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Vogt, Christoph (2008): Relative mineral abundances from bulk fraction X-ray diffraction data of Hole 302-M0004C [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Vogt, C (2009): Data report: semiquantitative determination of detrital input to ACEX sites based on bulk sample X-ray diffraction data. In: Backman, J., Moran, K., McInroy, D.B., Mayer, L.A., and the Expedition 302 Scientists, Proc. IODP: Edinburgh (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 302,

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Latitude: 87.867750 * Longitude: 136.189680
Date/Time Start: 2004-09-03T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2004-09-03T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.03 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 25.17 m
302-M0004C (ACEX-M4C) * Latitude: 87.867750 * Longitude: 136.189680 * Date/Time: 2004-09-03T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1287.9 m * IGSN: IBCR0302RHXS001 * Penetration: 37.33 m * Recovery: 25.6 m * Location: Arctic Ocean * Campaign: Exp302 (Arctic Coring Expedition, ACEX) * Basis: CCGS Captain Molly Kool (Vidar Viking)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Depth, compositeDepth compmcdO'Regan, MatthewIntercore correlationsee reference and doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.302.202.2008
3Depth, composite revisedDepth comp rrmcdO'Regan, MatthewIntercore correlationsee reference and doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.302.202.2008
4Sample code/labelSample label
5Sedimentation rateSRcm/kaVogt, ChristophCalculated, see reference(s)
6Age modelAge modelkaBackman, JanAge model, compositesee reference and doi:10.1029/2007PA001476
7Smectite (17-14.5 Å), relative abundanceSme 17-14.5 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
8Illite 10Å, relative abundanceIll10ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
9Illite 5Å, relative abundanceIll 5ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
10Illite 5Å/10Å Esquevin-indexIll EIVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
11Clay minerals (4.5 Å), relative abundanceClay min 4.5 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
12Quartz (4.26 Å), relative abundanceQz A 4.26Vogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
13Plagioclase (3.15-3.22 Å), relative abundancePl 3.15-3.22 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
14Quartz/Feldspar ratioQz/FspVogt, ChristophCalculated
15Calcite (3.03 Å), relative abundanceCal 3.03 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
16Calcite/Dolomite ratioCal/dolVogt, ChristophCalculated
17Dolomite (2.88 Å), relative abundanceDol 2.88 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
18Pyroxene (2.99-2.92 Å), relative abundancePyrox 2.99-2.92 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
19Kaolinite (3.58 Å), relative abundanceKln 3.58 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
20Chlorite (3.54 Å), relative abundanceChl 3.54 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
21Kaolinite/Chlorite ratioKln/ChlVogt, ChristophCalculated
22Mixed layer clays (10.2-13.9 Å), relative abundanceMix lay 10.2-13.9 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
23Kalifeldspar (3.24-3.26 Å ), relative abundanceKfs 3.24-3.26 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
24Kalifeldspar/Plagioclase ratioKfs/PlVogt, ChristophCalculated
25Zeolite (8.9-9.2 Å), relative abundanceZeo 8.9-9.2 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
26Amphibole (8.1-8.6 Å), relative abundanceAmp 8.1-8.6 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
27Gypsum (3.04-3.06 Å), relative abundanceGp 3.04-3.06 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
28Pyrite (2.71 Å), relative abundancePy 2.71 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
29Siderite (2.79 Å), relative abundanceSd 2.79 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
30Halite (2.82 Å), relative abundanceHl 2.82 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
31Quartz (3.34 Å), relative abundanceQz A 3.34Vogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
32Barite (3.44-3.48 Å), relative abundanceBrt 3.44-3.48 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
33Aragonite (3.4 Å), relative abundanceArg 3.4 ÅVogt, ChristophX-ray diffraction, bulk sample, peak intensity devided by total intensity
34CommentCommentVogt, Christoph
13327 data points

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