Gotsis-Skretas, Olympia; Pagou, Kalliopi; Ignatiades, Lydia; Psarra, Stella (2008): Concentrations of chlorophyll-alpha combined with different size fractions of microplankton in sea water from the euphotic zone of the Aegean Sea at Station SEPT-1997-GN36199704606MNB02 [dataset]. Hellenic Center of Marine Research, Institut of Oceanography, Greece, PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Latitude: 40.077500 * Longitude: 24.603300
Date/Time Start: 1997-09-22T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-09-22T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 1 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 120 m
SEPT-1997-GN36199704606MNB02 * Latitude: 40.077500 * Longitude: 24.603300 * Date/Time: 1997-09-22T00:00:00 * Location: Aegean Sea * Campaign: SEPT-1997 * Basis: Aegaeo * Method/Device: Bottle, Niskin 8-L (NIS_8L)
Samples from 2 l of sea water were size fractionated by filtration through polycarbonate Millipore filters with pores 0.2 µm, 1.2 µm, and 3.0 µm. The filters were kept deep frozen and analyzed according to Holm-Hansen et al. (Holm-Hansen, O., Lorenzen, C.J., Holmes, R.W., Strickland, J.D.H. 1965. Fluorometric determination of chlorophyll. Journal du Conseil Permanent International Pour L'Exploration de la Mer 30, 3-15).
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Chlorophyll a | Chl a | µg/l | Gotsis-Skretas, Olympia | 0.2-1.2 µm | |
3 | Chlorophyll a | Chl a | µg/l | Gotsis-Skretas, Olympia | 1.2-3.0 µm | |
4 | Chlorophyll a | Chl a | µg/l | Gotsis-Skretas, Olympia | >3.0 µm | |
5 | Chlorophyll a | Chl a | µg/l | Gotsis-Skretas, Olympia | total |
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40 data points