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Piontkovski, Sergey; Boltachev, A R (2008): Trawlings during IHTIANDR cruise IHT8 [dataset]. Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sevastopol, PANGAEA,, In: Piontkovski, Sergey; Agafonov, E A; Akhundova; Akimov, A I; Aladin, N V; Altukhov, Dennis; Andreev, N I; Babanazarova, O V; Babayev, G B; Baksheeva, I P; Baldina, E P; Balymbetov, Kyanish S; Belyakov, Y M; Belyakov, U M; Belyakova, O M; Berg, Lev; Bezborodov, A A; Bileva, O K; Bobko, N I; Boguslavsky, S G; Boltachev, A R; Buivolova, O G; Burlakova, Z P; Ctelmach, L V; Danilenko, A F; Daribaev, A K; Demin, B D; Elibaev; Elmuratov, A E; Erekeev, U E; Eshimbaev; Finenko, Z Z; Georgieva, L V; Goubanova, A D; Greze, V N; Gvozdeva, D L; Hlystov, A Z; Hlystov, N Z; Ilin, Yuri P; Isaeva, F A; Kaminskiy, S T; Karakash, A I; Karnaushenko, N N; Kazakhbaev, S K; Khalturin, Vladimir I; Khlistov, A Z; Kiruhin, V G; Kiryuhin, V G; Kolesnikov, A N; Konovalov, Sergey K; Konovalov, Sergey S; Korol, Dobr; Koroleva, N N; Kortunova, T A; Kotovschikov, B B; Kovalev, Aleksandr V; Kovaleva, Tamara; Koveshnikov, L A; Kovrigina, N P; Krasheninnikov, Boris N; Kravtsov, G L; Krupa, Elena; Kuzmenko, Ludmila V; L'vov, V V; Maksimova, M P; Malinovskaya, A S; Man'kovsky, V I; Man'kovsky, Victor I; Mankovskaya, L I; Manzhos, Ludmila; Markov, A; Melnik, T; Melnikov, V V; Mihaylov, N N; Mishonov, Alexey V; Moryakova, V K; Nikolaev, Vladimir M; Novoselov, A A; Orlova, M I; Ostrovskaya, Nadezhda A; Panina, Oksana; Paranichev, L G; Pastuhov, A F; Pavlenko, N M; Pavlovskaya, T V; Plotnikov, V A; Plotnikov, I S; Polikarpov, I G; Popova, E; Prokhorenko, Yuri A; Prusova, I Yu; Rezen'kov, E M; Romanov, A S; Rossov, V V; Rusakova, O M; Saduakasova, R E; Samodurov, A S; Sazina; Senichkina, Ludmila G; Shalovenkov, Nikolai N; Shemshura, V E; Sherbatenko, P; Sheremeteva, A I; Shmeleva, Alexandra A; Shumakova, G V; Shumchenko, O A; Shurov, S V; Sidko, A F; Sitnikov, I F; Skopintsev, B A; Skryabin, V A; Smirnov, E V; Solov'ev, Mark V; Stel'makh, Lyudmila V; Stuge, Tamara S; Svirina, Ekaterina; Sychev, V I; Sysoev, A; Tagibergenov; Tamoikin, I Yu; Terehin, Yu V; Tolkachenko, Georgy A; Troshina, T; Vapnyar, D U; Vasilev, A S; Vladimirov, V L; Voronova, O; Voskresensky, V N; Yanchilenko, A G; Yastreb, B P; Yastreb, V P; Yunev, Oleg A; Zaika, Viktor E; Zhorov, S V (2002): The Global Plankton Database: an inventory and data from the Former Soviet Union expeditions [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2008-05-23DOI registered: 2008-06-23

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Related to:
Piontkovski, Sergey (2002): The Global Plankton Database: an inventory and data from the former Soviet Union expeditions. Darwin Initiative for the Survival of Species (Intas INFO 00-059), NATO Science for Stability TU-Black Sea project (1994-1997), NATO Science for Peace project (1999-2002); Plymouth Marine Laboratory, United Kingdom; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas & Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Sevastopol, Ukraine; Institute of Zoology of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan; Institute of Zoology, Almaty, Kazakhstan, CD-ROM
Other version:
Global Plankton Database: inventory and data for cruise IHT8 [dataset].
Median Latitude: 10.369762 * Median Longitude: -17.464333 * South-bound Latitude: -11.200000 * West-bound Longitude: -29.300000 * North-bound Latitude: 37.050000 * East-bound Longitude: 0.800000
Date/Time Start: 1982-04-10T11:20:00 * Date/Time End: 1982-07-30T21:15:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 46 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 1145 m
IHT8-track * Latitude Start: 22.633000 * Longitude Start: -17.200000 * Latitude End: 37.050000 * Longitude End: -14.200000 * Date/Time Start: 1982-04-10T11:20:00 * Date/Time End: 1982-07-30T21:15:00 * Location: Canarias Sea * Campaign: IHT8 * Basis: Ihtiandr * Method/Device: Underway cruise track measurements (CT)
The fish catches were carried out by the industrial midwater non-closed trawl with minimum mesh size of 20 mm in the trawl bag. Vertical opening of the trawl made from 15 to 45 m. The trawling duration under catches in the sound-scattering layers made 1 hour, under fish schools catches - from 40 min. To 2 hours and 20 min. Speed of trawling made 3.2-4.2 knots. The catches horizons were determined by the state of sound-scattering layers and fish schools. At night they carried out catches of 40-1195 m. At the day time they trawled at a range of 205-720 m depths. Each catch was weighted. Fish was determined up to the lowest taxonomic ranks - species, in some cases - genus. Total number and mass of each species in a catch, and average dry mass of one specimen of a species were determined. The standard fish body length (SL) was measured in mm (from the tip of snout to the basement of the middle rays of the caudal fin). The samples were fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde for further processing in the IBSS laboratories.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
4DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
5Date/time endDate/time endBoltachev, A R
6Depth, top/minDepth topmBoltachev, A R
7Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmBoltachev, A R
8Depth, bathymetricBathy depthmBoltachev, A RCalculated average/mean values
9SpeedSpeedknBoltachev, A R
10Head ropePTmBoltachev, A R
11Trawl opening perimeterMTmBoltachev, A R
12Trawl heightTrawl hmBoltachev, A R
13MassMasskgBoltachev, A R
14Bolinichthys photothoraxB. photothorax#Boltachev, A R
15Bolinichthys photothorax, massB. photothorax mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
16Bolinichthys photothorax, dry massB. photothorax dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
17Bolinichthys photothorax, length, minimumB. photothorax l minmmBoltachev, A R
18Bolinichthys photothorax, length, maximumB. photothorax l maxmmBoltachev, A R
19Ceratoscopelus maderensisC. maderensis#Boltachev, A R
20Ceratoscopelus maderensis, massC. maderensis mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
21Ceratoscopelus maderensis, dry massC. maderensis dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
22Ceratoscopelus maderensis, length, minimumC. maderensis l minmmBoltachev, A R
23Ceratoscopelus maderensis, length, maximumC. maderensis l maxmmBoltachev, A R
24Ceratoscopelus warmingiiC. warmingii#Boltachev, A R
25Ceratoscopelus warmingii, massC. warmingii mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
26Ceratoscopelus warmingii, dry massC. warmingii dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
27Ceratoscopelus warmingii, length, minimumC. warmingii l minmmBoltachev, A R
28Ceratoscopelus warmingii, length, maximumC. warmingii l maxmmBoltachev, A R
29Diaphus brachycephalusD. brachycephalus#Boltachev, A R
30Diaphus brachycephalus, massD. brachycephalus mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
31Diaphus brachycephalus, dry massD. brachycephalus dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
32Diaphus brachycephalus, length, minimumD. brachycephalus l minmmBoltachev, A R
33Diaphus dumerilliiD. dumerillii#Boltachev, A R
34Diaphus dumerillii, massD. dumerillii mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
35Diaphus dumerillii, dry massD. dumerillii dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
36Diaphus dumerillii, length, minimumD. dumerillii l minmmBoltachev, A R
37Diaphus dumerillii, length, maximumD. dumerillii l maxmmBoltachev, A R
38Diaphus fragilisD. fragilis#Boltachev, A R
39Diaphus fragilis, massD. fragilis mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
40Diaphus fragilis, dry massD. fragilis dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
41Diaphus fragilis, length, minimumD. fragilis l minmmBoltachev, A R
42Diaphus fragilis, length, maximumD. fragilis l maxmmBoltachev, A R
43Diaphus mollisD. mollis#Boltachev, A R
44Diaphus mollis, massD. mollis mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
45Diaphus mollis, dry massD. mollis dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
46Diaphus mollis, length, minimumD. mollis l minmmBoltachev, A R
47Diaphus perspicillatusD. perspicillatus#Boltachev, A R
48Diaphus perspicillatus, massD. perspicillatus mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
49Diaphus perspicillatus, dry massD. perspicillatus dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
50Diaphus perspicillatus, length, minimumD. perspicillatus l minmmBoltachev, A R
51Diaphus perspicillatus, length, maximumD. perspicillatus l maxmmBoltachev, A R
52Diaphus problematicusD. problematicus#Boltachev, A R
53Diaphus problematicus, massD. problematicus mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
54Diaphus problematicus, dry massD. problematicus dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
55Diaphus problematicus, length, minimumD. problematicus l minmmBoltachev, A R
56Diaphus problematicus, length, maximumD. problematicus l maxmmBoltachev, A R
57Diaphus sp.Diaphus sp.#Boltachev, A R
58Diaphus sp., massDiaphus sp. mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
59Diaphus sp., dry massDiaphus sp. dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
60Diaphus sp., length, minimumDiaphus sp. l minmmBoltachev, A R
61Diaphus sp., length, maximumDiaphus sp. l maxmmBoltachev, A R
62Diaphus splendidusD. splendidus#Boltachev, A R
63Diaphus splendidus, massD. splendidus mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
64Diaphus splendidus, dry massD. splendidus dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
65Diaphus splendidus, length, minimumD. splendidus l minmmBoltachev, A R
66Diaphus vanhoeffeniD. vanhoeffeni#Boltachev, A R
67Diaphus vanhoeffeni, massD. vanhoeffeni mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
68Diaphus vanhoeffeni, dry massD. vanhoeffeni dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
69Diaphus vanhoeffeni, length, minimumD. vanhoeffeni l minmmBoltachev, A R
70Diaphus vanhoeffeni, length, maximumD. vanhoeffeni l maxmmBoltachev, A R
71Electrona rissoE. risso#Boltachev, A R
72Electrona risso, massE. risso mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
73Electrona risso, dry massE. risso dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
74Electrona risso, length, minimumE. risso l minmmBoltachev, A R
75Electrona risso, length, maximumE. risso l maxmmBoltachev, A R
76Hygophum hygomiiH. hygomii#Boltachev, A R
77Hygophum hygomii, massH. hygomii mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
78Hygophum hygomii, dry massH. hygomii dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
79Hygophum hygomii, length, minimumH. hygomii l minmmBoltachev, A R
80Hygophum hygomii, length, maxH. hygomii l maxmmBoltachev, A R
81Hygophum macrochirH. macrochir#Boltachev, A R
82Hygophum macrochir, massH. macrochir mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
83Hygophum macrochir, dry massH. macrochir dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
84Hygophum macrochir, length, minimumH. macrochir l minmmBoltachev, A R
85Hygophum macrochir, length, maxH. macrochir l maxmmBoltachev, A R
86Hygophum reinhardtiiH. reinhardtii#Boltachev, A R
87Hygophum reinhardtii, massH. reinhardtii mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
88Hygophum reinhardtii, dry massH. reinhardtii dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
89Hygophum reinhardtii, length, minimumH. reinhardtii l minmmBoltachev, A R
90Lampadena chavesiL. chavesi#Boltachev, A R
91Lampadena chavesi, massL. chavesi mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
92Lampadena chavesi, dry massL. chavesi dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
93Lampadena chavesi, length, minimumL. chavesi l minmmBoltachev, A R
94Lampadena chavesi, length, maximumL. chavesi l maxmmBoltachev, A R
95Lampadena luminosaL. luminosa#Boltachev, A R
96Lampadena luminosa, massL. luminosa mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
97Lampadena luminosa, dry massL. luminosa dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
98Lampadena luminosa, length, minimumL. luminosa l minmmBoltachev, A R
99Lampadena luminosa, length, maximumL. luminosa l maxmmBoltachev, A R
100Lampadena pontifexL. pontifex#Boltachev, A R
101Lampadena pontifex, massL. pontifex mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
102Lampadena pontifex, dry massL. pontifex dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
103Lampadena pontifex, length, minimumL. pontifex l minmmBoltachev, A R
104Lampanyctus crocodilusL. crocodilus#Boltachev, A R
105Lampanyctus crocodilus, massL. crocodilus mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
106Lampanyctus crocodilus, dry massL. crocodilus dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
107Lampanyctus crocodilus, length, minimumL. crocodilus l minmmBoltachev, A R
108Lampanyctus nobilisL. nobilis#Boltachev, A R
109Lampanyctus nobilis, massL. nobilis mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
110Lampanyctus nobilis, dry massL. nobilis dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
111Lampanyctus nobilis, length, minimumL. nobilis l minmmBoltachev, A R
112Lampanyctus nobilis, length, maximumL. nobilis l maxmmBoltachev, A R
113Lampanyctus photonotusL. photonotus#Boltachev, A R
114Lampanyctus photonotus, massL. photonotus mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
115Lampanyctus photonotus, dry massL. photonotus dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
116Lampanyctus photonotus, length, minimumL. photonotus l minmmBoltachev, A R
117Lampanyctus photonotus, length, maximumL. photonotus l maxmmBoltachev, A R
118Lampanyctus sp.Lampanyctus sp.#Boltachev, A R
119Lampanyctus sp., massLampanyctus sp. mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
120Lampanyctus sp., dry massLampanyctus sp. dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
121Lampanyctus sp., length, minimumLampanyctus sp. l minmmBoltachev, A R
122Lampanyctus sp., length, maximumLampanyctus sp. l maxmmBoltachev, A R
123Lepidophanes guentheriL. guentheri#Boltachev, A R
124Lepidophanes guentheri, massL. guentheri mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
125Lepidophanes guentheri, dry massL. guentheri dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
126Lepidophanes guentheri, length, minimumL. guentheri l minmmBoltachev, A R
127Lepidophanes guentheri, length, maximumL. guentheri l maxmmBoltachev, A R
128Lobianchia gemellariiL. gemellarii#Boltachev, A R
129Lobianchia gemellarii, massL. gemellarii mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
130Lobianchia gemellarii, dry massL. gemellarii dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
131Lobianchia gemellarii, length, minimumL. gemellarii l minmmBoltachev, A R
132Myctophum asperumM. asperum#Boltachev, A R
133Myctophum asperum, massM. asperum mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
134Myctophum asperum, dry massM. asperum dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
135Myctophum asperum, length, minimumM. asperum l minmmBoltachev, A R
136Myctophum asperum, length, maximumM. asperum l maxmmBoltachev, A R
137Myctophum nitidulumM. nitidulum#Boltachev, A R
138Myctophum nitidulum, massM. nitidulum mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
139Myctophum nitidulum, dry massM. nitidulum dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
140Myctophum nitidulum, length, minimumM. nitidulum l minmmBoltachev, A R
141Myctophum obtusirostreM. obtusirostre#Boltachev, A R
142Myctophum obtusirostre, massM. obtusirostre mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
143Myctophum obtusirostre, dry massM. obtusirostre dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
144Myctophum obtusirostre, length, minimumM. obtusirostre l minmmBoltachev, A R
145Myctophum obtusirostre, length, maximumM. obtusirostre l maxmmBoltachev, A R
146Myctophum selenopsM. selenops#Boltachev, A R
147Myctophum selenops, massM. selenops mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
148Myctophum selenops, dry massM. selenops dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
149Myctophum selenops, length, minimumM. selenops l minmmBoltachev, A R
150Myctophum selenops, length, maximumM. selenops l maxmmBoltachev, A R
151Notoscopelus boliniN. bolini#Boltachev, A R
152Notoscopelus bolini, massN. bolini mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
153Notoscopelus bolini, dry massN. bolini dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
154Notoscopelus bolini, length, minimumN. bolini l minmmBoltachev, A R
155Notoscopelus bolini, length, maximumN. bolini l maxmmBoltachev, A R
156Notoscopelus caudispinosusN. caudispinosus#Boltachev, A R
157Notoscopelus caudispinosus, massN. caudispinosus mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
158Notoscopelus caudispinosus, dry massN. caudispinosus dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
159Notoscopelus caudispinosus, length, minimumN. caudispinosus l minmmBoltachev, A R
160Notoscopelus caudispinosus, length, maximumN. caudispinosus l maxmmBoltachev, A R
161Notoscopelus resplendensN. resplendens#Boltachev, A R
162Notoscopelus resplendens, massN. resplendens mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
163Notoscopelus resplendens, dry massN. resplendens dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
164Notoscopelus resplendens, length, minimumN. resplendens l minmmBoltachev, A R
165Notoscopelus resplendens, length, maximumN. resplendens l maxmmBoltachev, A R
166Symbolophorus krefftiS. kreffti#Boltachev, A R
167Symbolophorus kreffti, massS. kreffti mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
168Symbolophorus kreffti, dry massS. kreffti dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
169Symbolophorus kreffti, length, minimumS. kreffti l minmmBoltachev, A R
170Symbolophorus kreffti, length, maximumS. kreffti l maxmmBoltachev, A R
171Symbolophorus rufinusS. rufinus#Boltachev, A R
172Symbolophorus rufinus, massS. rufinus mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
173Symbolophorus rufinus, dry massS. rufinus dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
174Symbolophorus rufinus, length, minimumS. rufinus l minmmBoltachev, A R
175Symbolophorus verangiS. verangi#Boltachev, A R
176Symbolophorus verangi, massS. verangi mgBoltachev, A Rtotal mass of species in sample
177Symbolophorus verangi, dry massS. verangi dmgBoltachev, A Raverage dry mass of species in sample
178Symbolophorus verangi, length, minimumS. verangi l minmmBoltachev, A R
739 data points

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