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Zangvil, Abraham (2008): Meteorological synoptical observations from station Sede Boqer (2006-12) [dataset]. The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Sede Boqer, PANGAEA,

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Published: 2008-06-16DOI registered: 2008-07-14

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Other version:
Zangvil, Abraham (2006): BSRN Station-to-archive file for station Sede Boqer (2006-12) [dataset].
Latitude: 30.859720 * Longitude: 34.779440
Date/Time Start: 2006-12-02T06:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2006-12-31T18:00:00
Minimum Elevation: 500.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 500.0 m
SBO (Sede Boqer) * Latitude: 30.859720 * Longitude: 34.779440 * Date/Time: 2003-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: 500.0 m * Location: Israel * Method/Device: Monitoring station (MONS) * Comment: BSRN station no: 43; Surface type: desert rock; Topography type: hilly, rural; Station scientist: Dr. Nurit Agam ( ** Station closed 2012 **
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Total cloud amountNcodeZangvil, AbrahamVisual observation
Wind directiondddegZangvil, AbrahamAnemometer
Wind speedffm/sZangvil, AbrahamAnemometer
Temperature, airTTT°CZangvil, AbrahamThermometer
Dew/frost pointTdTdTd°CZangvil, AbrahamHygrometer (HYGRO)
Present weatherwwcodeZangvil, AbrahamVisual observation
Past weather1W1codeZangvil, AbrahamVisual observation
Past weather2W2codeZangvil, AbrahamVisual observation
10 Low/middle cloud amountNhcodeZangvil, AbrahamVisual observation
11 Low cloudCLcodeZangvil, AbrahamVisual observation
12 Middle cloudCMcodeZangvil, AbrahamVisual observation
13 High cloudCHcodeZangvil, AbrahamVisual observation
14 CodeCodeZangvil, AbrahamYYGG9 IIiii Nddff 1SnTTT 2SnTdTdTd 3P0P0P0 4PPPP 7wwW1W2 8NhClCmCh 333 8NsChshs 8NsChshs 8NsChshs
256 data points


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N [code]

dd [deg]

ff [m/s]

TTT [°C]

TdTdTd [°C]

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W1 [code]

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CH [code]
2006-12-02T06:00132049.1-1.0000202069 00474 13204 10091 21010 3//// 4//// 7//// 80002 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-03T06:002150109.74.5000203069 00474 21510 10097 20045 3//// 4//// 7//// 80002 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-04T06:000320411.4-6.504069 00474 03204 10114 21065 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-05T06:000009.45.905069 00474 00000 10094 20059 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-07T06:0000010.32.007069 00474 00000 10103 20020 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-08T06:000009.55.608069 00474 00000 10095 20056 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-09T06:004140911.0-1.8440009069 00474 41409 10110 21018 3//// 4//// 7//// 84400 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-10T06:0000010.30.210069 00474 00000 10103 20002 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-12T06:00420048.94.8402012069 00474 42004 10089 20048 3//// 4//// 7//// 84020 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-15T06:002007.2-1.9000215069 00474 20000 10072 21019 3//// 4//// 7//// 80002 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-16T06:0005075.4-4.316069 00474 00507 10054 21043 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-17T06:000006.2-5.350017069 00474 00000 10062 21053 3//// 4//// 70500 8//// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-18T06:00032057.14.018069 00474 03205 10071 20040 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-20T06:000009.6-5.320069 00474 00000 10096 21053 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-21T06:00516048.86.7526021069 00474 51604 10088 20067 3//// 4//// 7//// 85260 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-22T06:005008.68.11040502022069 00474 50000 10086 20081 3//// 4//// 71040 85020 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-23T06:0062601010.69.36021670023069 00474 62610 10106 20093 3//// 4//// 76021 86700 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-24T06:000004.84.1104024069 00474 00000 10048 20041 3//// 4//// 71040 8//// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-24T18:00036044.31.024189 00474 03604 10043 20010 3//// 4//// 7//// 8//// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-25T06:000003.8-0.1100025069 00474 00000 10038 21001 3//// 4//// 71000 8//// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-26T06:00120044.01.0120026069 00474 12004 10040 20010 3//// 4//// 7//// 81200 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-27T06:007270258.32.43627727069 00474 72725 10083 20024 3//// 4//// 70362 877// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-27T18:005280224.60.6362570027189 00474 52822 10046 20006 3//// 4//// 70362 85700 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-28T06:00626054.52.5607028069 00474 62605 10045 20025 3//// 4//// 7//// 86070 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-29T06:00715055.44.621617729069 00474 71505 10054 20046 3//// 4//// 72161 877// 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-30T06:00632045.44.6361670030069 00474 63204 10054 20046 3//// 4//// 70361 86700 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-31T06:0025066.24.2240031069 00474 20506 10062 20042 3//// 4//// 7//// 82400 333 8//// 8//// 8////
2006-12-31T18:00814066.35.846618731189 00474 81406 10063 20058 3//// 4//// 74661 887// 333 8//// 8//// 8////