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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Lüthi, Dieter; Le Floch, Martine; Bereiter, Bernhard; Blunier, Thomas; Barnola, Jean-Marc; Siegenthaler, Urs; Raynaud, Dominique; Jouzel, Jean; Fischer, Hubertus; Kawamura, Kenji; Stocker, Thomas F (2008): CO2 record from the EPICA Dome C 1999 (EDC99) ice core (Antarctica) covering 650 to 800 kyr BP measured at the University of Bern, Switzerland [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Lüthi, D et al. (2008): High-resolution carbon dioxide concentration record 650,000 - 800,000 years before present. Nature, 453, 379-382,

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Fifth Framework Programme (FP5), grant/award no. EVK2-CT-2000-00077: European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica
Fourth Framework Programme (FP4), grant/award no. ENV4980702: European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica
Latitude: -75.100000 * Longitude: 123.350000
Minimum DEPTH, ice/snow: 3026.58 m * Maximum DEPTH, ice/snow: 3190.08 m
EDC99 * Latitude: -75.100000 * Longitude: 123.350000 * Elevation: 3233.0 m * Campaign: Dome C * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
New data has been measured in Bern on 1237 samples at 289 depth intervals. Sample ages range from 611 to 799 kyr BP (EDC3_gas_a age scale: Loulergue et al., 2007, Climate of the Past, 3, 527-540,; data: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.671367).
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, ice/snowDepth ice/snowmGeocode
2Gas ageGas ageka BPLüthi, Dieterbased on EDC3 timescale
3Carbon dioxideCO2ppmvLüthi, Dieter
4Carbon dioxide, standard deviationCO2 std dev±Lüthi, Dieter
741 data points

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