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Ishiwatari, Ryoshi; Morinaga, Shigeo; Simoneit, Bernd R T (1985): (Table 1) Experimental data for kerogens from DSDP Hole 41-368 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Potassium permanganate oxidative degradations were conducted for kerogens isolated from Cretaceous black shales (DSDP Leg 41, Site 368), thermally altered during the Miocene by diabase intrusions and from unaltered samples heated under laboratory conditions (250–500°C).
Degradation products of less altered kerogens are dominated by normal C4–C15 alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acids, with lesser amounts of n-C16 and n-C18 monocarboxylic acids, and benzene mono-to-tetracarboxylic acids. On the other hand, thermally altered kerogens show benzene di-to-tetracarboxylic acids as dominant degradation products, with lesser or no amounts (variable depending on the degree of thermal alteration) of alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acids. Essentially no differences between the oxidative degradation products of naturally- and artificially-altered kerogens are observed.
As a result of this study, five indices of aromatization (total aromatic acids/kerogen; apparent aromaticity; benzenetetracarboxylic acids/total aromatic acids; benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid/benzenedicarboxylic acids; benzene-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid/benzenetricarboxylic acids) and two indices of aliphatic character (Total aliphatic acids/kerogen; Aliphaticity) are proposed to characterize the degree of thermal alteration of kerogens.
Furthermore, a good correlation is observed between apparent aromaticity estimated by the present KMnO4 oxidation method and that from the 13C NMR method (Dennis et al., 1982; doi:10.1016/0016-7037(82)90046-1).
Related to:
Ishiwatari, Ryoshi; Morinaga, Shigeo; Simoneit, Bernd R T (1985): Alkaline permanganate oxidation of kerogens from Cretaceous black shales thermally altered by diabase intrusions and laboratory simulations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 49(8), 1825-1835,
Latitude: 17.507200 * Longitude: -21.353800
Date/Time Start: 1975-03-13T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1975-03-13T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 933.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 979.12 m
41-368 * Latitude: 17.507200 * Longitude: -21.353800 * Date/Time: 1975-03-13T00:00:00 * Elevation: -3366.0 m * Penetration: 984.5 m * Recovery: 326.9 m * Location: North Atlantic/CONT RISE * Campaign: Leg41 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 62 cores; 572.9 m cored; 9.5 m drilled; 57.1 % recovery
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Depth, top/minDepth topmIshiwatari, Ryoshi
3Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmIshiwatari, Ryoshi
4Sample code/labelSample labelIshiwatari, RyoshiDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
5Distance, relativeDist relmIshiwatari, Ryoshifrom major sill
6Distance, relativeDist relmIshiwatari, Ryoshifrom major sill, minimal
7Distance, relativeDist relmIshiwatari, Ryoshifrom major sill, maximal
8Vitrinite reflectionVitr refl%Ishiwatari, Ryoshioil immersion
9Temperature, technicalT tech°CIshiwatari, Ryoshi
10Aliphatic acidsAliph acmg/g kerogenIshiwatari, RyoshiGas chromatography - Mass spectrometry (GC-MS)alpha, omega-di-acids
11Benzenecarboxylic acidsBCAmg/g kerogenIshiwatari, RyoshiGas chromatography - Mass spectrometry (GC-MS)mono-acids
12Benzenecarboxylic acidsBCAmg/g kerogenIshiwatari, RyoshiGas chromatography - Mass spectrometry (GC-MS)di-acids
13Benzenecarboxylic acidsBCAmg/g kerogenIshiwatari, RyoshiGas chromatography - Mass spectrometry (GC-MS)tri-acids
14Benzenecarboxylic acidsBCAmg/g kerogenIshiwatari, RyoshiGas chromatography - Mass spectrometry (GC-MS)tetra-acids
15Benzenecarboxylic acidsBCAmg/g kerogenIshiwatari, RyoshiGas chromatography - Mass spectrometry (GC-MS)total
16Aromaticity factorArom factIshiwatari, Ryoshiof kerogen, apparent, f°
17Aromaticity factorArom factIshiwatari, Ryoshiof kerogen, apparent, f'
18Hydrogen/Carbon ratioH/CIshiwatari, RyoshiCalculatedatomic ratio for kerogen
242 data points

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