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Dekov, Vesselin M (2007): (Table 1) Mineralogical composition (XRD) and C content of ODP Hole 107-650A [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Dekov, Vesselin M; Kamenov, George D; Savelli, Carlo; Stummeyer, Jens; Marchig, Vesna (2007): Origin of basal dolomitic claystone in the Marsili Basin, Tyrrhenian Sea. Marine Geology, 236(3-4), 121-141,

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Latitude: 39.356700 * Longitude: 13.900800
Date/Time Start: 1986-01-02T22:38:00 * Date/Time End: 1986-01-09T14:30:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 596.89 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 601.94 m
107-650A * Latitude: 39.356700 * Longitude: 13.900800 * Date/Time Start: 1986-01-02T22:38:00 * Date/Time End: 1986-01-09T14:30:00 * Elevation: -3516.3 m * Penetration: 633.8 m * Recovery: 311.13 m * Location: Tirreno Sea * Campaign: Leg107 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 69 cores; 633.8 m cored; 0 m drilled; 49.1 % recovery
Bulk mineralogy: Abundance codes: **** - abundant; *** - frequent; ** - rare; * -present. / Clay mineralogy (<2 µ): The individual clay mineral percentages are expressed in terms of a 100% clay mineral sample; i.e., (smectite+illite+kaolinite+chlorite)=100%. / Depth, sediment=mbsf
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Sample code/labelSample labelDekov, Vesselin MDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
3Sample IDSample IDDekov, Vesselin M
4Carbon, totalTC%Dekov, Vesselin MElement analyser, Fisons NA 2000
5Carbon, organicC orgmmol/gDekov, Vesselin MElement analyser, Fisons NA 2000
6Carbon, inorganic, totalTIC%Dekov, Vesselin MElement analyser, Fisons NA 2000
7DolomiteDolDekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Bulk mineralogy
8DolomiteDol%Dekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Bulk mineralogy, Mg in dolomite
9MagnesiumMg%Dekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)mol-% bulk mineralogy
10I015/I110 degree of orderdegree of orderDekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Bulk mineralogy
11CalciteCalDekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Bulk mineralogy
12CalciteCal%Dekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Bulk mineralogy
13QuartzQzDekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Bulk mineralogy
14PlagioclasePlDekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Bulk mineralogy
15MicaMicaDekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Bulk mineralogy
16AnalciteAnlDekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Clay mineralogy (<2 µ)
17SmectiteSme%Dekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Clay mineralogy (<2 µ)
18IlliteIll%Dekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Clay mineralogy (<2 µ)
19KaoliniteKln%Dekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Clay mineralogy (<2 µ)
20ChloriteChlDekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Clay mineralogy (<2 µ)
21Alpha refractive indexnaDekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Clay mineralogy (<2 µ)
22Smectite (v/p, Biscaye Index)Sme v/p BisIndDekov, Vesselin MX-ray diffraction (XRD)Clay mineralogy (<2 µ)
162 data points

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