Reitmeier, Sven; von Bodungen, Bodo (2002): Abundance of microzooplankton measured on water bottle samples during METEOR cruise M17/1 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2002-04-24 • DOI registered: 2005-03-23
Related to:
Reitmeier, Sven (1994): Untersuchungen zur Verteilung, zur Biomasse und zum Grazing des Mikrozooplanktons in polaren Gewässern. Berichte aus dem Sonderforschungsbereich 313, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 48, 114 pp,
Median Latitude: 73.771317 * Median Longitude: 7.874200 * South-bound Latitude: 69.931200 * West-bound Longitude: -7.699500 * North-bound Latitude: 75.347000 * East-bound Longitude: 14.836000
Date/Time Start: 1991-07-23T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1991-08-02T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 0 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 50 m
M17/1_CTD375 * Latitude: 75.171700 * Longitude: 12.397800 * Date/Time: 1991-07-23T00:00:00 * Campaign: M17/1 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
M17/1_CTD396 * Latitude: 74.982800 * Longitude: 14.836000 * Date/Time: 1991-07-25T00:00:00 * Campaign: M17/1 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
M17/1_CTD400 * Latitude: 74.791000 * Longitude: 13.878000 * Date/Time: 1991-07-26T00:00:00 * Campaign: M17/1 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | ||||
2 | Date/Time of event | Date/Time | ||||
3 | Latitude of event | Latitude | ||||
4 | Longitude of event | Longitude | ||||
5 | Elevation of event | Elevation | m | |||
6 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Geocode | ||
7 | Strombidium spp. | Strombidium spp. | #/l | von Bodungen, Bodo | Epifluorescence microscopy | |
8 | Strobilidium spp. | Strobilidium spp. | #/l | von Bodungen, Bodo | Epifluorescence microscopy | |
9 | Ciliates indeterminata | Ciliates indet | #/l | von Bodungen, Bodo | Epifluorescence microscopy | |
10 | Ciliates, loricate | Ciliates loricate | #/l | von Bodungen, Bodo | Epifluorescence microscopy | |
11 | Ciliates, heterotrophic | Ciliates het | #/l | von Bodungen, Bodo | Epifluorescence microscopy | |
12 | Ciliates | Ciliates | #/l | von Bodungen, Bodo | Epifluorescence microscopy | |
13 | Dinoflagellates | Dinofl | #/l | von Bodungen, Bodo | Epifluorescence microscopy | |
14 | Foraminifera | Foram | #/l | von Bodungen, Bodo | Epifluorescence microscopy | |
15 | Radiolarians | Rad | #/l | von Bodungen, Bodo | Epifluorescence microscopy | |
16 | Protozoa | Protozoa | #/l | von Bodungen, Bodo | Epifluorescence microscopy |
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400 data points