80002 333 82073
2001-02-23T18:0097013401220.712.58652000002107323184 60680 44970 13412 10207 20125 38648 48509 70200 80002 333 81073
2001-02-23T21:0097020014.810.28662000002207323214 60680 44970 20000 10148 20102 38660 48522 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-24T00:0097010010.710.28661000002107324004 60680 44970 10000 10107 20102 38659 48521 70100 80002 333 81073
2001-02-24T03:009700007.813.586620024034 60680 44970 00000 10078 20135 38659 48521 70200
2001-02-24T06:009702007.112.28663000002207324064 60680 44970 20000 10071 20122 38655 48516 70300 80002 333 82073
2001-02-24T09:0098030018.5-8.38661100002307324094 60680 44980 30000 10185 21083 38661 48523 70110 80002 333 83073
2001-02-24T12:009803340423.611.18652100002307324124 60680 44980 33404 10236 20111 38652 48515 70210 80002 333 83073
2001-02-24T15:0098032801024.6-9.08642000002307324154 60680 44980 32810 10246 21090 38638 48501 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-24T18:009803300622.0-9.28642000002307324184 60680 44980 33006 10220 21092 38639 48501 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-24T21:0097020016.013.78652000002207324214 60680 44970 20000 10160 20137 38651 48514 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-25T00:009701100413.312.88661000002107325004 60680 44970 11004 10133 20128 38656 48519 70100 80002 333 81073
2001-02-25T03:009702100712.713.38653000002207325034 60680 44970 21007 10127 20133 38647 48511 70300 80002 333 82073
2001-02-25T06:0097020011.211.88653002032207325064 60680 44970 20000 10112 20118 38649 48511 70300 82032 333 82073
2001-02-25T09:0098011201020.513.48671000002107325094 60680 44980 11210 10205 20134 38668 48531 70100 80002 333 81073
2001-02-25T12:0098011801624.210.68662000002107325124 60680 44980 11816 10242 20106 38658 48521 70200 80002 333 81073
2001-02-25T15:0098012601625.010.08652000002107325154 60680 44980 12616 10250 20100 38649 48512 70200 80002 333 81073
2001-02-25T18:0098012801222.511.98642000002107325184 60680 44980 12812 10225 20119 38643 48505 70200 80002 333 81073
2001-02-25T21:0098010016.611.68652000002107325214 60680 44980 10000 10166 20116 38649 48512 70200 80002 333 81073
2001-02-26T00:0098000013.512.886520026004 60680 44980 00000 10135 20128 38646 48510 70200
2001-02-26T03:0098000012.510.686420026034 60680 44980 00000 10125 20106 38638 48501 70200
2001-02-26T06:0098050011.9-7.88643100002507326064 60680 44980 50000 10119 21078 38637 48500 70310 80002 333 85073
2001-02-26T09:0098062601219.514.18653200002607326094 60680 44980 62612 10195 20141 38650 48514 70320 80002 333 86073
2001-02-26T12:0097072802024.110.786432020322362607326124 60680 44970 72820 10241 20107 38643 48507 70320 82032 333 82362 86073
2001-02-26T15:0097072602023.511.186232050325362307326154 60680 44970 72620 10235 20111 38624 48488 70320 85032 333 85362 83073
2001-02-26T18:0097072801422.012.386222050325362307326184 60680 44970 72814 10220 20123 38625 48488 70220 85032 333 85362 83073
2001-02-26T21:0097060019.3-9.386312040324362307326214 60680 44970 60000 10193 21093 38629 48493 70120 84032 333 84362 83073
2001-02-27T00:009755300816.2-6.586212030323362407327004 60680 44975 53008 10162 21065 38623 48487 70120 83032 333 83362 84073
2001-02-27T03:0097550012.7-4.086022030323362407327034 60680 44975 50000 10127 21040 38603 48467 70220 83032 333 83362 84073
2001-02-27T06:0097070011.0-5.286032050325362307327064 60680 44970 70000 10110 21052 38600 48463 70320 85032 333 85362 83073
2001-02-27T09:009704300216.8-5.586111020322362307327094 60680 44970 43002 10168 21055 38607 48471 70110 82032 333 82362 83073
2001-02-27T12:0097052801620.310.986031020322362507327124 60680 44970 52816 10203 20109 38604 48469 70310 82032 333 82362 85073
2001-02-27T15:0097053002021.311.485922020322362507327154 60680 44970 53020 10213 20114 38589 48453 70220 82032 333 82362 85073
2001-02-27T18:0097033201218.7-9.28592100002307327184 60680 44970 33212 10187 21092 38594 48457 70210 80002 333 83073
2001-02-27T21:009703300814.210.68612000002307327214 60680 44970 33008 10142 20106 38608 48471 70200 80002 333 83073
2001-02-28T00:0097023001112.4-9.28612000002207328004 60680 44970 23011 10124 21092 38607 48470 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-28T03:0097023201210.8-9.88602000002207328034 60680 44970 23212 10108 21098 38597 48460 70200 80002 333 82073
2001-02-28T06:009751008.4-9.68601000002107328064 60680 44975 10000 10084 21096 38600 48462 70100 80002 333 81073
2001-02-28T09:0098003401016.3-9.386120028094 60680 44980 03410 10163 21093 38611 48474 70200
2001-02-28T12:0098003401220.113.786120028124 60680 44980 03412 10201 20137 38610 48473 70200
2001-02-28T15:0098203201621.013.086120028154 60680 44982 03216 10210 20130 38606 48469 70200
2001-02-28T18:0098203401218.514.986120028184 60680 44982 03412 10185 20149 38612 48474 70200
2001-02-28T21:009750360613.717.786320028214 60680 44975 03606 10137 20177 38628 48491 70200